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Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 42: e49958, fev. 2020. map, tab, ilus, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460952


Less than 10% of the original Atlantic Forest cover now remains standing in the Brazilian state of Sergipe, although few scientific studies have focused on its mammalian diversity. The present study describes the diversity of non-volant mammals found in the Ibura National Forest (INF), based on live trapping, and direct and indirect observations. We sampled the IBF on six days per month between June 2012 and August 2013, using live-traps (Sherman-type) positioned in pairs (ground and understory). We equally sampled semideciduous forest and an abandoned Eucalyptusplantation with dense understory (over 30 years). We also used non-systematics methods (direct observations, vestiges, camera-trap, and opportunistic captures). We recorded 18 species, from 12 families and 7 orders considering all the applied methods. Among recorded species, Bradypus torquatusand Lontra longicaudisare considered threatened of extinction. Considering only the live-trapping (totaling 3,240 trapping nights), we captured 125 individuals (3.85% success) from four species, Marmosa demerarae(52%), Didelphis albiventris(19.2%), Cerradomys vivoi(15.2%), and M. murina(13.6%). Estimated and observed richness was the same, suggesting a satisfactory effort. Didelphis albiventrisand M. demeraraeshowed significantly higher captures in the dry seasons. Didelphis albiventrisand C.vivoishowed significantly higher captures in the substratum, and M. demeraraehigher in the understory. Cerradomysvivoishowed significantly higher captures in the Eucalyptusphytophysiognomy. Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling and the ANOSIM showed a significant difference in the captured species among semidecidual forest and Eucalyptus. Despite the small area (144 ha), the INF still houses a relatively high mammalian diversity. Further investigations may help to understand the role of habitat reduction in the diversity and habitat partitioning among mammal species in the Atlantic Forest of Northeastern Brazil.

Animales , Biodiversidad , Ecosistema , Mamíferos/anatomía & histología , Áreas Protegidas/análisis
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 17(2): e180038, 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1012720


The Brazilian North coast is one of the world's most important shrimp fishery grounds, with a total area of approximately 223,000 km2. However, the available data on the diversity of fish caught by the region's industrial trawler fleet are limited to the commercially-valuable species. This lacuna in the data on the region's marine fish fauna is worrying, both for the management of stocks and the conservation of the local biodiversity. The present study was based on a comprehensive inventory of the teleost fishes captured by the industrial outrigger trawling operations off the North coast of Brazil. This inventory recorded 201 species belonging to 64 families and 20 orders, and revealed a unique fauna, characterized by 17 endemic species, and a mixture of estuarine-dependent and marine species, mainly associated with coral reefs. The Kernel density analysis indicated that the industrial trawling fleet operates within an important ecotone, which encompasses the transition zones of different fish communities found off the Brazilian North coast.(AU)

A costa Norte do Brasil é um dos pesqueiros de camarão mais importantes do mundo, com uma área total de aproximadamente 223.000 km2. No entanto, dados disponíveis sobre a diversidade de peixes capturados pela frota industrial de arrasto de portas na região são limitados às espécies com valor comercial. Essa lacuna no conhecimento sobre a fauna de peixes marinhos da região é preocupante, tanto para o manejo dos estoques quanto para a conservação da biodiversidade local. O presente estudo é baseado num inventário abrangente dos peixes teleósteos capturados por operações de arrasto de portas da frota industrial que opera na costa Norte do Brasil. Este inventário registrou 201 espécies pertencentes a 64 famílias e 20 ordens, e revelou uma fauna única, caracterizada por 17 espécies endêmicas, e uma mistura de espécies estuarino-dependentes e espécies marinhas, principalmente associadas a recifes de corais. A análise da densidade Kernel indicou que a frota industrial de arrasto de portas opera dentro de um importante ecótono, que abrange uma zona de transição de diferentes comunidades de peixes encontrados na costa Norte do Brasil.(AU)

Animales , Biodiversidad , Peces/clasificación
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 37(2): 197-203, abr.- jun. 2015. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-847863


The caatinga scrublands are relatively poorly-studied, and few data are available on the biome's chiropteran fauna. The present study focuses on the bat community of the arboreal caatinga of Serra da Guia. Bats were trapped in mist-nets on three new moon nights per month between October, 2008, and September, 2009. A total of 157 individuals were captured, representing 12 species. Species richness estimated by Jackknife1 was 14.8. Glossophaga soricina and Carollia perspicillata were by far the most common species, accounting for 56.7% of the specimens captured. Species diversity was 1.80, while equitability was 0.72. There was no significant seasonal difference in species diversity or evenness. However, the present study recorded a clear seasonal shift in community structure. The principal difference in species composition was related to the temporal distribution of the rarest forms ­ all of the seven rarest species were recorded exclusively in only one season (dry or wet). The nectarivorous bats predominated numerically both in the dry season as in rainy, while frugivores became prominent, in terms of both the number of species and individuals, during the wet season. The predominance of stenodermatine bats during the wet season almost certainly reflects the increased availability of resources for this group during this part of the year.

A caatinga é relativamente pobre em estudos e apresenta poucos dados sobre a quiropterofauna. O presente estudo foi focado na comunidade de morcegos numa caatinga arbórea na Serra da Guia. Os morcegos foram capturados em redes de neblina durante três noites de lua nova por mês entre outubro, 2008 e setembro 2009. Um total de 157 indivíduos foram capturados, representando 12 espécies. A riqueza de espécies estimada por Jackknife 1 foi 14,8. Glossophaga soricina e Carollia perspicillata foram as espécies mais comuns, representando 56,7% dos indivíduos capturados. A diversidade das espécies (H') foi 1,80, enquanto a equitabilidade foi 0,72. Não houve diferença sazonal significativa na diversidade e equitabilidade de espécies. No entanto, o presente estudo registrou uma clara mudança sazonal na estrutura da comunidade. A principal diferença na composição de espécies foi relacionada com a distribuição temporal das formas mais raras - todas as sete espécies mais raras foram registradas exclusivamente em apenas uma das duas estações (seca ou chuvosa). Os nectarívoros predominaram numericamente tanto na estação seca quanto na chuvosa, enquanto frugívoros tornaram-se proeminentes, tanto em termos de número de espécies e indivíduos, durante a estação chuvosa. A predominância de stenodermatineos durante a estação chuvosa provavelmente reflete o aumento da disponibilidade de recursos para esse grupo durante esta parte do ano.

Biodiversidad , Quirópteros , Zona Semiárida
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 13(2): 242-246, Apr-Jun/2013. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-682367


Bat flies were surveyed between March, 2007 and February, 2008, in the Carnijó Private Natural Heritage Reserve (08° 07′ S and 35° 05′ W), an area of Atlantic Rainforest in the municipality of Moreno, in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco. Bats were captured biweekly using mist nets set during six hours each night. The ectoparasites were collected with tweezers and/or a brush wet in ethanol and stored in 70% ethanol. The specimens are deposited in the zoological reference collection of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul. Sixteen species of streblid bat flies were collected from 10 bat species of the family Phyllostomidae. Thirteen of the these streblid species were recorded for the first time in Pernambuco.

O presente estudo ocorreu entre Março de 2007 e Fevereiro de 2008 na Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Carnijó (08° 07′ S e 35° 05′ W), área de Mata Atlântica, localizada no município de Moreno, Pernambuco, Brasil. Os morcegos foram capturados quinzenalmente com redes de neblina por um intervalo de seis horas por noite. A coleta dos ectoparasitos foi realizada com auxílio de pinça e/ou um pincel umedecido com álcool, sendo mantidos em etanol 70%. Os espécimens estão depositados na Coleção Zoológica de Referência da Fundação Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul. Dezesseis espécies de moscas estreblídeas foram capturadas sobre 10 espécies de morcegos da família Phyllostomidae. Treze espécies de estreblídeas encontradas no presente trabalho foram registradas pela primeira vez para o estado de Pernambuco.

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 34(4): 429-436, Oct.-Dec. 2012.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460744


The Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus) is the most threatened aquatic mammal in Brazil. It was considered to be extinct in Sergipe until 1998, when a re-introduced animal (Astro) arrived. Given plans for the re-introduction of more animals, a survey was conducted of the waterside communities of the animals home range, on the southern coast of Sergipe. Between March and November, 2009, 27 people were interviewed in 12 communities, using a 14-item questionnaire. All the interviewees knew Astro and were familiar with his behaviour. The primary source of tension between the animal and the community is its habit of approaching vessels and, in particular, fishing equipment. Some fishermen reported that he takes fish from their nets. While most local residents are tolerant of the animals presence, some interviewees reported aggression in the context of fishing. Most of the interviewees agreed with the idea of re-introducing more animals locally, but conflicts related to fishing were seen as the main potential problem. Given this, there is a clear need for a comprehensive environmental education programme, in order to guarantee the conservation of the species in the region.

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 34(4): 429-436, Oct.-Dec. 2012. mapas, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-859676


The Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus) is the most threatened aquatic mammal in Brazil. It was considered to be extinct in Sergipe until 1998, when a re-introduced animal (Astro) arrived. Given plans for the re -introduction of more animals, a survey was conducted of the waterside communities of the animal's home range, on the southern coast of Sergipe. Between March and November, 2009, 27 people were interviewed in 12 communities, using a 14- item questionnaire. All the interviewees knew Astro and were familiar with his behaviour. The primary source of tension between the animal and the community is its habit of approaching vessels and, in particular, fishing equipment. Some fishermen reported that he takes fish from their nets. While most local residents are tolerant of the animal's presence, some interviewees reported aggression in the context of fishing. Most of the interviewees agreed with the idea of re -introducing more animals locally, but conflicts related to fishing were seen as the main potential problem. Given this, there is a clear need for a comprehensive environmental education programme, in order to guarantee the conservation of the species in the region.

O peixe-boi marinho (Trichechus manatus) é o mamífero aquático mais ameaçado no Brasil. Era considerado extinto em Sergipe até 1998, quando chegou um animal reintroduzido (Astro). Visando a eventual reintrodução de mais animais, foi realizado um levantamento de comunidades ribeirinhas de sua área de vida, no litoral Sul de Sergipe. Entre março e novembro de 2009, 27 pessoas foram entrevistadas em 12 comunidades, usando um questionário com 14 perguntas. Todos os entrevistados conheciam o Astro e tinham alguma noção de seu comportamento. A fonte principal de atrito entre o animal e a comunidade é seu hábito de se aproximar de embarcações e, principalmente, de equipamentos de pesca. Alguns pescadores relataram que o animal retira peixes de suas redes. Apesar da tolerância geral em relação à presença do animal, alguns entrevistados relataram agressões no contexto da pesca. A maioria dos entrevistados foi acessível à ideia de reintroduzir mais animais na região, embora o atrito em relação à pesca se destacou como o maior problema em potencial. Assim, ficou clara a necessidade de um programa abrangente de conscientização ambiental, para garantir a conservação da espécie na região.

Animales , Características de la Residencia , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Trichechus inunguis , Extinción Biológica
Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 22(1): 76-81, Jan.-Feb. 2012. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-607593


Medicinal plants are an important source of treatment for many ailments, although little is known of the potential genotoxic effects of most species. In the present study, two species from diverse and medicinally important genera - Maytenus rigida Mart., Celastraceae, and Aristolochia birostris Ducht, Aristolochiaceae - were analyzed to identify potentially significant secondary metabolites and the possible effects of their aqueous and alcoholic extracts on cell division in the onion root stem (genotoxicity test). The phytochemical testing revealed the presence of a number of potentially important secondary compounds in both species, including phenols, flavonoids, triterpenoids, steroids, and saponins. In the genotoxicity tests, no chromosomal abnormalities of any kind were observed in either species. In the case of M. rigida, a significant increase in mitotic activity was observed at the highest concentration. No significant tendency was recorded in A. birostris, although a considerable increase in the prophase was observed at all concentrations of the alcoholic extract. The triterpenoid content of both species may be especially important from a medicinal viewpoint, although recent findings on the carcinogenic potential of Aristolochia extracts demands caution in the interpretation of the results, and the need for further research.

Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 11(2): 269-276, Apr.-June 2011. ilus, mapas, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-596882


An inventory of the avian fauna of the Grota do Angico Natural Monument in the Caatinga of northern Sergipe, Brazil, revealed the presence of at least 140 species, including nine that are endemic to the Caatinga and seasonal forest adjacent. Despite the limited scope of the study (two expeditions in July and August, 2008), the species richness recorded at the site appeared to be typical of the region and the Caatinga biome.

No inventário da avifauna do Monumento Natural Grota de Angico na Caatinga ao norte de Sergipe, Brasil, revelou a presença de pelo menos 140 espécies, incluindo nove endêmicas da Caatinga e florestas sazonais adjacentes. Apesar do alcance limitado do estudo (duas expedições em Julho e Agosto, 2008), a riqueza de espécies registrada no sitio aparentemente pode ser típica da região e do Bioma Caatinga.

Genet. mol. biol ; 33(4): 774-780, 2010. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-571538


We genotyped 15 microsatellite loci in order to evaluate the effects of habitat fragmentation, caused by flooding of the Tucuruí reservoir, on the genetic structure of Alouatta belzebul in eastern Amazonia. The analysis included two populations sampled in 1984, representing both margins of the Tocantins river, and three populations sampled 18 years later. Minimal differences in the diversity levels between present-day (Ho = 0.62-0.69 and A R = 6.07-7.21) and pre-flooding (Ho = 0.60-0.62 and A R = 6.27-6.77) populations indicated there was no significant loss of genetic variability, possibly because of successful management strategies applied during the flooding. The changes observed were limited to shifts in the composition of alleles, which presumably reflect the admixture of subpopulations during flooding. Given this, there were significant differences in the Rst values (p = 0.05) in all but one between-site comparison. Both present-day and original populations showed a deficit of heterozygotes, which suggests that this may be typical of the species, at least at a local level, perhaps because of specific ecological characteristics. The relatively large number of private alleles recorded in all populations may be a consequence of the Wahlund effect resulting from population admixture or a process of expansion rather than the loss of rare alleles through genetic drift. Additionally, the levels of genetic variability observed in this study were higher than those reported for other species of Neotropical primates, suggesting good fitness levels in these A. belzebul populations. Regular genetic monitoring of remnant populations, especially on islands, should nevertheless be an integral component of long-term management strategies.

Genet. mol. biol ; 22(3): 337-44, Sept. 1999. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-272840


Os guaribas, do gênero Alouatta, que säo os primatas do Novo Mundo com maior distribuiçäo geográfica, têm sido colocados em três grupos de espécies: o grupo Alouatta palliata da América Central, e os grupos sulamericanos Alouatta seniculus e Alouatta caraya. Este último é monotípico, mas o grupo A. seniculus inclui pelo menos três espécies (A. seniculus, A. belzebul e A. fusca). Neste estudo, foram seqüenciados aproximadamente 600 pares de base do pseudogene globina gamaû nas quatro espécies brasileiras (A. seniculus, A. belzebul, A. fusca e A. caraya). Os métodos de máxima parcimônia e máxima verossimilhança produziram árvores filogenéticas com o mesmo arranjo: {A. caraya [A. seniculus (A. fusca, A. belzebul)]}. A árvore mais parcimoniosa apresentou valores de bootstrap maiores de 82 por cento para todos os agrupamentos, e valores de força de ligaçäo de pelo menos 2, apoiando o agrupamento irmäo de A. fusca e A. belzebul. O estudo também confirmou a presença em A. fusca do elemento de inserçäo Alu, com 150 pares de base, e uma deleçäo de 1,8 kb no pseudogene globina gamaû ja conhecidos nas demais espécies de guaribas. A classificaçäao cladística baseada em dados moleculares é congruente com as de estudos morfológicos, com um isolamento claro do grupo monoespecífico A. caraya em relaçäo ao grupo A. seniculus.

Humanos , Animales , Alouatta/genética , Secuencia de Bases , Filogenia , Brasil , Cebidae , Globinas , Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa