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Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975745


IntroductionThe main principles of pharmacotherapy are to provide pharmaceutical care with right medicine, right doses, in right time. If, the treatment plan can be in evidence based, it will improve treatment efficacy and safety, can prevent from drug related adverse event and reduce drug cost. Ischemic heart disease is one of major cause of mortality and one of the main diseases of morbidity in Mongolia and in the Worldwide.GoalAim of study was to conduct retrospective study on medications used for in-patients with Ischemic heart disease of tertiary level hospitals of Ulaanbaatar.Materials and MethodTotal of 438 patient’s records was collected randomly from 3 state hospitals, which were treated with diagnosis of ICD. Variables of study were patient’s diagnosis, age, sex, names, doses and route of medications.ResultThe trends of rational use of drug and number of drug and drug cost per patients were different in each tertiary level hospitals of Ulaanbaatar. In I national hospital, number and cost of drug per patients were higher than second and third state hospitals. The result were shown that in all three hospitals, more than 50 percent of total drugs per patients were injection, less than 50 percent of total used drug per patients were from standard therapeutic guideline. In second state hospital, anticoagulant and anti-platelet agents were chosen less than first and third state hospitals. In order to decrease cardiac oxygen demand and improve cardiac microcirculation, nitrates were chosen mostly in second and third state hospitals but, beta blockers were chosen mostly in first state hospital.ConclusionThe study results shown the treatment pattern and trends of rational use of drugs in in patients with ischemic heart disease have been different in tertiary level hospitals of Ulaanbaatar.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975746


IntroductionThe detection of adverse drug reactions has become increasingly significant because of introduction of a large number of potent toxic chemicals as drugs in the last two or three decades. Adverse drug reaction (ADR) monitoring and reporting activity is in its infancy in Mongolia. The important reason is lack of awareness and lack of interest of healthcare professionals in ADR reporting and documentation.GoalTo evaluate implementation and trends of health care professionals toward adverse drug reaction reporting at first, second and tertiary level hospitals.Materials and MethodA prospective study was carried out in first and second level hospitals of Khentii, Dundgovi, GoviAltai, Selenge and Uvurkhangai provinces, Sukhbaatar, Songinokhairkhan district hospital and First maternaty hospital. From tertiary level hospitals were selected First national hospital, Third national hospital, National center of oncolgy, National center of traumatolgy. The questionnaire survey involved total of 175 doctors and pharmacists.ResultsThe study result have shown that most of health care profeesionals (76 – 80%) of first and tertiary level hospitals have known about legal bases and theie duties for the ADR reporting than health care professionals (69%) of secondary level hospitals. And, pharmacists more activily involve in ADR reporting than doctors. The main reasons of healthcare professionals ADR underreporting were lack of time to report, lack of awarness about ADR and not knowing importance of ADR repoting. The implementetion extent of ADR reporting was in tertiary level hospital better than in secondary level hospitals. Lacking of clinical pharmacists and clinical pharmacologists and unproper activitity of Drug therapeutic committee in secondary level hospitals were the reason of poor implementing and underreporting of ADR.ConclusionThe study result has shown that there is needed to encourage doctors to the adverse drug reporting activity and implementation of drug safety should be strengthen in each level of health care system.

Mongolian Medical Sciences ; : 118-124, 2011.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975294


Background: Development and progression of cancer is accompanied by different morphological and functional changes of cells. One of the most important changes is the expression and activity of enzymes in the cellular fatty acids metabolism that reflects in cell membrane lipid composition and increases fluidity of cancer cell membrane. The Ellipin, prepared from bovine liver, is a newly developed anticancer agent containing several important fatty acids.Goal: To investigate effects of Ellipin on hepatic cancer cell function such as proliferation, migration and adherent activity and apoptosis of cancer cell lines in vitro.Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Institute of Biology, MAS. The Ellipin was developed in the Drug Research Institute of Monos group. HepG2, HCC, 23132/87, MDCK cells lines and the primary liver cancer cells (PCC) were used for proliferation assay. Only HepG2 cell line was used for MTT, Migration, Spreading and Apoptosis assays.Results: The results of proliferation assay showed that the ellipin decreased the proliferation activity of HepG2 and PCC cells depending on concentrations; in 50μg/ml 2-3 times, 250μg/ml fully stopped cells divisions. The Ellipin reduced mitochondrial reeducates enzyme activity of HepG2 cells depending on its concentrations. For example, in 50μg/ml ellipin concentration case, the number of alive cells decreased 2 times. The migration of HepG2 cells treated with 100μg/ml ellipin was decreased by 22.3% compared to the control cells. Also the number of adhered cells was reduced by Ellipin treatment. After 50μg/ml, 100μg/ml, 250μg/ml ellipin treatment, the number of apoptic cells were 14,6%, 45,6%, 100% of initial culture cells, respectively.Conclusions: Our results showed that the Ellipin suppresses HepG2 cancer cell proliferation and decreases migration and spreading activities and also inducts the cell apoptosis.

Innovation ; : 76-77, 2008.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-631191


|Introduction Cardiovascular disease is leading the mortality and morbidity not only in Mongolia but around the world. 148.2 million people were suffered from cardiovascular disease and 16.7 million mortality occurred in 2002, WHO Report. One of the main factors of cardiovascular disease's pathogenesis is the change in blood rheology value. As erythrocyte alone defines 67-X4% of the blood viscosity value we can study the erythrocyte characteristics representing rheology. Sialic acid provides the 60% of erythrocyte's surface negative charge which decrease in sialic acid will increases the aggregation rate. The aggregation reflects micro circulation disorder. During cardiovascular disease the micro circulation loss worsens the disease process however, as in Mongolia there is no possible way to determine micro circulation loss, thus this study has searched the new diagnostic possibility Material and methods All the participants have voluntarily partici''|d'C