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Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-187063


Background: Cervical Spondylitis (CS) is a common term that denotes degenerative changes that develop with of trauma-centre patients, specific age groups, and head injury patients. A study done on Indian population reported 78% of radiological changes of CS at C5-C6 and C6-C7 levels in asymptomatic individuals. These degenerative changes in the cervical spine may remain asymptomatic or can present as pure axial neck pain, cervical radiculopathy, cervical myelopathy, or cervical myeloradiculopathy. So, the aim of the study was to check the effectiveness of Mulligans Mobilizations with Upper Limb Movement and McKenzie Exercises with Neural Mobilizations in Patients with Cervical Spondylitis. Materials and methods: 60 patients were included in the study which was divided into two groups ; Group A and Group B, 30 patients in each group. Subjects were randomly selected and assigned to each group A pre-test measurement with the help of two measures - Northwick Park Neck Pain Questionnaire (NPNPQ) for disability and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) Inclinometer for a range of Sreenivasu Kotagiri, Anup Kumar Songa, Mayuri Vijay Gad, Nazz Sulthan. Effectiveness of Mulligans Mobilizations with Upper Limb Movement and McKenzie Exercises with Neural Mobilizations in Patients with Cervical Spondylitis. IAIM, 2018; 5(5): 146-155. Page 147 motion cervical spine movements was done in each group. Subjects in Group-A were given Mulligan Mobilization with Upper Limb Movement for cervical regain for 45 minutes 4 days for one week in four weeks subject were sitting Subjects in Group-B was given McKenzie Exercises with Neural Mobilization for 45 minutes 4 days for one week in four weeks subject were in supine position and remains relaxed with the feet uncrossed. Result analysis was done by Wilcoxon Sum Rank Test (Mann Whitney U Test). Results: On comparing Group A and Group B for post-treatment VAS score and NPNPQ score, results showed a significant difference (p=0.001) in improvement in terms of VAS and NPNPQ. The overall study proved that both Mulligan mobilization with upper limb movement and McKenzie exercises with neural mobilization were effective in improving Pain and decreasing the disability level in cervical radiculopathy subjects. Conclusion: McKenzie exercise with neural mobilization is better than mulligan mobilization with upper limb movements in cervical radiculopathy. Results supported that McKenzie exercise with neural mobilization was more effective than mulligan mobilization to improve pain and disability in a patient with cervical radiculopathy.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-187062


Background: The glenohumeral joint consists of dynamic and static stabilizer, which works, in concert to allow for stability and mobility through a large arc of motion, in recent years there has been significant focus on shoulder motion, particularly in overhead throwing athletes. Glenohumeral internal rotation deficits (GIRD) are common physical impairments in evaluated both adolescent and overhead sports such as baseball, cricket, and tennis. Therefore the aim of the study firstly was to determine the effectiveness of mobilization with exercise in patients with glenohumeral internal rotation deficit and secondly to determine whether mulligan internal rotation MWM with stretching in patients with glenohumeral internal rotation deficit. Materials and methods: 60 patients were included in the study which was divided into two groups; Group A and Group B, 30 patients in each group. All the subjects were randomly selected and assigned to each group. A pretest measurement with the help of two measures - Oxford Shoulder Instability Score (OSI) for disability, and inclinometer for an internal range of motion shoulder was Sreenivasu Kotagiri, Anup Kumar Songa, Mayuri Vijay Gad, Jaideep Lad. Effectiveness of Mobilization with Exercise V/S Mulligan Internal Rotation MWM with Stretching in Patient with Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Deficit. IAIM, 2018; 5(5): 138-145. Page 139 done in each group. Subjects in Group-A were given mobilizations with stabilization exercise for capsule for a total of 12 minutes a minimum of 4 times per week over a 4-week period and Group-B were given mulligan mobilization with Posterior Capsule Stretching As follows, 1st day 3 glides, 2 nd day 3 sets of six glides, 3rd day 3 sets of 10 glides were given and 4th day again 3 sets of 10 was given. A patient who failed to come for 4 days with stretching performed 3–5 repetitions each repetition was held for 30 seconds, four days a week for four weeks total 16 sessions. Results: On comparing Group A and Group B for post-treatment OSI score, results showed a significant difference (p=0.001) in improvement in terms of OSI. On comparing Group A and Group B for post-treatment inclinometer score, results showed a significant difference in improvement in terms of the inclinometer. This study showed that Mulligan MWM along with stretching exercises was more effective to that patient as compared to mobilization with strengthening exercises given to a patient with glenohumeral internal rotation deficit. Conclusion: The study showed a significant difference between both the groups when the values obtained were analysed. It indicated that Group B in Range mulligan mobilization with Posterior Capsule Stretching of Motion in internal rotation and external rotation. Their scores in Index Oxford Shoulder Instability Score (OSI) have reduced which indicates the decreased level of disability and better functional ability.