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Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 29(2): e24spe2, 2024. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1557695


ABSTRACT Introduction: The superimposition of 3 dimensions (3D) digital models has been increasingly used for evaluating dental changes resulting from orthodontic treatment, and different superimposition techniques have been described. Although the maxilla has areas with greater stability for superimposition, such as the palatal rugae, there is still no reliable method for superimposing models of the lower arch. Objective: Therefore, this article aims to describe a technique for superimposing virtual models. Methods: To evaluate pre- and post-orthodontic treatment changes, the Geomagic Qualify 2013 software (3D Systems®, Rock Hill, South Carolina, USA) was used, with reference points in the maxilla, including the rugae and a reference area in the palate and midpalatal raphe. The lower arch was superimposed using the maximum habitual intercuspation (MHI) model as reference. Results and Conclusion: 3D models superimposition using palatal rugae and MHI occlusion seems to offer satisfactory results in the interpretation of clinical changes at different follow-up moments in terms of development and/or orthodontic treatment.

RESUMO Introdução: A sobreposição de modelos digitais em três dimensões (3D) tem sido cada vez mais utilizada como forma de avaliar as alterações dentárias decorrentes do tratamento instituído, e diferentes técnicas de sobreposição têm sido descritas. Apesar de a maxila apresentar áreas de maior estabilidade para sobreposição dos modelos, como as rugas palatinas, ainda não existe um método confiável para a sobreposição da arcada inferior. Objetivo: O presente artigo tem como objetivo descrever uma técnica de sobreposição de modelos virtuais. Métodos: Para avaliar as alterações pré e pós-tratamento ortodôntico, foi usado o software Geomagic Qualify 2013 (3D Systems®, Rock Hill, Carolina do Sul, EUA) , utilizando pontos de referência na maxila na região das rugas palatinas e uma área de referência na zona do palato e rafe palatina mediana. Já a arcada inferior foi sobreposta utilizando o modelo em máxima intercuspidação habitual (MIH) como referência. Resultados e Conclusão: A sobreposição de modelos utilizando as rugas palatinas e a oclusão em MIH parece oferecer resultados satisfatórios na interpretação das alterações clínicas entre momentos diferentes de acompanhamento, seja do crescimento/desenvolvimento e/ou resultados do tratamento ortodôntico.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(1): 210-215, feb. 2023. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430505


SUMMARY: Apocrine glands are sweat glands that are located in the skin of the dog. Anal sac apocrine, circunanal apocrine, and mammary glands are considered modified apocrine structures, and there are about nine possible types of neoplasms and other tumors in the apocrine glands of the dog and cat, including cysts, adenoma, carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma. Thus, it is important to provide new markers to characterize these glands to improve the histopathological diagnosis. In this article, we describe the distribution of kallikrein- related peptidases 5, 7, 8, and 10 in the normal apocrine glands of the dog's skin. These proteases have been shown to play a fundamental role in the homeostasis of the human skin barrier but have been scarcely studied in canine skin.

Las glándulas apocrinas son glándulas sudoríparas que se encuentran en la piel del perro. Las glándulas apocrinas del saco anal, apocrinas circunanales y mamarias se consideran estructuras apocrinas modificadas, y existen alrededor de nueve tipos posibles de neoplasias y otros tumores en las glándulas apocrinas del perro y el gato, incluidos quistes, adenoma, carcinoma y adenocarcinoma. Por lo tanto, es importante proporcionar nuevos marcadores para caracterizar estas glándulas para mejorar el diagnóstico histopatológico. En este artículo, describimos la distribución de las peptidasas 5, 7, 8 y 10 relacionadas con la calicreína en las glándulas apocrinas normales de la piel del perro. Se ha demostrado que estas proteasas desempeñan un papel fundamental en la homeostasis de la barrera de la piel humana, pero apenas se han estudiado en la piel canina.

Animales , Perros , Glándulas Apocrinas/metabolismo , Glándulas Apocrinas/química , Calicreínas/análisis , Calicreínas/metabolismo , Piel , Inmunohistoquímica
J. bras. pneumol ; 49(1): e20220225, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421961


ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the characteristics of individuals with asthma who are responsive to aerobic training. Methods: This post hoc analysis of pooled data from previous randomized controlled trials involved 101 individuals with moderate to severe asthma who underwent aerobic training. Participants underwent a maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test and completed the Asthma Control Questionnaire and the Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire before and after a 24-session aerobic training program. Better and worse responders to aerobic training were identified by cluster analysis. Results: Two clusters were identified according to the improvement in peak VO2 after aerobic training (better and worse responders). Characteristics of the better responder group were being older, being female, having higher BMI, and having higher cardiac reserve at baseline when compared with the worse responder group. Also, better responders had worse clinical control, worse quality of life, and lower physical capacity at baseline. After training, worse responders, in comparison with better responders, showed half the improvement in Δpeak VO2 (7.4% vs. 13.6%; 95% CI, −12.1 to −0.92%; p < 0.05) and worse asthma control. A weak, negative, but significant association (r = −0.35; p < 0.05) was observed between clinical control and aerobic fitness only in the better responder group. Both groups showed significant improvement in quality of life. Conclusions: Obese individuals with worse exercise capacity, clinical control, and quality of life showed improvement with aerobic training. Moreover, worse responders also improved with training, but to a lesser extent.

RESUMO Objetivo: Determinar as características de indivíduos com asma responsivos a treinamento aeróbio. Métodos: Esta análise post hoc de dados agrupados provenientes de ensaios clínicos controlados randomizados anteriores envolveu 101 indivíduos com asma moderada a grave submetidos a treinamento aeróbico. Os participantes foram submetidos a um teste de exercício cardiopulmonar máximo e responderam ao Asthma Control Questionnaire e ao Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire antes e depois de um programa de treinamento aeróbio de 24 sessões. Melhores e piores respondedores ao treinamento aeróbio foram identificados por análise de conglomerados. Resultados: Foram identificados dois conglomerados de acordo com a melhora do VO2 de pico após o treinamento aeróbio (melhores e piores respondedores). As características do grupo melhor respondedor foram maior idade, sexo feminino, IMC mais elevado e maior reserva cardíaca basal em comparação com o grupo pior respondedor. Os melhores respondedores também apresentavam pior controle clínico, pior qualidade de vida e menor capacidade física basal. Após o treinamento, os piores respondedores, em comparação com os melhores respondedores, apresentaram metade da melhora no ΔVO2 de pico (7,4% vs. 13,6%; IC95%: -12,1 a -0,92%; p < 0,05) e pior controle da asma. Observou-se uma associação negativa fraca, mas significativa (r = −0,35; p < 0,05) entre controle clínico e aptidão aeróbia apenas no grupo melhor respondedor. Ambos os grupos apresentaram melhora significativa da qualidade de vida. Conclusões: Os indivíduos obesos com pior capacidade de exercício, controle clínico e qualidade de vida apresentaram melhora com o treinamento aeróbio. Além disso, os piores respondedores também melhoraram com o treinamento, mas em menor grau.

Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 67(6): e000644, Mar.-Apr. 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447266


ABSTRACT Objective: The risk of malignancy and diagnostic accuracy of fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of thyroid nodules (TN) with diameters ≥ 3-4 cm remains controversial. However, some groups have indicated surgical treatment in these patients regardless of the FNAB results. We aimed to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of the FNAB in systematically resected ≥4 cm TN and if the risk of malignancy is higher in these patients. Subjects and methods: We retrospectively evaluated 138 patients (142 nodules) with TN with diameters ≥4 cm who underwent thyroidectomy. Results: The FNAB results were nondiagnostic/unsatisfactory (ND/UNS) in 2.1% of the cases and benign in 51.4%. They indicated atypia of undetermined significance/follicular lesion of undetermined significance (AUS/FLUS) in 23.9% of cases, follicular neoplasia/suspicious for a follicular neoplasm (FN/SFN) in 9.2%, suspicion of malignancy (SUS) in 8.5%, and malignant in 4.9%. The histopathological analysis after thyroidectomy revealed a thyroid cancer rate of 100% in the FNABs classified as malignant, 33.3% in SUS cases, 7.7% in FN/SFN, 17.6% in AUS/FLUS, and 4.1% in benign FNABs. None of the ND/UNS FNABs were malignant. The global malignancy diagnosis was 14.8% (n = 21). However, the rate of false negatives for FNAB was low (4.1%). Conclusion: We showed that the risk of malignancy in nodules with diameters ≥4 cm was higher compared to the risk of thyroid cancer in TN in general. However, we found a low rate of false-negative cytological results; therefore, our data do not justify the orientation of routine resection for these larger nodules.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 27(9): 3559-3570, set. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394249


Resumo Para analisar a cobertura telejornalística da pandemia de COVID-19 nas prisões brasileiras e sua visibilidade, foram examinadas 213 matérias veiculadas entre março e dezembro de 2020, encontradas no serviço de buscas da plataforma digital de vídeos por streaming Globoplay. A maior parte foi ao ar em março, abril e julho, com importante redução nos meses subsequentes. As reportagens, sobre números de mortes ou infectados, medidas de prevenção e prisão domiciliar ou liberdade para grupos de risco da COVID-19, foram divulgadas principalmente nos jornais locais. Os órgãos de saúde quase não foram ouvidos. Das 19 notícias apresentadas nacionalmente, 12 abordam os "presos famosos" e a legitimidade da prisão domiciliar ou a liberdade para grupos de risco da COVID-19. As pautas sanitárias e de garantia do direito à saúde das pessoas privadas de liberdade ficaram limitadas às dificuldades para a efetivação nos presídios das medidas de proteção e a sustentar a necessidade de medidas restritivas à movimentação no interior das prisões e nos intercâmbios com o exterior para limitar a circulação do vírus. Em geral, a forma e a visibilidade dadas ao tema não contribuem para ampliar a percepção dos telespectadores sobre as condições sanitárias das prisões e o fato de que a saúde é um direito de todos, sem qualquer distinção.

Abstract To analyze the news coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazilian prisons and its visibility, 213 articles broadcast between March and December 2020 were examined, found in the search service of the digital streaming video platform Globoplay. Most aired in March, April and July, with the theme almost disappearing in subsequent months. The reports, on numbers of deaths or infections, prevention measures and house arrest or freedom for groups at risk of COVID-19 were mainly published in local telejournals. Health agencies were barely heard. Of the 19 news items presented nationally, 12 address "famous prisoners" and the legibility of house arrest or freedom for groups at risk of COVID-19 unfavorable outcome. The health guidelines and the guarantee of the right to health of persons deprived of liberty were limited to the difficulties in implementing protection measures in prisons and to sustaining the need for restrictive measures to move inside prisons and in exchanges with the outside, to limit the circulation of the virus. In general, the form and visibility given to the topic do not contribute to broadening the viewers' perception of the sanitary conditions in prisons and the fact that health is a right for all, without any distinction.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 118(6): 1049-1058, Maio 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383692


Resumo Fundamento Ainda não está estabelecido se a captação de fluorodesoxiglicose no miocárdio ocorre exclusivamente por características fisiológicas ou se representa um desarranjo metabólico causado pela quimioterapia. Objetivo Investigar os efeitos da quimioterapia no coração dos pacientes com linfoma por tomografia por emissão de pósitrons associada a tomografia computadorizada (PET/CT) com 2-[18F]-fluoro-2-desoxi-D-glicose (18F-FDG PET/CT) antes, durante e/ou após a quimioterapia. Métodos Setenta pacientes com linfoma submetidos a 18F-FDG PET/CT foram retrospectivamente analisados. O nível de significância foi de 5%. A captação de 18F-FDG foi avaliada por três medidas: captação máxima no ventrículo esquerdo ( standardized uptake value , SUV max), razão SUV cardíaco / aorta e SUV cardíaco / SUV no fígado. Também foram comparados peso corporal, glicemia de jejum, tempo pós-injeção e dose administrada de 18F-FDG entre os exames. Resultados A idade média foi de 50,4 ± 20,1 anos e 50% dos pacientes eram mulheres. A análise foi realizada em dois grupos - PET/CT basal vs. intermediário e PET/CT basal vs pós-terapia. Não houve diferença significativa entre as variáveis clínicas e do protocolo dos exames entre os diferentes momentos avaliados. Nós observamos um aumento na SUV máxima no ventrículo esquerdo de 3,5±1,9 (basal) para 5,6±4,0 (intermediário), p=0,01, e de 4,0±2,2 (basal) para 6,1±4,2 (pós-terapia), p<0,001. Uma porcentagem de aumento ≥30% na SUV máxima no ventrículo esquerdo ocorreu em mais da metade da amostra. O aumento da SUV cardíaca foi acompanhado por um aumento na razão SUV máxima no ventrículo esquerdo / SUV máxima na aorta e SUV média no ventrículo esquerdo /SUV média no fígado. Conclusão O estudo mostrou um aumento evidente na captação cardíaca de 18F-FDG em pacientes com linfoma, durante e após quimioterapia. A literatura corrobora com esses achados e sugere que a 18F-FDG PET/CT pode ser um exame de imagem sensível e confiável para detectar sinais metabólicos precoces de cardiotoxicidade.

Abstract Background It is uncertain whether myocardial fluorodeoxyglucose uptake occurs solely due to physiological features or if it represents a metabolic disarrangement under chemotherapy. Objective To investigate the chemotherapy effects on the heart of patients with lymphoma by positron emission tomography associated with computed tomography scans (PET/CT) with 2-deoxy-2[18F] fluoro-D-glucose (18F-FDG PET/CT) before, during and/or after chemotherapy. Methods Seventy patients with lymphoma submitted to18F-FDG PET/CT were retrospectively analyzed. The level of significance was 5%.18F-FDG cardiac uptake was assessed by three measurements: left ventricular maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax), heart to blood pool (aorta) ratio, and heart to liver ratio in all the exams. Body weight, fasting blood sugar, post-injection time, and the injected dose of18F-FDG between the scans were also compared. Results Mean age was 50.4 ± 20.1 years and 50% was female. The analysis was carried out in two groups: baseline vs. interim PET/CT, and baseline vs. post-therapy PET/CT. There was no significant difference in clinical variables or protocol scans variables. We observed an increase in left ventricular (LV) SUVmax from 3.5±1.9 (baseline) to 5.6±4.0 (interim), p=0.01, and from 4.0±2.2 (baseline) to 6.1±4.2 (post-therapy), p<0.001. A percentage increase ≥30% of LV SUVmax occurred in more than half of the sample. The rise of cardiac SUV was accompanied by an increase in LV SUVmax/Aorta SUVmax and LV SUVmean/Liver SUVmean ratios. Conclusion This study showed a clear increase in cardiac18F-FDG uptake in patients with lymphoma during and/or after chemotherapy. The literature corroborates with these findings and suggests that18F-FDG PET/CT is a sensitive and reliable imaging exam to detect early metabolic signs of cardiotoxicity.

Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 66(2): 206-213, Apr. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374263


ABSTRACT Objective: The present study investigated the time needed to achieve a steady state for an accurate assessment of resting energy expenditure (REE) in adolescents with healthy weight and obesity. Materials and methods: Thirty adolescents aged 12-17 years were assigned to a group with healthy weight (GHW; n = 12, body mass index [BMI] 22.5 ± 3.6 kg/m2) and another group with obesity (GO; n = 18, BMI 34.1 ± 5.2 kg/m2). Participants underwent test-retest reliability of REE assessment as follows: a) 24 h of abstention from physical exercise, soft drinks, or caffeine; b) fasting for ~12 h; c) acclimation period of 10 min; d) 30-min assessment in a supine position. Results and discussion: A significant change occurred during the 30 min in REE. Significant differences existed between consecutive means until the 20th and 25th min for the GHW and GO, respectively. Although significant differences between trials 1 and 2 were detected during the first 5-10 min of assessment, the REE for each 5-min time point exhibited high test-retest reliability across trials in both groups (intraclass correlation coefficients range 0.79-0.99). Conclusion: The following recommendations are provided to promote accurate assessment of REE among adolescents: a) initiate the REE assessment with 10 min of acclimation to decrease restlessness; b) determine REE for a minimum of 20 min if healthy weight and 25 min if obesity; c) determine REE for a further 5 min, with the average of this last 5 min of REE data being regarded as the REE.

Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 43(3): 289-292, May-June 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249187


Objective: To determine whether psychiatric and gaming pattern variables are associated with gaming disorder in a school-based sample. Methods: We analyzed data from the Brazilian High-Risk Cohort for Psychiatric Disorders, a community sample aged 10 to 18, using questionnaires on gaming use patterns. We applied the Gaming Addiction Scale to diagnose gaming disorder and the Development and Well-Being Behavior Assessment for other diagnoses. Results: Out of 407 subjects, 83 (20.4%) fulfilled the criteria for gaming disorder. More role-playing game players were diagnosed with gaming disorder that any other genre. Gaming disorder rates increased proportionally to the number of genres played. Playing online, being diagnosed with a mental disorder, and more hours of non-stop gaming were associated with higher rates of gaming disorder. When all variables (including age and gender) were considered in a logistic regression model, the number of genres played, the number of non-stop hours, the proportion of online games, and having a diagnosed mental disorder emerged as significant predictors of gaming disorder. Conclusion: Each variable seems to add further risk of gaming disorder among children and adolescents. Monitoring the length of gaming sessions, the number and type of genres played, time spent gaming online, and behavior changes may help parents or guardians identify unhealthy patterns of gaming behavior.

Humanos , Niño , Adolescente , Conducta Adictiva/diagnóstico , Conducta Adictiva/epidemiología , Juegos de Video , Trastornos Disruptivos, del Control de Impulso y de la Conducta , Instituciones Académicas , Brasil/epidemiología , Internet
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 20(3): 324-338, may. 2021. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1343496


In this present study, we investigated the influence of various extraction methods including maceration, sonication, infusion, decoction, and microwave extraction, on the chemical and biological potential of phytochemicals extracted from three medicinal plants (Ageratum conyzoides, Plantago majorand Arctium lappa L). The results were subsequently analyzed by variance analysis. Our results suggested that sonication is the most effective extraction method among the five methods tested herein, for the extraction of phytochemicals that have a high antioxidant potential and high phenolic content. The three plants employed for this study had a high concentration of flavonoids and phenolics which was compatible with the chemosystematics of the species. All the samples possessed a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of less than 6. Interestingly, a maximum reaction time of approximately 20 min was noted for the complexation of AlCl3 with the flavonoids present in the phytochemical extract during analyses of the kinetic parameters. We finally identified that the Ageratum conyzoides extract, prepared by sonication, possessed a significant pharmacological potential against hepatocarcinoma tumour cells, whose result can guide further studies for its therapeutic efficacy.

En el presente estudio, investigamos la influencia de varios métodos de extracción, incluyendo maceración, sonicación, infusión, decocción y extracción por microondas, sobre el potencial químico y biológico de los fitoquímicos extraídos de tres plantas medicinales (Ageratum conyzoides, Plantago majory Arctium lappa L). Los resultados se analizaron posteriormente mediante análisis de varianza. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la sonicación es el método de extracción más eficaz entre los cinco métodos aquí probados, para la extracción de fitoquímicos que tienen un alto potencial antioxidante y un alto contenido fenólico. Las tres plantas empleadas para este estudio tenían una alta concentración de flavonoides y fenólicos que era compatible con la quimiosistemática de las especies. Todas las muestras poseían un factor de protección solar (SPF) menor a 6. Curiosamente, se observó un tiempo máximo de reacción de aproximadamente 20 min para la complejación de AlCl3con los flavonoides presentes en el extracto fitoquímico durante los análisis de los parámetros cinéticos. Finalmente, identificamos que el extracto de Ageratum conyzoides, elaborado por sonicación, posee un importante potencial farmacológico frente a las células tumorales del hepatocarcinoma, cuyo resultado puede orientar nuevos estudios sobre su eficacia terapéutica.

Plantas Medicinales/química , Fitoquímicos/aislamiento & purificación , Fenoles/aislamiento & purificación , Plantago/química , Flavonoides/aislamiento & purificación , Supervivencia Celular , Análisis de Varianza , Ageratum/química , Arctium/química
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-962231


ABSTRACT@#Orthodontic treatments have been described as a risk factor for the development of gingival recessions. This descriptive and cross-sectional study was performed to evaluate the alveolar bone morphotype of the upper and lower anterior of 33 orthodontic treatment of candidate patients. The images were obtained from a high-resolution cone beam computerised tomography. Then, the thickness of the alveolar bone plate of teeth was measured in six levels, recording the presence of dehiscences and fenestrations. A total of 2,334 sites were evaluated. The average thickness of the maxillary alveolar bone at the buccal surface was 0.70, 0.62 and 1.43 mm at the cervical, middle and apical levels, respectively, while in the mandibular teeth it was 0.53, 0.50 and 2.96 mm. At the palatal and lingual surfaces, the bone was thicker than the buccal except at the apical level of the mandible. Most of the examined sites were measured less than 1 mm (n = 1,235, 52.9%), associated with high prevalence of bone dehiscences (57.6%) and fenestrations (33.3%), particularly in skeletal Class III patients. The observed bone morphotype involved a high vulnerability to bone resorption, and the subsequent gingival recession occurrence, face to orthodontic movements.

Pérdida de Hueso Alveolar , Ortodoncia
Motriz (Online) ; 27: e1021003221, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287357


Abstract Aim: Spinal cord injury (SCI) is associated with changes in cardiac autonomic control, that can be evaluated by heart rate variability (HRV), for which the electrocardiogram (ECG) is the gold standard. However, the use of ECG is limited to laboratory environments, and new tools are needed for this purpose and that can be applied in the routine monitoring of individuals with SCI. The present study aimed to investigate the validity of the Polar V800 heart rate monitor in assessing the cardiac autonomic control of individuals with SCI. Methods: Nineteen adult men with SCI (paraplegia n = 10; 44.5 ± 8.5 years and tetraplegia n = 9; 34.4 ± 7.5 years) participated in this cross-sectional study. The participants remained in the sitting position at rest for 10 min for the acquisition of the ECG and Polar V800 signals. The last 5-min window was used to count the beat-by-beat R-R interval series and then calculate the HRV indices (linear methods in the time and frequency domains). The study subgroups were compared, and the validity of the measurements generated with a heart rate monitor was determined using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC2,1) and Bland-Altman graphs. Results: Agreement analyses for the R-R intervals, SDNN, rMSSD, PNN50, SD1, LF, HF, and LF: HF ratio tended to show reliability ranging from acceptable to excellent (ICC = 0.579-0.990; P = 0.043-0.001) and acceptably narrow limits of agreement within both the group with tetraplegia and the group with paraplegia. Conclusion: The Polar V800 heart rate monitor is a valid instrument for assessing HRV in individuals with paraplegia and tetraplegia.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Traumatismos de la Médula Espinal/rehabilitación , Determinación de la Frecuencia Cardíaca , Paraplejía , Cuadriplejía , Estudios Transversales/instrumentación
Gac. méd. Méx ; 156(4): 276-282, Jul.-Aug. 2020. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249911


Abstract Introduction: A drug-eluting coronary stent is being developed at the National Institute of Cardiology of Mexico for the treatment of ischemic heart disease. Objective: To establish the best animal model for the tests, to show the advances in the drug-eluting stent prototype, to assess two drugs’ antiproliferative activity and histological results. Method: Smooth muscle cell culture tests were performed in order to assess sirolimus and paclitaxel antiproliferative properties. The drugs were encapsulated inside the polymeric matrix of the stents. Rabbits and pigs were used as animal models. Results: Sirolimus and paclitaxel showed an inhibitory effect, which was higher for the latter. Infrared spectroscopy and light and optical microscopy showed that the drug/polymer layer properly adhered to the stent. At a four-week follow-up, both animal models showed satisfactory clinical evolution and adequate histological response, although the porcine model was shown to be more suitable for future protocols. Conclusions: Preliminary tests of the drug-eluting stent provided bases for the development of a study protocol with an adequate number of pigs and with clinical angiographic and histopathological three-month follow-up.

Resumen Introducción: En el Instituto Nacional de Cardiología de México se desarrolla una endoprótesis (stent) coronaria liberadora de fármacos para el tratamiento de la cardiopatía isquémica. Objetivo: Establecer el mejor modelo animal para las pruebas, mostrar los avances en el prototipo del stent liberador de fármacos, evaluar la actividad antiproliferativa de dos fármacos y los resultados histológicos. Método: Se realizaron cultivos de células de músculo liso para evaluar las propiedades antiproliferativas de sirolimus y paclitaxel. Los fármacos fueron encapsulados en el interior de la matriz polimérica de los stents. Se emplearon conejos y cerdos como modelos animales. Resultados: Sirolimus y paclitaxel mostraron efecto inhibitorio, mayor en el segundo. La espectroscopia infrarroja y la microscopia óptica y electrónica mostraron que la capa del polímero con el fármaco se adhería adecuadamente al stent. A las cuatro semanas de seguimiento, ambos modelos animales mostraron evolución clínica satisfactoria y adecuada respuesta histológica, si bien el modelo porcino resultó más conveniente para protocolos futuros. Conclusiones: Las pruebas preliminares del stent liberador de fármaco brindó bases para desarrollar el protocolo con un número adecuado en cerdos y con seguimiento clínico angiográfico e histopatológico a tres meses.

Animales , Masculino , Femenino , Conejos , Paclitaxel/administración & dosificación , Sirolimus/administración & dosificación , Stents Liberadores de Fármacos , Diseño de Prótesis , Espectrofotometría Infrarroja , Porcinos , Estudios de Seguimiento , Modelos Animales de Enfermedad , Microscopía
Rev. biol. trop ; 68(2)jun. 2020.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507669


Introducción: La alteración de la temperatura del ambiente pelágico puede repercutir en la variación poblacional de los consumidores tope como las aves marinas. Objetivo: Evaluar la respuesta poblacional de tres especies de piqueros en isla Gorgona (Pacífico colombiano) con respecto a la variabilidad local y regional de las condiciones de temperatura superficial del mar (TSM). Métodos: Se analizaron las tendencias mensuales de la abundancia de Sula leucogaster, Sula nebouxii y Sula variegata en relación a la variación de la TSM en el área de influencia de Gorgona, la región de San José en la costa del Perú y la región Niño 1+2. Resultados: La mayor correlación positiva se presentó entre S. nebouxii y S. variegata con la TSM de la región Niño 1+2, con un desfase de cuatro y cinco meses, respectivamente. Este desfase temporal posiblemente corresponde al tiempo que demora su migración entre la costa peruana y Gorgona. En contraste, la abundancia de S. leucogaster disminuyó al aumentar la TSM mensual de Gorgona. Conclusiones: Es probable que las tendencias descritas estén relacionadas con la disminución de la productividad y disponibilidad de presas asociadas con temperaturas más cálidas en estas áreas. Se sugiere que la TSM puede influir sobre las tendencias de abundancia de los tres piqueros, y su continuo monitoreo permitirá mejorar el conocimiento sobre la variación natural de estas poblaciones.

Introduction: Pelagic environment temperature variations may influence population variation of top predators, such as seabirds. Objective: A population response assessment of three species of boobies, in Gorgona Island (Colombian Pacific), in relation to sea surface temperature (SST) variations. Methods: We assessed the relationship between SST variability and monthly abundance of Brown Boobies, Blue-footed Boobies and Peruvian Boobies, in the influence area of Gorgona, the San José region (Peruvian coast) and the Niño 1+2 region. Results: The largest positive correlation was observed between Blue-footed Boobies and Peruvian Boobies with SST at the Niño 1+2 region, with a lag of four and five months, respectively. This delay may correspond to the migration duration from the Peruvian coast to Gorgona. In contrast, Brown Booby abundance decreased as monthly SST in Gorgona increased. Conclusions: These trends may be related to less productivity and prey availability associated with warmer sea surface temperatures. We suggest that SST influences the abundance trend of these three species, and their continuous monitoring will improve our knowledge on the natural variation of these populations.

J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 26: e20200083, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1143216


Snakebite envenoming can be a life-threatening condition, for which emergency care is essential. The Bothrops (lancehead) genus is responsible for most snakebite-related deaths and permanent loss of function in human victims in Latin America. Bothrops spp. venom is a complex mixture of different proteins that are known to cause local necrosis, coagulopathy, and acute kidney injury. However, the long-term effects of these viper envenomings have remained largely understudied. Case presentation: Here, we present a case report of a 46-years old female patient from Las Claritas, Venezuela, who was envenomed by a snake from the Bothrops genus. The patient was followed for a 10-year period, during which she presented oliguric renal failure, culminating in kidney failure 60 months after the envenoming. Conclusion: In Latin America, especially in Brazil, where there is a high prevalence of Bothrops envenoming, it may be relevant to establish long-term outpatient programs. This would reduce late adverse events, such as chronic kidney disease, and optimize public financial resources by avoiding hemodialysis and consequently kidney transplantation.(AU)

Animales , Intoxicación , Mordeduras de Serpientes , Bothrops , Insuficiencia Renal , Diálisis Renal , Ecosistema Amazónico
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 71(6): 562-565, dic. 2019. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058319


Resumen Introducción: El colangiocarcinoma intrahepático (CIH) corresponde al segundo tumor hepático primario y la resección quirúrgica es la única alternativa válida para el tratamiento curativo de esta enfermedad. Reporte de casos: Describimos 2 paciente portadores de CIH con compromiso de vena cava inferior (VCI) que fueron sometidos a resección en Clínica Alemana de Santiago (CAS). Ambas pacientes son de género femenino de 39 y 47 años de edad. Ambas fueron sometidas a resección mayor hepática izquierda, asociada a resección del segmento I y extendida a VCI. La reconstrucción de la VCI fue realizada con parche pericárdico bovino y cierre primario respectivamente. El período desde el posoperatorio hasta el alta, fue de 13 y 23 días respectivamente. Discusión: Aunque la reseccion quirúrgica es la única vía para la curación en el CIH, el compromiso de estructuras vasculares hacen que esto no sea posible. El manejo multidisciplinario asociado a una técnica meticulosa realizada por un equipo quirúrgico experimentado, hacen posible lograr buenos resultados.

Introduction: Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma is the second most common primary liver tumor and surgical resection the only valid curative treatment. Case reports: We describe two patients harboring an intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with cava vein involvement who underwent resection at Clinica Alemana of Santiago. Both patients were females with ages of 39 and 47 years old. Both patients underwent left liver resection, associated to resection of segment I and of a portion of cava vein. Reconstruction of resected portion of the cava vein was performed by using a pericardium bovine patch and primary closure respectively. Postoperative period was uneventfully being discharged at 13 and 23 days respectively. Discussion: Although surgical resection is the only way to get curativeness, frequent involvement of large vascular structures make treatment unfeasible. A multidisciplinary approach associated with a meticulous technique performed by an experienced surgical team make possible to accomplish the above objective.

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Vena Cava Inferior/fisiopatología , Colangiocarcinoma/fisiopatología , Neoplasias Hepáticas/cirugía , Colangiocarcinoma/cirugía , Colangiocarcinoma/complicaciones , Colangiocarcinoma/diagnóstico por imagen , Laparotomía/métodos , Neoplasias Hepáticas/diagnóstico por imagen
Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 32(3): 214-220, jul.-set. 2019. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042792


Abstract Background: Proper timing for embryo collection and transfer in horses -which is critical for the success of this biotechnology- is still debated. Additionally, there is little information on this technology under tropical conditions. Objective: To determine the best day for collection and transfer of embryos in Mangalarga Marchador mares under Brazilian northeast's conditions. Methods: Donors (n= 30) and recipients (n= 76) in diestrus phase were selected based on both clinical and gynecology examinations. Estrus was induced on both donor and recipient mares by intramuscular injection of 5 mg Dinoprost, aiming to obtain an ovulation interval of -1 to +3 between recipient and donor. Ovulation was induced with buserelin acetate when the largest follicle reached at least 35 mm in diameter. At this time, mares were subjected to artificial insemination at 48-hour intervals until ovulation. The embryos were collected on days 7, 8, and 9 after ovulation. Results: The embryo collection on day 8 was more efficient (p<0.05) than on day 7, but it was not more effective (p>0.05) than day 9, which presented the same efficiency (p>0.05) as day 7. From a total of 76 embryos transferred to the recipients, that were between days 4 and 9 after ovulation, there was no influence (p>0.05) of the day of transfer on pregnancy rate. Conclusions: The embryo collection must be performed on day 8 after ovulation, and transfer can be performed on any day of that interval (4-9) without affecting the pregnancy rate.

Resumen Antecedentes: El momento mas apropiado para la recolección y transferencia de embriones en equinos -que es fundamental para el éxito de esta biotecnología- continua siendo sujeto de estudio. Además, es escasa la información sobre esta tecnología en condiciones tropicales. Objetivo: Determinar el momento mas adecuado para la recolecta y transferencia de embriones en yeguas Mangalarga Marchador, en las condiciones del nordeste Brasileño. Métodos: Donadoras (n= 30) y receptoras (n= 76) en la fase de diestro se seleccionaron con base en los exámenes clínicos y ginecológicos. El estro de las yeguas donadoras y receptoras fue inducido con 5 mg de Dinoprost, vía intramuscular, intentando obtener un intervalo de ovulación de -1 a +3 entre la receptora y la donadora. La ovulación fue inducida con acetato de buserelina cuando el folículo mayor alcanzó 35 mm de diámetro. En ese momento, las yeguas fueron sometidas a inseminación artificial en intervalos de 48 horas hasta la ovulación. Los embriones fueron recolectados en los días 7, 8 y 9 después de la ovulación. Resultados: La recolecta de embriones en el día 8 fue más eficiente (p<0,05) que en el día 7, pero no fue más efectivo (p>0,05) que en el día 9, el cuál presentó la misma eficiencia (p>0,05) que en el día 7. De un total de 76 embriones transferidos a las receptoras, que se encontraban entre el día 4 y 9 después de la ovulación, no se registró influencia (p>0,05) del día de la transferencia en la tasa de preñez. Conclusiones: La recolecta embrionaria debe ser realizada el día 8 después de la ovulación, y la transferencia puede ser realizada en cualquier día de este intervalo (4 a 9) sin que se afecte la tasa de preñez.

Resumo Antecedentes: A importância do momentoda colheita e da transferência do embrião equino para o sucesso dessa biotécnica em equino continua sem ser completamente entendida. Adicionalmente, existe pouca informação sobre essa tecnologia em condições tropicais. Objetivo: Determinar o melhor dia para colheita e para transferência de embriões em eguas manga larga marchador nas condições do nordeste brasileiro. Métodos: Doadoras (n = 30) e receptoras (n = 76) na fase de diestro foram selecionadas com base nos exames clínico e ginecológicos. O estro das éguas doadoras e receptoras foi induzido com 5 mg de Dinoprost administrado por via intramuscular, buscando obter um intervalo de ovulação de -1 a +3 entre a receptora e a doadora. A ovulação foi induzida com acetato de buserelina quando o foliculo maior alcançou o tamanho de 35 mm de diâmetro. Nesse momento, as éguas foram submetidas a inseminação artificial em intervalos de 48 horas até a ovulação. Os embriões foram colhidos nos dias 7, 8 e 9 depois da ovulação. Resultados: A colheita de embriões no dia 8 foi mais eficiente (p<0,05) do que no dia 7, porem não foi mais efetivo (p>0,05) do que o dia 9, o qual apresentou a mesma eficiência (p>0,05) que o dia 7. De um total de 76 embriões transferidos para as receptoras que se encontravam entre os dias 4 e 9 depois da ovulação, não se registrou influência (p>0,05) do dia da transferência sobre a taxa de prenhez. Conclusões: A colheita embrionária deve ser realizada no dia 8 depois da ovulação, e a transferência pode ser realizada em qualquer dia desse intervalo (4-9) sem que a taxa de prenhez seja afetada.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 82(3): 245-252, May-June 2019. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001298


ABSTRACT Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide and can affect a broad array of daily activities, including driving. Recently, studies investigating the relationship between driving performance and glaucoma have received a great deal of interest. Assessment of driving behavior is not straightforward because driving is a complex skill involving significant multi-tasking ability. In this review, we summarize recent work from clinical studies investigating how glaucoma can affect driving performance. Patients with glaucoma are more likely to be involved in motor vehicle collisions when compared to healthy subjects. Here we describe how conventional functional tests performed in glaucoma patients, such as visual field measurements via standard automatic perimetry, are associated with driving performance. However, the risk of motor vehicle collisions is not entirely attributable to visual field impairment in glaucoma, suggesting that other factors also account for both driving safety and performance. Finally, we show different studies suggesting that parameters from driving simulators can be helpful because they can identify the impact of visual loss on complex situations.

RESUMO O glaucoma é a principal causa de cegueira irreversível em todo o mundo e pode afetar uma ampla gama de atividades diárias, incluindo a direção veicular. Recentemente, estudos que investigam a relação entre o desempenho na condução veicular e o glaucoma têm recebido grande interesse. A avaliação do comportamento de dirigir não é direta porque dirigir é uma habilidade complexa que envolve habilidade multitarefa significativa. Nesta revisão, resumimos trabalhos recentes de estudos clínicos que investigam como o glaucoma pode afetar o desempenho na direção. Pacientes com glaucoma têm maior probabilidade de se envolverem em colisões de veículos motorizados quando comparados a indivíduos saudáveis. Descrevemos aqui como os testes funcionais convencionais realizados em pacientes com glaucoma, como as medições de campo visual por meio de perimetria automática padrão, estão associados ao desempenho na direção. No entanto, o risco de colisão de veículo motorizado não é totalmente atribuível ao comprometimento do campo visual no glaucoma, sugerindo que outros fatores também são responsáveis pela segurança e pelo desempenho. Finalmente, mostramos diferentes estudos sugerindo que os parâmetros dos simuladores de direção podem ser úteis porque eles podem identificar o impacto da perda visual em situações de complexas.

Humanos , Conducción de Automóvil , Glaucoma/fisiopatología , Medición de Riesgo/métodos , Evaluación de la Discapacidad , Atención/fisiología , Pruebas de Visión/métodos , Simulación por Computador , Accidentes de Tránsito , Agudeza Visual/fisiología , Campos Visuales/fisiología , Factores de Riesgo
Rev. mex. ing. bioméd ; 40(1): e201802EE1, Jan.-Apr. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043137


Resumen La descentralización de laboratorios clínicos, se encuentra en desarrollo, lo anterior ha llevado a diseñar instrumentos que ofrecen resultados rápidos, confiables y al lado del paciente, esta tendencia se le conoce como prueba en el punto de atención (point of core testing POCT) y brinda la posibilidad de dar un seguimiento inmediato al padecimiento. El objetivo de esta investigación fue la implementación de un medidor de absorbancia, empleando la estructura de un microscopio óptico, al cual se le ha adaptado un filtro de luz, y una cámara digital. Lo anterior permite obtener valores de intensidad promedio de imágenes sólidas microscópicas de reacciones enzimáticas, y a partir de ellas estimar absorbancia o concentración. Como resultados se presentan rectas de calibración de absorbancia y mediciones de concentraciones para los casos de violeta de genciana, un kit de glucosa oxidasa y muestras problemas de pacientes voluntarios. Concluimos que existe un error de medición menor de ±1mg/dL comparados con las mediciones de un lector de placas de Elisa y un analizador de química sanguínea semiautomatizado. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior el sistema resulta ser una alternativa viable para la estimación de absorbancia y aumenta la funcionalidad de microscopios ópticos en clínicas de salud.

Abstract The decentralization of clinical laboratories is under development, which has led to the design of instruments that offer fast, reliable and patient-side results, this trend is known as point of core testing (POCT) and It offers the possibility of giving an immediate follow-up to the disease. The objective of this investigation was the implementation of an absorbance meter, using the structure of an optical microscope, to which a light filter and a digital camera have been adapted. This allows to obtain values of average intensity of solid images of enzymatic reactions, and from them to estimate absorbance or concentration. As results, we present absorbance calibration lines and concentration measurements for cases of gentian violet, a glucose oxidase kit and samples of volunteer patients. We conclude that there is a measurement error of less than ± 1mg / dl compared with the measurements of an Elisa plate reader and a semi-automated blood chemistry analyzer. Taking into account the above, the system turns out to be a viable alternative for estimating absorbance and increasing the functionality of optical microscopes in health clinics.

Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 32(1): 14-20, ene.-mar. 2019. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013911


Abstract Background: The search for gene and marker effects on economically important traits is aimed not only to understanding the genetic architecture of complex traits but also to applying the information to breeding schemes. Objective: To analyze the effect of two temperament-related SNPs (rs109576799 located in the DRD3 gene, and rs43696138 in the HTR2A gene) on feeding performance of Mexican beef cattle. Methods: One hundred and thirty-six young beef bulls were included in a centralized feed efficiency performance test based on residual feed intake (RFI), with 20 d for adaptation and 70 d of feed efficiency testing. In addition to feeding traits, temperament was assessed at the beginning of the trial using pen score (PS) and exit velocity (EV). All animals were genotyped with two markers located in the HTR2A and DRD3 genes, and an association analysis was conducted between these genotypes and the measured traits. Results: For Brangus breed, a significant association was obtained between average daily gain (ADG; p=0.019), and the rs43696138 marker, resulting in higher gains for homozygous genotype GG (1.69 ± 0.04 kg), when compared to the heterozygous genotype GA (1.54 ± 0.04 kg). Conclusion: The previously reported association of these markers with temperament was not confirmed in the evaluated breeds; however, the rs43696138 marker showed an effect on a feeding performance trait. Further studies are needed to determine the effect of this and other markers on both RFI and temperament.

Resumen Antecedentes: La búsqueda de efectos genéticos y marcadores de rasgos económicamente relevantes no solo se basa en el interés biológico de comprender la arquitectura genética de rasgos complejos, sino también en aplicar la información en los esquemas prácticos de mejoramiento. Objetivo: Analizar el efecto de dos SNPs relacionados con el temperamento (rs109576799 localizado en el gen DRD3, y rs43696138 localizado en el gen HTR2A) sobre la eficiencia alimenticia en el ganado bovino mexicano. Métodos: Ciento treinta y seis toretes de carne jóvenes fueron sometidos a una prueba de comportamiento alimenticio basada en el consumo residual de alimento (RFI), con 20 d de adaptación y 70 d de prueba para la eficiencia alimenticia. Además de los rasgos de comportamiento alimenticio, se evaluó el temperamento de los animales al inicio de la prueba, mediante la evaluacion de comportamiento en el corral (PS), y la velocidad de salida (EV). Todas las muestras se tipificaron con dos marcadores localizados en los genes DRD3 y HTR2A para posteriormente realizar un análisis de asociación de los genotipos con los rasgos evaluados. Resultados: En la raza Brangus, se observó una asociación significativa de la media de ganancia diaria de peso (ADG, p=0,019) con el marcador rs43696138, localizado en el gen HTR2A, resultando en mayores ganancias para el genotipo GG (1,69 ± 0,04 kg) en comparación con los toros heterocigóticos GA (1,54 ± 0,04 kg). Conclusión: No se confirmó la asociación de estos marcadores previamente reportados con el temperamento en las razas evaluadas; sin embargo, el marcador rs43696138 mostró efecto en un rasgo de comportamiento alimenticio. Se necesitan más estudios para determinar el efecto de éste y otros marcadores en el consumo residual de alimento (RFI) y el temperamento.

Resumo Antecedentes: A busca de efeitos genéticos e marcadores de características economicamente relevantes não se baseia apenas no interesse biológico de compreender a arquitetura genética de traços complexos, mas também na aplicação da informação nos esquemas práticos de melhoria. Objetivo: Analisar o efeito de dois SNPs relacionados ao temperamento (rs109576799 localizado no gene DRD3 e rs43696138 localizado no gene HTR2A) sobre a eficiência nutricional no gado mexicano. Métodos: Cento e trinta e seis touros jovens foram submetidos a um teste de comportamento alimentar com base na entrada de alimentação residual (RFI), com 20 d de adaptação e 70 d de teste para eficiência de alimentação. Além dos traços de comportamento alimentar, o temperamento dos animais foi avaliado no início do teste, através da avaliação do comportamento na caneta (PS) e da velocidade de saída (EV). Todas as amostras foram digitadas com dois marcadores localizados nos genes DRD3 e HTR2A para posteriormente realizar uma análise de associação dos genótipos com os traços avaliados. Resultados: Na raça Brangus, observou-se uma associação significativa do ganho diário médio (ADG, p = 0,019) com o marcador rs43696138, localizado no gene HTR2A, resultando em maiores ganhos para o genótipo GG (1,69 ± 0,04 kg), em comparação com os touros heterozigóticos GA (1,54 ± 0,04 kg). Conclusão: A associação destes marcadores previamente relatados com o temperamento nas raças avaliadas não foi confirmada; no entanto, o marcador rs43696138 mostrou um efeito sobre uma característica de comportamento alimentar. Mais estudos são necessários para determinar o efeito deste e outros marcadores com ingestão alimentar residual (RFI) e temperamento.