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Bénin Médical ; 69: 44-51, 2024. figures, tables
Artículo en Francés | AIM | ID: biblio-1554655


Introduction : la Chimioprévention du Paludisme Saisonnier (CPS) est une intervention pouvant réduire la survenue des cas de paludisme chez les enfants de 3 à 59 mois. L'objectif de cette étude était de mesurer la couverture de la CPS chez les enfants de 3 à 59 mois pendant la campagne (juillet à octobre 2023) vivant dans la zone d'intervention au Bénin. Matériels et méthodes : une étude enquête transversale descriptive et analytique a été conduite du 30 novembre au 14 décembre 2023. Un échantillonnage en grappe à trois degrés a permis de tiré au sort 3573 en milieux urbain et rural dans 172 Zones de Dénombrements (ZD) réparties dans les 15 communes d'intervention. Résultats : l'enquête a révélé que 87,3% des enfants ciblés ont été touchés par la campagne de CPS 2023. Sur les quatre passages, la couverture complète était respectivement de 84,4%, 81,7%, 77,7% et 62,2%. La couverture complète pour les douze doses était de 59,8%. Conclusion : la couverture en CPS a diminué au fur et à mesure des doses. Les refus persistent et proviennent des personnes clés des ménages qui décident de l'accès aux soins. Le plan de communication et les stratégies de déploiement de la CPS doit être investigué et renforcé en vue d'améliorer la couverture.

Introduction: Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) is an intervention that can reduce the occurrence of malaria in children aged 3-59 months. The study aimed to measure the coverage of SMC among children aged 3 to 59 months from July to October 2023 living in the intervention zone in Benin. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted from 30 November to 14 December 2023. Three-stage sampling was used to randomly select 3573 people in urban and rural areas in 172 enumeration zones (ED) in the 15 intervention municipalities. Results: Of the targeted children, 87.3% of had been reached by the 2023 CPS campaign Over the four rounds, full coverage was 84.4%, 81.7%, 77.7% and 62.2% respectively. Full coverage for the twelve doses was 59.8%. Conclusion: The SMC coverage decreased with each dose and varied across areas. The SMC communication plan and implementation needs to be strengthened to improve coverage

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Recién Nacido , Lactante , Preescolar , Malaria , Estrategias de Salud Nacionales , Cobertura de los Servicios de Salud , Prevalencia , Prevención de Enfermedades , Programas Nacionales de Salud
Health Research in Africa ; 2(8): 20-25, 2024. figures, tables
Artículo en Francés | AIM | ID: biblio-1562941


Introduction.Les formes majeures dedrépanocytose sont une source de perturbation des paramètres lipidiques. Cette perturbation est impliquée dans l'apparition de nombreuses maladies cardiovasculaires telles que les accidents vasculaires cérébraux. Cette étude avait pour but d'établir la relation entre les formes majeures de la drépanocytaire, le risque athérogène et l'état inflammatoire des sujets. Méthodologie. Il s'agit d'une étude transversale à visé analytique qui s'est déroulée dans les services d'hématologie du CHU de Cocody et dans le laboratoire de biochimie de l'UFR des Sciences Médicales d'Abidjan portant sur les sujets drépanocytaires majeurs et de sujets apparemment sains admis au CHU de Cocody pendant la période de l'étude. Résultats.Nous avons recrutéun total de 57 sujets drépanocytaires (SS, SC, Sß0,Sß+) et 44 sujets apparemment sains sur la base d'une électrophorèse de l'hémoglobine.L'âge moyen des sujets drépanocytaires était de 17,77 ans avec des extrêmes de 2 et 67 ans. On notait une prédominance féminine avec un sex-ratio de 1,48.Les cholestérolémies totales moyennes des drépanocytaires SS et SC étaient plus faibles comparativement à celles des drépanocytaires Sß0, Sß+et de la population témoin avec une différence statistiquement significative (p= 0,0031).Les triglycéridémies moyennes des drépanocytaires (SS et SC) étaient plus basses en comparaison à celles des témoins et des drépanocytaires Sß0et Sß+. Les valeurs moyennes de l'indice d'athérogénicité des sujets drépanocytaires étaient élevées que chez les témoins avec une différence statistiquement significative(p = 0,001). les drépanocytaires avaient des concentrations de CRP significativement plus élevée avec p = 0, 0015.Conclusion.Chez les sujets drépanocytaires, les valeurs augmentées de l'indice d'athérogénicité, des triglycérides, de la CRP et la baisse de la concentration du cholestérol HDL expliqueraient un risque athérogène plus élevé. Il est importantd'introduire le bilan lipidique dans le suivi du patient drépanocytaire

Introduction.The major forms of sickle cell disease are a source of disruption to lipid parameters. This disruption is implicated in the development of many cardiovascular diseases such as strokes. The aim of this study was to establish the relationship between the major forms of sickle cell disease, atherogenic risk, and the inflammatory state of subjects. Methodology.This was a cross-sectional analytical study conducted in the hematology departments of the Cocody University Hospital and the biochemistry laboratory of the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Abidjan, focusing on major sickle cell subjects and apparently healthy subjects admitted to the Cocody University Hospital during the study period. Results.A total of 57 sickle cell subjects (SS, SC, Sß0, Sß+) and 44 apparently healthy subjects were recruited based on hemoglobin electrophoresis. The average age of sickle cell subjects was 17.77 years with a range of 2 to 67 years. There was a female predominance with a sex ratio of 1.48. The mean total cholesterol levels of SS and SC sickle cell subjects were lower compared to those of Sß0, Sß+ sickle cell subjects and the control population with a statistically significant difference (p=0.0031). The mean triglyceride levels of sickle cell subjects (SS and SC) were lower compared to controls and Sß0 and Sß+ sickle cell subjects. The mean atherogenicity index valuesof sickle cell subjects were higher than in controls with a statistically significant difference (p=0.001). Sickle cell subjects had significantly higher CRP concentrations with p=0.0015. Conclusion.In sickle cell subjects, increased values of the atherogenicity index, triglycerides, CRP, and decreased HDL cholesterol levels would explain a higher atherogenic risk. It is important to include lipid profile assessment in the treatmentent of sickle cell disease

Braz. j. biol ; 84: e255605, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355882


Abstract Combining ability analysis provides useful information for the selection of parents, also information regarding the nature and magnitude of involved gene actions. Crops improvement involves strategies for enhancing yield potentiality and quality components. Targeting the improvement of respective characters in bitter gourd, combining ability and genetic parameters for 19 characters were estimated from a 6×6 full diallel analysis technique. The results revealed that the variances due to general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were highly significant for most of the important characters. It indicated the importance of both additive and non-additive gene actions. GCA variances were higher in magnitude than SCA variances for all the characters studied indicating the predominance of the additive gene effects in their inheritance. The parent P2 (BG 009) appeared as the best general combiner for earliness; P1 (BG 006) for number of fruits, average single fruit weight and fruit yield; P4 (BG 027) for node number of first female flower and days to seed fruit maturity; P3 (BG 011) for fruit length and thickness of the fruit flesh; P5 (BG 033) for 100-seed weight; and P6 for number of nodes per main vine. The SCA effect as well as reciprocal effect was also significant for most of the important characters in different crosses.

Resumo A análise da capacidade de combinação fornece informações úteis para a seleção dos pais, também informações sobre a natureza e a magnitude das ações dos genes envolvidos. A melhoria das safras envolve estratégias para aumentar a potencialidade da produção e os componentes de qualidade. Visando ao aprimoramento dos respectivos caracteres em cabaça-amarga, capacidade de combinação e parâmetros genéticos para 19 caracteres, foram estimados a partir de uma técnica de análise dialélica completa 6 × 6. Os resultados revelaram que as variâncias, devido à capacidade geral de combinação (GCA) e capacidade específica de combinação (SCA), foram altamente significativas para a maioria dos caracteres importantes. Indicou a importância das ações gênicas aditivas e não aditivas. As variâncias GCA foram maiores em magnitude do que as variâncias SCA para todos os caracteres estudados, indicando a predominância dos efeitos do gene aditivo em sua herança. O pai P2 (BG 009) apareceu como o melhor combinador geral para o início; P1 (BG 006) para número de frutos, peso médio de um único fruto e produção de frutos; P4 (BG 027) para número de nó da primeira flor fêmea e dias para a maturidade do fruto da semente; P3 (BG 011) para comprimento do fruto e espessura da polpa do fruto; P5 (BG 033) para peso de 100 sementes; e P6 para o número de nós por videira principal. O efeito SCA, bem como o efeito recíproco, também foi significativo para a maioria dos personagens importantes em cruzamentos diferentes.

Momordica charantia , Productos Agrícolas , Flores , Mejoramiento de la Calidad , Frutas/genética
Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469246


Abstract Worldwide, conventional agriculture makes extensive use of pesticides. Although the effects of herbicides are relatively well known in terms of environmental impacts on non-target organisms, there is very little scientific evidence regarding the impacts of herbicide residues on aquatic arthropods from tropical conservation areas. This study evaluates for the first time the toxicity of the herbicides ametryn, atrazine, and clomazone on the aquatic insect Limnocoris submontandoni (Hemiptera: Naucoridae). The lethal concentration (LC50) of herbicides was evaluated for these insects, as well as the effect of the herbicides on the insects tissues and testicles. The estimated LC50 was 1012.41, 192.42, and 46.09 mg/L for clomazone, atrazine, and ametryn, respectively. Spermatocyte and spermatid changes were observed under the effect of atrazine, and effects on spermatogenesis were observed for some concentrations of clomazone, with apparent recovery after a short time. Our results provide useful information on the effects of herbicide residues in aquatic systems. This information can help minimize the risk of long-term reproductive effects in non-target species that have been previously overlooked in ecotoxicology studies.

Resumo Em todo o mundo, a agricultura convencional faz uso extensivo de pesticidas. Embora os efeitos dos herbicidas sejam relativamente bem conhecidos em termos de impactos ambientais em organismos não-alvo, há pouca evidência científica sobre os impactos de resíduos de herbicidas em artrópodes aquáticos de áreas de conservação tropicais. Este estudo avalia pela primeira vez a toxicidade dos herbicidas ametryn, atrazine e clomazone sobre o inseto aquático Limnocoris submontandoni (Hemiptera: Naucoridae). A concentração letal (LC50) de herbicidas foi avaliada para esses insetos, bem como o efeito dos herbicidas nos tecidos e testículos dos insetos. A LC50 estimada foi de 1012,41, 192,42 e 46,09 mg/L para clomazone, atrazine e ametryn, respectivamente. Alterações nos espermatócitos e espermátides foram observadas sob o efeito de atrazine, e efeitos na espermatogênese foram observados para algumas concentrações de clomazone, com aparente recuperação após um curto período de tempo. Nossos resultados fornecem informações úteis sobre os efeitos de resíduos de herbicidas em sistemas aquáticos. Essas informações podem ajudar a minimizar o risco de efeitos reprodutivos de longo prazo em espécies não-alvo que foram negligenciadas anteriormente em estudos de ecotoxicologia.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469309


Abstract Combining ability analysis provides useful information for the selection of parents, also information regarding the nature and magnitude of involved gene actions. Crops improvement involves strategies for enhancing yield potentiality and quality components. Targeting the improvement of respective characters in bitter gourd, combining ability and genetic parameters for 19 characters were estimated from a 6×6 full diallel analysis technique. The results revealed that the variances due to general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were highly significant for most of the important characters. It indicated the importance of both additive and non-additive gene actions. GCA variances were higher in magnitude than SCA variances for all the characters studied indicating the predominance of the additive gene effects in their inheritance. The parent P2 (BG 009) appeared as the best general combiner for earliness; P1 (BG 006) for number of fruits, average single fruit weight and fruit yield; P4 (BG 027) for node number of first female flower and days to seed fruit maturity; P3 (BG 011) for fruit length and thickness of the fruit flesh; P5 (BG 033) for 100-seed weight; and P6 for number of nodes per main vine. The SCA effect as well as reciprocal effect was also significant for most of the important characters in different crosses.

Resumo A análise da capacidade de combinação fornece informações úteis para a seleção dos pais, também informações sobre a natureza e a magnitude das ações dos genes envolvidos. A melhoria das safras envolve estratégias para aumentar a potencialidade da produção e os componentes de qualidade. Visando ao aprimoramento dos respectivos caracteres em cabaça-amarga, capacidade de combinação e parâmetros genéticos para 19 caracteres, foram estimados a partir de uma técnica de análise dialélica completa 6 × 6. Os resultados revelaram que as variâncias, devido à capacidade geral de combinação (GCA) e capacidade específica de combinação (SCA), foram altamente significativas para a maioria dos caracteres importantes. Indicou a importância das ações gênicas aditivas e não aditivas. As variâncias GCA foram maiores em magnitude do que as variâncias SCA para todos os caracteres estudados, indicando a predominância dos efeitos do gene aditivo em sua herança. O pai P2 (BG 009) apareceu como o melhor combinador geral para o início; P1 (BG 006) para número de frutos, peso médio de um único fruto e produção de frutos; P4 (BG 027) para número de nó da primeira flor fêmea e dias para a maturidade do fruto da semente; P3 (BG 011) para comprimento do fruto e espessura da polpa do fruto; P5 (BG 033) para peso de 100 sementes; e P6 para o número de nós por videira principal. O efeito SCA, bem como o efeito recíproco, também foi significativo para a maioria dos personagens importantes em cruzamentos diferentes.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469379


Abstract In advanced biotechnology, the utilization of enzymes to achieve new or modified compounds with antibacterial, fungicidal, and anti-cancer specifications is crucial. Mushroom lactases are a hopeful biocatalyst for the synthesis and modification of different compounds. They are an accessible and inexpensive enzyme for the preparation of reaction objects and have recently received attention. Laccase purification was performed from basidiomycete Lentinus strigosus (LS) in several stages: Stage 1. On ion-exchange chromatography on TEAE Servacell 23 (400 ml), two distinctly separated laccase activity peaks were observed, eluted from the carrier at 0.21 and 0.27 M NaCl. In order to reduce the loss of enzymes, all fractions with laccase activity were collected, concentrated, and desalted using an ultrafiltration cell (Amicon, United States) with a UM-10 membrane. Stage 2. The resulting preparation with laccase activity was applied to a Q-Sepharose column (60 ml). Two well-separated peaks with laccase activity were obtained during the elution: laccase I (0.12 M NaCl) and laccase II (0.2 M NaCl). Stage 3. In the course of further purification of both enzymes, carried out on anion-exchange carrier Resource Q (6 ml), a broken gradient was used: 0 - 10%, 10 - 20%, and 20 - 100% with 1M NaCl. Stage 4. Both laccase I and laccase II, obtained after Resource Q, were desalted, concentrated to 1 ml each, and applied to a Superdex 75 gel filtration column. As a result, two laccases were obtained in a homogeneous form.

Resumo Na biotecnologia moderna, o uso de enzimas para obter compostos novos ou modificados com propriedades antibacterianas, antifúngicas e anticancerígenas é crucial. Lactases de cogumelos são biocatalisadores promissores para síntese e modificação de diferentes compostos, por serem enzimas baratas e disponíveis para a preparação de componentes de reação, e vem recebendo a devida atenção recentemente. A purificação da lacase foi realizada a partir do basidiomiceto Lentinus strigosus em vários estágios: Etapa 1 - na cromatografia de troca iônica em TEAE Servacell 23 (400 ml), foram observados dois picos de atividade da lacase distintamente separados, com eluição do transportador a 0,21 e 0,27 M de NaCl. Para reduzir a perda de enzimas, todas as frações com atividade de lacase foram coletadas, concentradas e dessalinizadas em uma célula de ultrafiltração (Amicon, Estados Unidos) com membrana UM-10; Etapa 2 - a preparação resultante com atividade de lacase foi aplicada a uma coluna Q-Sepharose (60 ml). Durante a eluição, foram obtidos dois picos bem separados com atividade de lacase: lacase I (NaCl 0,12 M) e lacase II (NaCl 0,2 M); Etapa 3 - no decurso da purificação adicional de ambas as enzimas, realizada no Recurso Q de transportador de troca aniônica (6 ml), um gradiente quebrado foi usado: 0-10%, 10-20% e 20-100% com NaCl 1M; Etapa 4 - tanto a lacase I como a lacase II, obtidas após o Recurso Q, foram dessalinizadas e concentradas para 1 ml cada e aplicadas a uma coluna de filtração em gel Superdex 75. Como resultado, duas lacases foram obtidas de forma homogênea.

Braz. j. biol ; 84: e257071, 2024. graf, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1364496


In advanced biotechnology, the utilization of enzymes to achieve new or modified compounds with antibacterial, fungicidal, and anti-cancer specifications is crucial. Mushroom lactases are a hopeful biocatalyst for the synthesis and modification of different compounds. They are an accessible and inexpensive enzyme for the preparation of reaction objects and have recently received attention. Laccase purification was performed from basidiomycete Lentinus strigosus (LS) in several stages: Stage 1. On ion-exchange chromatography on TEAE Servacell 23 (400 ml), two distinctly separated laccase activity peaks were observed, eluted from the carrier at 0.21 and 0.27 M NaCl. In order to reduce the loss of enzymes, all fractions with laccase activity were collected, concentrated, and desalted using an ultrafiltration cell (Amicon, United States) with a UM-10 membrane. Stage 2. The resulting preparation with laccase activity was applied to a Q-Sepharose column (60 ml). Two well-separated peaks with laccase activity were obtained during the elution: laccase I (0.12 M NaCl) and laccase II (0.2 M NaCl). Stage 3. In the course of further purification of both enzymes, carried out on anion-exchange carrier Resource Q (6 ml), a broken gradient was used: 0 - 10%, 10 - 20%, and 20 - 100% with 1M NaCl. Stage 4. Both laccase I and laccase II, obtained after Resource Q, were desalted, concentrated to 1 ml each, and applied to a Superdex 75 gel filtration column. As a result, two laccases were obtained in a homogeneous form.

Na biotecnologia moderna, o uso de enzimas para obter compostos novos ou modificados com propriedades antibacterianas, antifúngicas e anticancerígenas é crucial. Lactases de cogumelos são biocatalisadores promissores para síntese e modificação de diferentes compostos, por serem enzimas baratas e disponíveis para a preparação de componentes de reação, e vem recebendo a devida atenção recentemente. A purificação da lacase foi realizada a partir do basidiomiceto Lentinus strigosus em vários estágios: Etapa 1 - na cromatografia de troca iônica em TEAE Servacell 23 (400 ml), foram observados dois picos de atividade da lacase distintamente separados, com eluição do transportador a 0,21 e 0,27 M de NaCl. Para reduzir a perda de enzimas, todas as frações com atividade de lacase foram coletadas, concentradas e dessalinizadas em uma célula de ultrafiltração (Amicon, Estados Unidos) com membrana UM-10; Etapa 2 - a preparação resultante com atividade de lacase foi aplicada a uma coluna Q-Sepharose (60 ml). Durante a eluição, foram obtidos dois picos bem separados com atividade de lacase: lacase I (NaCl 0,12 M) e lacase II (NaCl 0,2 M); Etapa 3 - no decurso da purificação adicional de ambas as enzimas, realizada no Recurso Q de transportador de troca aniônica (6 ml), um gradiente quebrado foi usado: 0-10%, 10-20% e 20-100% com NaCl 1M; Etapa 4 - tanto a lacase I como a lacase II, obtidas após o Recurso Q, foram dessalinizadas e concentradas para 1 ml cada e aplicadas a uma coluna de filtração em gel Superdex 75. Como resultado, duas lacases foram obtidas de forma homogênea.

Basidiomycota , Biotecnología , Lacasa , Enzimas , Antibacterianos
Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 37: e20220138, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534622


Abstract Background In view of the high prevalence of hypertension and the importance of adequate drug therapy in the prevention of complications, it is necessary to know the adherence to drug treatment in this population. Objective To verify adherence to antihypertensive drug treatment in Brazilian patients with hypertension using the Morisky-Green Test (MGT), relating it with demographic data. Methods Prospective, observational, multicenter, national registry study, with 2,578 hypertensive patients participating in study I, the Brazilian Cardiovascular Registry of Arterial Hypertension (I-RBH), recruited in the five regions of Brazil. The analyses carried out on the data were descriptive statistics, qui-square tests, ANOVA, and logistic regression, adopting 5% as the significance level for the tests. Results The research shows that 56.13% of patients in the sample were female; 56.71% were elderly (≥ 65 years); 55.86% were White; 52.37% were from the Southeast Region; and 59.74% were non-adherent. Logistic regression showed an independent relationship between patients' age, ethnicity, and region with medication adherence. Conclusion Adherence to treatment is the key to reducing high rates of cardiovascular complications. The study brings a successful outcome in the relationship between the factors ethnicity, age, and region of patients with hypertension and medication adherence. To this end, it is necessary to understand these factors, considering systematic evaluation in the care of patients with hypertension and other chronic non-communicable diseases. This study is a significant contribution to multidisciplinary teams, as it highlights which risk factors interfere with medication adherence, incorporating better strategies in health education.

Braz. j. biol ; 84: e247487, 2024. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345555


Abstract Worldwide, conventional agriculture makes extensive use of pesticides. Although the effects of herbicides are relatively well known in terms of environmental impacts on non-target organisms, there is very little scientific evidence regarding the impacts of herbicide residues on aquatic arthropods from tropical conservation areas. This study evaluates for the first time the toxicity of the herbicides ametryn, atrazine, and clomazone on the aquatic insect Limnocoris submontandoni (Hemiptera: Naucoridae). The lethal concentration (LC50) of herbicides was evaluated for these insects, as well as the effect of the herbicides on the insects' tissues and testicles. The estimated LC50 was 1012.41, 192.42, and 46.09 mg/L for clomazone, atrazine, and ametryn, respectively. Spermatocyte and spermatid changes were observed under the effect of atrazine, and effects on spermatogenesis were observed for some concentrations of clomazone, with apparent recovery after a short time. Our results provide useful information on the effects of herbicide residues in aquatic systems. This information can help minimize the risk of long-term reproductive effects in non-target species that have been previously overlooked in ecotoxicology studies.

Resumo Em todo o mundo, a agricultura convencional faz uso extensivo de pesticidas. Embora os efeitos dos herbicidas sejam relativamente bem conhecidos em termos de impactos ambientais em organismos não-alvo, há pouca evidência científica sobre os impactos de resíduos de herbicidas em artrópodes aquáticos de áreas de conservação tropicais. Este estudo avalia pela primeira vez a toxicidade dos herbicidas ametryn, atrazine e clomazone sobre o inseto aquático Limnocoris submontandoni (Hemiptera: Naucoridae). A concentração letal (LC50) de herbicidas foi avaliada para esses insetos, bem como o efeito dos herbicidas nos tecidos e testículos dos insetos. A LC50 estimada foi de 1012,41, 192,42 e 46,09 mg/L para clomazone, atrazine e ametryn, respectivamente. Alterações nos espermatócitos e espermátides foram observadas sob o efeito de atrazine, e efeitos na espermatogênese foram observados para algumas concentrações de clomazone, com aparente recuperação após um curto período de tempo. Nossos resultados fornecem informações úteis sobre os efeitos de resíduos de herbicidas em sistemas aquáticos. Essas informações podem ajudar a minimizar o risco de efeitos reprodutivos de longo prazo em espécies não-alvo que foram negligenciadas anteriormente em estudos de ecotoxicologia.

Animales , Artrópodos , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/toxicidad , Hemípteros , Herbicidas/toxicidad , Ecotoxicología , Genitales
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219461


The characteristics of two cyanobacterial strains, Anabaena oryzae and Nostoc muscorum, were studied in order to use them as biofertilizers in a field experiment conducted in the two winter seasons of 2021 and 2022 at the Ismailia Agricultural Research Center Station to study the effect of both strains on peanut plant in sandy soil. Cyanobacterial strains were used individually by coating seed, soil drench, and foliar applications, as well as mixed applications of two strains in various ways. Both cyanobacterial strains morphological examination revealed that they both have heterocysts, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in their culture filtrate, and they were able to produce chlorophyll a and phosphatase enzymes. The results of an agricultural experiment showed that using Nostoc muscorum and Anabaena oryzae separately had a positive effect on peanut plants in a variety of applications, but combining both of these applications with 75% nitrogen increased the growth traits, nutrient contents, and soil biological activities in both peanut plants and their rhizosphere soil. The soil drench treatment with A. oryzae and Nostoc muscorum plus 75% nitrogen produced the highest growth results and peanut yields in a single application. The A. oryzae Soil Drench Application (S) + N. muscorum Foliar Application (F) with 75% N reported the best outcomes in mixed treatments. However, compared to single applications, all blended applications displayed better growth and yield characteristics. The results of the study suggest that employing cyanobacteria in a mixed application will enhance its advantages over a single use.

Med. infant ; 30(2): 204-213, Junio 2023. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1443868


El Hospital Garrahan ha sido pionero en el diagnóstico molecular de patologías pediátricas en Argentina. Los avances tecnológicos de las últimas décadas en el área de la biología molecular, sentaron las bases para la optimización y ampliación del diagnóstico molecular a partir de la secuenciación masiva en paralelo de múltiples genes. El presente trabajo describe el proceso de implementación de los estudios de secuenciación de nueva generación y el desarrollo de la Unidad de Genómica en un hospital público pediátrico de alta complejidad, así como su impacto en las capacidades diagnósticas de enfermedades poco frecuentes de origen genético. La creación del Grupo Interdisciplinario de Estudios Genómicos constituyó la vía institucional para la toma de decisiones que implican la implementación de nuevos estudios genómicos y el establecimiento de prioridades diagnósticas, extendiendo la disponibilidad del diagnóstico molecular a más disciplinas. La Unidad de Genómica trabaja en diseñar las estrategias que permitan la mayor optimización de los recursos con los que cuenta el hospital, teniendo en cuenta el equipamiento disponible, las prioridades establecidas y la frecuencia de las distintas patologías. Se demuestra el salto significativo operado en nuestras capacidades diagnósticas, tanto en la variedad de enfermedades como en el número de genes analizados, habiendo estudiado a la fecha alrededor de 2.000 pacientes, muchos de los cuales ven de este modo finalizada su odisea diagnóstica. Los estudios de NGS se han convertido en una herramienta de la práctica diaria para la atención de un número importante de pacientes de nuestro hospital. Continuaremos trabajando para ampliar su aplicación a la mayor cantidad de patologías, a través de los mecanismos institucionales ya existentes (AU)

The Garrahan Hospital has been a pioneer in the molecular diagnosis of pediatric diseases in Argentina. The technological advances of the last decades in the area of molecular biology have laid the foundations for the optimization and expansion of molecular diagnostics through massive parallel sequencing of multiple genes. This study describes the process of implementation of next-generation sequencing studies and the development of the Genomics Unit in a public pediatric tertiary hospital, and its impact on the capacity to diagnose rare diseases of genetic origin. The creation of the Interdisciplinary Group of Genomic Studies constituted the institutional pathway for decision-making involving the implementation of new genomic studies and the establishment of diagnostic priorities, extending the availability of molecular diagnostics to additional disciplines. The Genomics Unit is working to design strategies that allow for optimization of the resources available to the hospital, taking into account the equipment available, the priorities established, and the frequency of the different diseases. It demonstrates the significant leap in our diagnostic capabilities, both in the variety of diseases and in the number of genes analyzed. To date, around 2,000 patients have been studies, many of whom have thus completed their diagnostic odyssey. NGS studies have become a tool in daily practice for the care of a significant number of patients in our hospital. We will continue working to expand its application to as many diseases as possible, through the existing institutional mechanisms (AU)

Humanos , Recién Nacido , Lactante , Preescolar , Niño , Adolescente , Genómica/instrumentación , Técnicas de Diagnóstico Molecular/métodos , Secuenciación de Nucleótidos de Alto Rendimiento , Medicina Genómica/tendencias , Enfermedades Genéticas Congénitas/diagnóstico , Laboratorios de Hospital , Hospitales Pediátricos
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219451


Aims: This study aimed to investigate the effect of gallium nitrate [Ga(NO3)3], an inorganic antimicrobial agent, against the growth and biofilm formation of Staphylococcus aureus on the titanium surface. Study Design: This study is a laboratory investigation involving the determination of the inhibitory concentration (IC) of Ga(NO3) 3 against the planktonic strain of S. aureus and biofilm formation on titanium coupons. Place and Duration of Study: Sample: Center of Science and Technology for Sustainability (CCTS), Federal University of São Carlos, SP, Brazil, between March 2020 and March 2022. Methodology: The inhibitory concentration of gallium nitrate was determined in a 96-well microtiter plate in Muller Hinton broth. The potential of the antimicrobial agent to inhibit biofilm formation by S. aureus on titanium surfaces was evaluated by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The cytotoxicity potential of Ga(NO3)3 was determined on V79 cells. Results: The results showed that the susceptibility of gallium nitrate against S. aureus was 1.40 µM, while SEM images revealed that concentrations of 90 µM inhibited biofilm formation by S. aureus. Conclusion: This research has shown promising results regarding gallium nitrate's potential of inhibiting the growth of both planktonic and sessile S. aureus cells. In addition, coating titanium surfaces with Ga(NO3)3 would be an extra alternative to prevent implant-associated infections due to its non-toxicity to cells.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219690


The study aims at assessing the physicochemical properties, heavy metals, and aflatoxins content of crude palm and groundnut oils produced and sold in the Adikpo, Wadata, and Otukpa areas of Benue state, Nigeria. Specific gravity, refractive index, acid value, saponification value, peroxide value, moisture content, and smoke point are the physicochemical properties evaluated. The heavy metals analyzed include; Lead, Nickel, Copper, Iron, Arsenic, and Iron. Total aflatoxins were determined by Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Findings revealed that most of the physicochemical properties of palm and groundnut oils from these areas deviated from the Food and Agricultural Organization/World Health Organization (FAO/WHO) standard range. A high amount of Cadmium (0.89 mg/kg, 1.01 mg/kg, and 0.92 mg/kg) was detected in the local groundnut oil samples but lesser in palm oils from Adikpo, Wadata, and Otukpa respectively, while Copper content was within the FAO/WHO safe limits. The arsenic content of palm oil produced in the region was not as high as those in groundnut oil but was higher than the recommended maximum limit of 0.1 mg/kg. The Nickel content in the oil samples was higher than the 0.50 mg/kg permissible limit, but Lead was within the safe limits. Total Aflatoxin content in crude groundnut oil was within the range of 9.05 ppm to 10.13 ppm, while a range of 2.03 ppm to 2.74 ppm was recorded in crude palm oil. The locally produced oils are of lower quality, suggesting that refining should be adopted and quality seeds should be used for the extraction of oils.