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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 445-460, ago. 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448504


Resumen La pandemia ha generado un nuevo entorno que establece determinadas exigencias o demandas de actuación a las personas, potenciales estresores que pueden desencadenar el proceso de estrés, al que se le podría denominar Estrés de Pandemia (EDP). A este contexto, se sumaron los cambios en la jornada laboral que derivaron en mayor interferencia entre la familia y el trabajo. De esta manera, se volvió relevante generar conocimiento sobre la temática durante este contexto particular. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la asociación entre el (EDP) y el Conflicto Trabajo-Familia (CTF) y Familia-Trabajo (CFT). Además, se indagaron diferencias de grupos según factores laborales como la modalidad de trabajo y la tenencia o no de niños a cargo, entre otros. Se utilizó el Inventario SISCO de EDP (Macías, 2020), la escala de CTF y CFT (Netemeyer et al., 1996) y un cuestionario ad-hoc. Los participantes fueron 637 adultos (M.edad = 38.14, DS = 13.05, femenino = 487). Se encontraron asociaciones positivas entre las variables CFT y CTF y ambas se asociaron de manera positiva con el EDP. Quienes trabajaron de manera virtual evidenciaron mayor CFT y quienes lo hicieron, tanto virtual como presencialmente fueron los que más puntuaron en CTF. Finalmente, quienes tenían niños a cargo tuvieron mayor CFT y CTF. En conclusión, el estrés en torno al COVID-19 se vincula con mayor interferencia y conflictos entre el ámbito laboral y el familiar.

Abstract Pandemic Stress can be defined as a psychological state produced by an adaptation process where the individual values ​​the environment demands, determined by the pandemic, as overflowing with their resources to carry them out effectively (Macías, 2020). The change in routine carries the possibility of an increase in relation to work-family conflict. Family conflict involves two directions: work can interfere with the family (family work conflict or FWC) and the family can interfere with work (work family conflict, or WFC) (Bellavia y Frone, 2005) because of the incompatibility of responsibilities in the workplace and family (Greenhaus y Beutell, 1985). Added to this context are changes in the working day and, since there are no studies that analyze the relationships between SP and family and work conflict, it becomes relevant to generate knowledge on this issue during this context that humanity is going through. In this way, the aim was to establish the association between Pandemic Stress (PS), Work-Family Conflict (WFC) and Family-Work Conflict (FWC). In addition, the possible existence of group differences was analyzed according to work factors such as work modality, and the possession or not of dependent children. SISCO Pandemic Stress Inventory (Macías, 2020), the Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict scale (Netemeyer et al., 1996) and an ad-hoc questionnaire were used. The participants were 637 adults (M.age = 38.14, SD = 13.05, female = 487). Positive associations were found between the variables WFC and FWC, and both were positively associated with PS. Those who worked virtually showed higher FWC and those who did it both virtually and in person, were the ones who scored the most in WFC, realizing the difficulty in balancing family and work demands. This could be due to the difficulty for parents who worked outside the home, since they had to organize alternative solutions to take care of their children, which is hampered by the closure of establishments, difficulty in mobilizing and preventive and mandatory isolation of social networks that, in another context, contribute to the care of children. It is of great relevance to consider that the majority of those surveyed have been women, being the most likely to report that the excessive amount of housework made it difficult for them to combine work and family (Blasko, 2020). Finally, those who had children had higher WFC and FWC. In this sense, Gutierrez et al. (2020) explain that in households the unpaid workload and care has increased, which falls unequally on women, a fact that further limits their availability of time to develop productive and / or work activities. Following Park et al. (2020), being young, being female, and being a caregiver increase the risk of exposure to stressors and a greater level of stress. In conclusion, the lawsuits surrounding COVID-19 interfere in conflicts between the workplace and the family. This shows the importance of carrying out evidence-based interventions aimed at mitigating the effects of SP due to COVID-19 and reducing WFC and FWC. In this sense, the present research provides an advance in the understanding of interference between home and work, as well as the impact of the pandemic in both spheres of daily life.

Subj. procesos cogn ; 24(2): 161-177, 2021-02.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1281339


El objetivo de la presente investigación fue indagar si existen relaciones significativas entre la Soledad Social y Emocional en 311 adultos-jóvenes según el uso de Instagram en contexto de ASPO por Covid-19. Se establecieron comparaciones conforme a los datos sociodemográficos edad, género, nivel educativo, condición laboral, lugar de residencia, estado civil y cantidad de sujetos con los que convive además de otras preguntas sobre el uso de la red. Los instrumentos utilizados para la recolección de datos fueron un cuestionario ad hoc y la escala para la Evaluación de la Soledad Social y Emocional en Adultos SESLA-S (Di Tommaso et al, 1993), adaptación de Yaben (2008). Se halló una relación negativa estadísticamente significativa entre la cantidad de horas que dedican los usuarios a Instagram y la soledad romántica (p>0.05). Otro hallazgo de interés fue que los sujetos casados o en pareja presentan más soledad social familiar y romántica que el resto(AU)

The objective of this research was to investigate if there are significant relationships between Social and Emotional Loneliness in 311 young adults according to the use of Instagram in the context of ASPO by Covid-19. Comparisons were made according to the sociodemographic data: age, gender, educational level, employment condition, place of residence, marital status and number of subjects with whom they live, as well as other questions about the use of the network. The instruments used for data collection were an ad hoc questionnaire and the scale for the Evaluation of Social and Emotional Loneliness in adults SESLA-S (Di Tommaso et al, 1993), adapted from Yaben (2008). A statistically significant and negative relationship was found between the number of hours users spend on Instagram and romantic loneliness (p> 0.05). Another interesting finding was that the married or couple subjects present more family and romantic social loneliness than the rest(AU)

Humanos , COVID-19 , Soledad , Pandemias , Red Social
Interdisciplinaria ; 26(2): 157-182, ago.-dic. 2009. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-633449


El señalamiento puede ser definido como la acción que realiza un individuo, para dar una indicación directa a otro con respecto a un objetivo específico. Implica coordinar la atención visual del otro hacia una entidad distante. En la presente revisión se discuten los trabajos comparativos sobre la producción y comprensión del señalamiento. En cautiverio se observaron respuestas correctas al señalamiento humano para encontrar un objeto escondido en una amplia variedad de especies. En el trabajo que se informa se da especial énfasis a los estudios sobre comunicación entre perros domésticos y humanos, dado que han mostrado ser altamente exitosos utilizando claves sociales humanas para acceder a un refuerzo. Se discuten los posibles mecanismos involucrados, analizando la controversia acerca de la participación de factores cognitivos complejos del tipo de cognición social y teoría de la mente y las explicaciones más cautas sobre procesos de aprendizaje asociativo.

Communication between two animals takes place when an external observer can detect changes in the behavior of one of them, in response to certain signs emitted by the other one. The pointing gesture is a key element inside gestural communication. It can be defined as the action that an organism executes, to give a direct indication to other one, regarding a specific objective. This gesture is related to how an organism coordinates the visual attention of another one towards a distant entity. It has two principal functions: as declarative gesture, it implies an action that directs the attention of the receiver to an object or event of interest; as imperative gesture, some type of action is required from the receiver. In this paper, some studies focused on the production and, most of them, on the comprehension of pointing are discussed. Regarding the production of communicative cues, primates rarely point in their natural habitats, but captive chimpanzees usually point food out of their reach. There are few studies of communicative production in domestic dogs, and their focus is on the applied value of this ability as in hunting or rescue. This species use body posture, barks and gaze alternation (showing) as communicative cues. On the other hand, the most common test to evaluate whether animals can understand declarative gestures is the object-choice task, which forces subjects to use an indicatory gesture in order to find hidden food. In this test, the subject is given a choice between two possible food locations, usually opaque containers. The experimenter hides food in one of the containers and gives a cue (e.g. pointing, gazing, tapping, etc.) towards the aim container. The subject can choose one of the potential locations, following the human cue. Using pointing as a cue in situations of captivity, correct responses were observed in a wide variety of species including capuchin monkeys, orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, dolphins, domestic goats, cats, horses, seals and fur seals. In this paper we give special emphasis to the studies with domestic dogs, because they have shown to be especially skilful at the communicative version of the object choice task. The dogs are very skilful using a variety of cues, including pointing, looking, and bowing towards the object. Moreover, this successful performance takes place from the first trials and from early stages of development, without needing an explicit training. Regarding the elements of pointing gesture, a study has shown that an elevated arm position was the most relevant element in the composition of this signal, whereas the direction of the movement of the arm played a small relevance in the indication of the direction for the dog. The hand or the index fingers seem to be of special importance, while the arm and elbow were not effective signs. Furthermore, in some cases the dogs favour the social information even if there are physical cues that contradict it, such as visual or olfatory cues. We present comparative studies between domestic dogs and other species, including other canids like wolves and foxes, primates and cats. The superior performance of the dogs is analyzed. Finally, the possible mechanisms involved in this ability are discussed, analyzing the controversy between cognitive complex factors, such as social cognition and theory of mind (high level explanation), and more cautious explanations, such as associative learning processes (low level explanation). The relevance of these studies about communication is revealed in the great quantity of applied areas in which dogs are used, such as assistance to disabled persons, search and rescue of people, hunting, herding, defense, pets and others fields.