The utrine cervical cancer is the third common cancer among women word-wide. Oral contraceptives [OCs] have characterized as one of the possible risk factors for cervical cancer which are daily used by millions of women. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between utrine cervical carcinoma and oral contraceptives. This case - control study was done on 128 patients with utrine cervical cancer as cases and 128 healthy women as controls in Tehran, Iran during 2008. The cases matched with controls according to age, history of abortion, number of deliveries, and social-economical status. Data were analyzed using SPSS-11, student's t-test, Chi-Square, Pearson's correlation and Fisher's exat tests. Significant correlation was observed between utrine cervical cancer and the history of using and duration of oral contraceptives [P<0.05]. Eighty-one [66.3%] and 46 [35.9%] of subjects in case and control groups used oral contraceptives, respectively. The possibility of utrine cervical cancer through oral contraceptives consumption was 3.072 [95%CI: 1.05-2.91] and this rate increased to 5.2 times after consuming the oral contraceptives for longer than 8 years. This study showed that the usage of oral contraceptives increase the possibility of utrine cervical cancer by 3 times