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Interdisciplinaria ; 39(1): 7-25, jun. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360477


Resumen El Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), medida de engagement laboral, ha tenido controversias respecto a la interpretación de su dimensionalidad, es decir, si sus puntajes pueden ser unidimensionales, multidimensionales o de dos niveles (unidimensional y multidimensional). El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo examinar la estructura interna (dimensionalidad, invarianza de medición y confiabilidad) del UWES (dos versiones: larga y breve) en una muestra de 636 trabajadores peruanos. Se aplicó el modelamiento de ecuaciones estructurales para la evaluación de tres modelos de dimensionalidad: un solo factor (unidimensionalidad), tres factores relacionados (multidimensionalidad) y bifactor (dos niveles de interpretación: factor general y factores específicos). Los resultados indican que, luego de aplicar el modelamiento bifactor, la varianza común obtenida de un factor general es más fuerte que la interpretación de tres dimensiones. Este resultado se repitió en ambas versiones del UWES (larga y breve). La invarianza de medición fue satisfactoria en el nivel configuracional, métrica y escalar (en ambas versiones). Con respecto a la consistencia interna, se obtuvieron coeficientes satisfactorios (mayores a .70). Se concluye que el modelo de tres dimensiones del UWES para obtener los puntajes debe ser reemplazado por un modelo unidimensional, representado con un puntaje total. Se discuten las implicaciones teóricas y prácticas.

Abstract The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), a measure of work engagement, has had controversies regarding the interpretation of its dimensionality, that is, whether its scores can be one-dimensional, multidimensional or two-level (one-dimensional and multidimensional). The dimensionality of the UWES has been questioned mainly due to the high covariation between its components, an aspect consistently verified in the observed scores and latent variables (De Bruin y Henn 2013), even by the same authors (Schaufeli et al., 2006). This has two implications, one operational and one conceptual. In the operational context, the calculation of scores is also influenced by the statistical differentiation of the factors found in the factor analyzes. This means that if one or more factors are retained and justified, this also determines the same number of observed scores that can be calculated and interpreted. On the other hand, the conceptual implication is that the comprehensive framework of a three-dimensional psychological phenomenon differs from the one-dimensional. For example, the differentiation between dimensions generates the possibility of different trends between dimensions (e. g., one of three is high and the other low) and in this case, the concept of engagement becomes very generic and ambiguous to name and understand the different possibilities. Specific combination of its dimensions or jeopardizes its content validity, implying the need for other more specific concepts, which although related to engagement, can be independent. The objective of the present study was to examine the internal structure (dimensionality, measurement invariance and reliability) of the UWES (two versions: long and short) in a sample of 636 Peruvian workers. Structural equation modeling was applied to evaluate three dimensionality models: a single factor (one-dimensionality), three related factors (multidimensionality) and bifactor (two levels of interpretation: general factor and specific factors). The results indicate that, after applying bifactor modeling, the common variance obtained from a general factor is stronger than the three-dimensional interpretation. This result was repeated in both versions of the UWES (long and short). The measurement invariance was satisfactory at the configurational, metric and scalar levels (in both versions). Regarding internal consistency, satisfactory coefficients (greater than .70) were obtained. Three issues emerge from this study that modify the original theoretical interpretation of the UWES (which consists of using three related factors). The first is the existence of a general factor underlying the items, and which is statistically substantial as a source of variance of the items, independent of specific factors. In this general factor, the items generally contribute to their variance, except for two items whose discriminative capacity is moderately low (11 and 13, both of the specific factor Absorption). The main element of this general factor is the Dedication factor, whose items completely represented this general factor. Second, the differentiation of two specific factors corresponding to Vigor and Absorption does not appear to be psychometrically sufficient to describe nested constructs within the engagement construct, and therefore its independent interpretation of the general factor could be questioned. However, a contrary argument is that both factors show different amount of specific variance, although low compared to the general factor; for example, Absorption shows more divergent validity compared to Vigor, while the latter contains more common variance (general factor). Third, Dedication was completely absorbed by the general factor, and is only relevant insofar as its items are completely related to the general factor. Therefore, this component lost statistical autonomy and, consequently, very poor conceptual differentiation. It is concluded that the UWES - three-dimensional model to obtain the scores must be replaced by a one-dimensional model, represented with a total score. Implications are future research are discussed.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506440


Introducción: El burnout académico (BA) es un proceso insidioso caracterizado por el sentimiento de agotamiento emocional a causa de las demandas de la vida académica, y pese a su repercusión en la salud de las personas, su prevalencia aún no ha sido reportada en Perú. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue reportar la prevalencia de BA, basado en el agotamiento emocional, que experimentan los estudiantes universitarios, y la diferencia según sexo y año de estudio. Método: Participaron 341 estudiantes universitarios (76% mujeres) de diversas instituciones que se encontraban entre el segundo y cuarto año de estudios. Fue utilizada la Escala de Cansancio Emocional en la evaluación de los estudiantes. Resultados: La prevalencia de BA fue descrita mediante porcentajes y la comparación entre grupos fue realizada con medidas de magnitud del efecto. Los resultados revelan niveles de BA a un nivel alto (31.4%) y en riesgo (11.7%). Por otro lado, las mujeres puntúan más alto que los hombres en BA, pero no se hallaron diferencias según el año de estudio. La asociación con ansiedad y depresión fue moderada. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de burnout académico fue significativa, y se asocia con ansiedad y depresión.

Background: Academic burnout (AB) is an insidious process characterized by the feeling of emotional exhaustion due to the demands of academic life. Despite its impact on people's health, its prevalence has not yet been reported in Peru. The objective was to estimate the prevalence of AB, based on the emotional exhaustion experienced by university students, and the differences according to the student's year of study and sex. Method: Participants were 341 college students (76% women) from several institutions who were enrolled between the second and fourth year-of-studies. The Emotional Exhaustion Scale was used to measure students' AB. Results: The prevalence of AB was described by percentages and the comparison between groups was performed with effect size measures. The results reveal BA levels at a high level (31.4%) and risk (11.7%). On the other hand, women score higher than men in BA, but no differences were found according to the year of study. The association with anxiety and depression was moderate. Conclusions: The prevalence of academic burnout was significant, and it is associated with anxiety and depression.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 23(2): 7-23, jul.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124038


Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the internal structure dimensionality of the Utrech Work Engagement Scale -Student (UWES-9S) and its association with the academic procrastination reported by 321 psychology students from a private university in Cajamarca (Peru) ranging between 17 and 41 years old (79% women; M age = 22.50 years; 84% between 17 and 25 years old). The UWES-9S and the Academic Procrastination Scale (APS) were used and both a confirmatory and a bifactor analysis were conducted on the UWES-9S, as well as a structural regression analysis that specified the influence of the general and specific dimensions of engagement on the dimensions of academic procrastination. Regarding the results, the bifactor model is the one that best defines the construct, whereas the general dimension of engagement has a greater influence on the dimensions of academic procrastination than the specific ones. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed, as well as the need to focus on the students' positive resources in order to achieve greater involvement in their academic work.

Resumen El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la dimensionalidad de la estructura interna de la versión para estudiantes de la Utrech Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9S), así como su asociación con la procrastinación académica en 321 estudiantes de psicología de una universidad privada de Cajamarca, Perú, con edades entre los 17 y los 41 años (79 % mujeres; M edad = 22.50 años; 84 % entre 17 y 25 años). Para esto, se administró la UWES-9S y la Escala de Procrastinación Académica (EPA), y se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio y bifactor para la UWES-9S, así como un análisis de regresión estructural para identificar la influencia de las dimensiones general y específicas del engagement sobre las dimensiones de la procrastinación académica. Como resultados, el modelo bifactor muestra una mejor definición del constructo, y la dimensión general del engagement presenta mayor influencia sobre las dimensiones de la procrastinación académica que las específicas. Al final se discuten las implicaciones teóricas y prácticas de los hallazgos, así como la necesidad de enfocarse en los recursos positivos de los estudiantes con el fin de que logren un mayor involucramiento en sus labores académicas.

Rev. colomb. psicol ; 25(1): 83-94, ene.-jun. 2016. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-783632


El presente estudio reporta la asociación divergente entre la deseabilidad social y las respuestas al MBI-GS y UWES, dos instrumentos que miden constructos considerados opuestos: burnout y engagement. Esta relación ha sido muy pocas veces explorada, y menos aun en sujetos hispanos. Los participantes fueron trabajadores de tiendas comerciales en la zona central de Lima Metropolitana. Se halló que la deseabilidad social comparte varianza con los puntajes de agotamiento emocional e indiferencia, pero esta relación estuvo influenciada por el instrumento de medición de la deseabilidad social. Las correlaciones parciales entre los puntajes del MBI no fueron prácticamente diferentes de sus correlaciones de orden cero. El UWES no covarió con deseabilidad social. Se concluye que la deseabilidad social tiene poca influencia sobre los puntajes orientados hacia el burnout en el MBI.

The present study reports the divergent association between social desirability and the responses to MBI-GS and UWES, 2 instruments that measure constructs considered opposite: burnout and engagement. This relationship has been explored very little, and even less in Hispanic subjects. The participants were employees of retail shops in the central zone of metropolitan Lima. It was found that social desirability shares variance with the scores of emotional exhaustion and indifference, but this relationship was influenced by the instrument that measures social desirability. The partial correlations between the MBI scores showed practically no difference from their zero order correlations. The UWES did not co-vary with social desirability. It is concluded that social desirability has little influence on scores oriented toward the burnout in the MBI.

Este estudo relata a associação divergente entre a desejabilidade social e as respostas ao MBI-GS e UWES, dois instrumentos que medem constructos considerados opostos: burnout e engagement. Essa relação tem sido pouco explorada, menos ainda em sujeitos hispânicos. Os participantes foram trabalhadores de lojas na área central de Lima Metropolitana. Constatou-se que a desejabilidade social compartilha variação com as pontuações de esgotamento emocional e indiferença, mas essa relação esteve influenciada pelo instrumento de medição da desejabilidade social. As correlações parciais entre as pontuações do MBI não foram praticamente diferentes de suas correlações de ordem zero. O UWES não covariou com desejabilidade social. Conclui-se que a desejabilidade social tem pouca influência sobre as pontuações orientadas a burnout no MBI.

Liberabit ; 21(2): 195-206, jul.-dic. 2015. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-788670


El entusiasmo por el trabajo (work engagement) es un constructo que integra sentimientos de Vigor, Dedicación y Absorción (Schaufeli, Salanova, González-Romá y Bakker, 2002). El presente estudio tiene por objetivo investigar la validez factorial de la Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) en las versiones de 15 y 9 ítems en una muestra de 145 profesores de la ciudad de Lima, Perú. Se utilizaron análisis exploratorios y análisis factoriales confirmatorios. Los resultados mostraron que la UWES tiene adecuadas propiedades psicométricas, respetando su estructura tridimensional y, particularmente, la versión de 9 ítems evidenció los mejores índices de ajuste. Futuros estudios deberán confirmar estos hallazgos.

Work engagement is a construct that integrates feelings of vigor, dedication and absorption (Schaufeli, Salanova, Gonzalez-Roma and Bakker, 2002). The purpose of this study is to investigate the factorial validity of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) with versions of 15 and 9 items, in a sample by 145 teachers from Lima, Peru. We used exploratory analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The results show that the UWES has adequate psychometric properties, while respecting its three-dimensional structure, and particularly the 9 items version showed better indices of adjustment. Future studies will be required to confirm these findings.

Docentes , Satisfacción en el Trabajo , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados
Liberabit ; 21(1): 9-20, ene.-jun.2015. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-783461


La medición del burnout ha evolucionado con la creación de varios instrumentos y modelos. El Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey (MBI-GS) es uno de estos instrumentos para medir tres constructos definicionales del burnout: (1) agotamiento emocional, (2) eficacia profesional y (3) indiferencia. Fue creado para un amplio rango de ocupaciones, pero pocas veces se ha verificado su estructura latente e invarianza de medición en Latinoamérica. El presente estudio analiza esta estructura latente y la invarianza de medición del MBI-GS en una muestra de 940 trabajadores peruanos de varias ocupaciones. Se aplicó la metodología de ecuaciones estructurales mediante el análisis factorial confirmatorio, así como la invarianza de medición entre varones y mujeres, imponiendo restricciones sucesivamente más estrictas. Los resultados verificaron satisfactoriamente la estructura de tres dimensiones latentes del MBI-GS, y la invarianza de sus parámetros entre hombres y mujeres. Se discute las implicaciones de los resultados...

The measurement of burnout has evolved into the creation of various tools and models. The Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey (MBI-GS) is one of these instruments used to measure three definitional constructs of burnout: (1) emotional exhaustion, (2) professional efficiency, and (3) indifference. It was created for a wide range of occupations, but its latent structure and invariance of measurement in Latin America has rarely been verified. The present study analyzes the latent structure and the invariance of measurement of MBI-GS in a sample of 940 Peruvian workers in various occupations. The methodology of structural equations was applied through the confirmatory factor analysis, as well as the invariance of measurement between men and women, imposing restrictions successively more strict. The results satisfactorily verified the structure of three-dimensional latent MBI-GS, and the invariance of its parameters between men and women. The implications of the results are discussed...

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Agotamiento Profesional , Análisis Factorial , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Perú
Cienc. Trab ; 10(30): 120-125, oct.-dic. 2008. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-515312


Este trabajo resume tres estudios realizados en 929 profesores (617mujeres y 312 hombres) de escuelas primarias y secundarias de Lima, Perú. Las variables fueron: estresores, personalidad de tipo A, burnout, satisfacción en el trabajo, autoeficacia, orientación a metas, estrategias de aprendizaje y desempeño del profesor. Los instrumentos empleados en estos estudios fueron: Cuestionario de Fuentes de Presión Laboral (Travers y Cooper 1997); Inventario de Auto-reporte de Conducta tipo A de Blumenthal (León y Sirlopù 1995), MBI (Maslach y Jackson 1981), Escala de Satisfacción Laboral (Warr et al. 1979), Cuestionario de Orientación a la Meta del Profesor (Matos 2005; Midgley et al. 2000; Matos 2005); Cuestionario de Estrategias Motivadas de Aprendizaje (Matos 2005; Pintrich y De Groot 1991); Escala de Auto-eficacia Percibida (Tschannen-Moran y Woolfolk 2001 ); y el Cuestionario de Auto-reporte del Desempeño Docente (Fernández 2002; Fernández 2008).Los resultados muestran la existencia de un elevado nivel de burnout en los profesores, que fue más alto en los de escuela primaria que en los de secundaria. Se encontró una significativa relación entre los estresores, conducta tipo A, satisfacción en el trabajo y variables de desempeño docente, tales como la auto-eficacia percibida, que puede verse como un factor protector contra el burnout. Los resultados se analizan de conformidad con las metas de los estudios.

This paper resumes three studies carried out in 929 teachers (617 women y 312 men) of the elementary and secondary schools of Lima, Peru. The variables were: stressors, personality type A, burnout, job satisfaction, self-efficacy, goal orientation, learning strategies and teacher performance. The instruments used in these studies were: Source Job Pressure Questionnaire (Travers y Cooper 1997); Self-Report Type A Inventory of Blumenthal (Leon y Sirlopù 1995); MBI (Maslach y Jackson 1981);Job Satisfaction Scale (Warr et al. 1979); Teacher Goal Orientation Questionnaire (Matos 2005; Midgley et al. 2000); Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (Matos 2005; Pintrich y De Groot 1991); Teacher’s Perceived Efficacy Scale (Tschannen-Moran y Woolfolk 2001); and Teaching Performance Self-Report Questionnaire (Fernandez 2002; Fernandez 2008).The results show the existence of a high level of burnout in the teachers, that was higher in elementary than in secondary schools teachers. It was founded a significative relationship among stressors, behavior type A, burnout, job satisfaction and teacher-performance variables, such as the perceived self-efficacy that can be seen as a protector factor of burnout. The results are discussed according to the goals of the studies.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Agotamiento Profesional , Docentes , Autoeficacia , Perú