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Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 25(2)dic. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535732


Los barrenadores del tallo del género de Diatraea spp. (Lepidoptera:Crambidae) han sido reconocidos por ser la plaga de mayor impacto en el cultivo de caña de azúcar, en el que causan importantes pérdidas económicas. Para su control, una cepa colombiana de Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill (aislamiento Bv062) que demostró alta virulencia frente a larvas de D. saccharalis (Fabricius), fue utilizada para el desarrollo de un bioinsecticida formulado como un concentrado emulsionable (CE). Con el fin de integrar este bioinsecticida en un esquema de manejo integrado de plagas, es necesario evaluar su compatibilidad con los agroquímicos utilizados comúnmente en el cultivo de caña de azúcar. Para tal fin se evaluó el efecto in vitro de 11 agroquímicos (fungicidas, insecticidas y herbicidas) sobre la germinación y actividad insecticida de conidios formulados. Inicialmente el CE y los agroquímicos fueron ajustados al doble de la concentración recomendada y mezclados en proporción 1:1, se incubaron durante dos horas, y se determinó el porcentaje de germinación. Los conidios expuestos a los agroquímicos fueron también purificados y utilizados para un bioen-sayo frente a larvas de segundo instar de D. saccharalis. El CE resultó ser compatible con los herbicidas e insecticidas evaluados, manteniendo una germinación y eficacia superior al 80%. Por el contrario, el CE fue incompatible con todos los fungicidas evaua-dos. Estos resultados permiten sugerir recomendaciones de aplicación del bioplaguicida a base de B. bassiana Bv062, junto con insecticidas y herbicidas empleados en el cultivo de caña, pero se recomienda no aplicarlo de manera simultánea con fungicidas como el benomil y del grupo de triazoles. Se recomienda validar estos resultados en condiciones de campo.

Sugarcane stem borers of the genus Diatraea spp. (Lepidoptera:Crambidae) have been recognized as the pest of the greatest impact on sugarcane crops causing significant economic losses. For its control, a colombian strain of Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill (code Bv062) that showed a high virulence against D. saccharalis (Fabricius) larvae was used for a biopesticide development, formulated as emulsifiable concentrate (EC). In order to include the EC into an integrated pest management (IPM) scheme, it is necessary to evaluate its compatibility with the agrochemicals commonly used in sugarcane crops. For this purpose, the in vitro effect of 11 agrochemicals (fungicides, insecticides and herbicides) on the germination and insecticidal activity of Bv062 formulated conidia was evaluated. Initially, the EC and agrochemicals were adjusted to double the recommended concentration and mixed in a 1:1 ratio. The mixes were incubated for two hours, and the germination percentage was calculated. The conidia exposed to the agrochemicals were also purified and used for a bioassay against second instar larvae of D. saccharalis. The EC was compatible with the herbicides and insecticides, maintaining germination and efficacy higher than 80%. In contrast, EC was incompatible with all the fungicides evaluated. These results allow us to suggest recommendations for the application of the biopesticide based on B. bassiana Bv062 with insecticides and herbicides used in sugarcane crops, but it is not recommended to apply it simultaneously with fungicides such as benomyl and the triazole group. It is recommended to validate these results under field conditions.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 65: e22210342, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364458


Abstract: Virus-based biopesticides are effective biocontrol agents of crop insect pests. Development of suitable formulations and production processes are necessary to obtain high-quality products easily adopted by farmers. A detailed unit operation study was carried out for the production process of a Phthorimaea operculella granulovirus-based biopesticide to control the tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta, one of the most important pests affecting this crop. Physicochemical, microbiological, and insecticidal parameters were implemented in the process and applied to the finished product, and a scaling strategy was developed. A Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (Q-PCR) technique was implemented to quantify viral concentrations in the active ingredient (5.34 ± 1.44 x109 Occlusion Bodies mL-1) and in the finished product (>1.6x109 OB mL-1), without contaminant interferences. The Q-PCR methodology was also useful to select the appropriate solid mixing time following Lacey´s mixing index (8 min). Factors and similarity principles influencing the liquid mixing process were identified in the scaling evaluation. Furthermore, the drying kinetics analysis enabled identifying a drying temperature of 35 °C, with an efficacy under controlled conditions higher than 97%. Contaminant concentration was lower than 1%, indicating controlled and aseptic formulation process conditions. A simple statistical method was used to estimate the reproducibility and repeatability of the parameters assessed in the finished product. These results enable to establish and extrapolate important parameters in the standardization, scale-up, and quality control for the granulovirus-based biopesticide.

Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 15(2): 143-155, jul.-dic. 2013. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-703347


Los baculovirus son virus patógenos de insectos ampliamente empleados a nivel mundial como bioinsecticidas para el control de diferentes plagas de importancia agrícola y más recientemente como vectores de expresión de proteínas y vectores para terapia génica. Una de sus características principales es su alta especificidad de hospedero que incluye un rango muy estrecho de especies de insectos, que a menudo pertenecen a la misma familia. Sin embargo, es necesario entender los mecanismos involucrados en la definición del rango de hospederos de los baculovirus con el fin de evaluar la seguridad e inocuidad de su uso y determinar la posibilidad de mejorar sus propiedades para aplicaciones biotecnológicas mediante la construcción de baculovirus recombinantes con diferentes rangos de hospederos. En el presente artículo se revisarán los principales mecanismos comprendidos en la definición del rango de hospederos de los baculovirus, dentro de los que se destacan la especificidad para entrar en las células, la posibilidad de replicación del genoma viral, el control de los procesos bioquímicos y moleculares del insecto y las interacciones virus-hospedero que regulan la multiplicación del agente infeccioso, así como las perspectivas de la aplicación de este conocimiento.

Baculoviruses are insect pathogenic viruses widely used as bioinsecticides for controlling of several agricultural important pests and more recently as protein expression vectors and gene therapy vectors. One of its main characteristics is its high host-specificity including a very narrow range of insect species, which often belong to the same family. However, to understand the mechanisms involved in the definition of baculoviruses host range is necessary in order to assess the security and safety of its use and to determine the possibility of improving their properties for biotechnological applications through the construction of recombinant baculovirus with different host ranges. In the present article the main mechanisms involved in baculoviruses host range as specificity for entering into the host cells, the possibility of viral genome replication, the control of biochemical and molecular insect processes and the interactions virus-host regulating the multiplication of the infectious agent, and the prospects of applying this knowledge will be reviewed.

Insecticidas , Insectos , Virus , Biotecnología