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Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 49(4): 677-682, July 2006. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-448936


The purpose of this study was to determine the susceptibilities of food-borne Aeromonas to carbapenems, as well as to investigate the presence of a metallo carbapenemase-encoding gene, named cphA. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) was determined following NCCLS standards. All the tested microorganisms were susceptible to imipenem, meropenem and biapenem. However, a strong inoculum size effect on carbapenem MICs was observed for most of the strains. Six strains, out of seven, showed the presence of metallo--beta-lactamases but cphA gene was detected in only two strains of A. veronii bv. sobria.

O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a suscetibilidade de aeromonas de origem alimentar a carbapenems bem como investigar a presença de um gene codificante de metalocarbapenemase, denominado "cph A". A suscetibilidade in vitro foi determinada pelo metodo de diluição em agar. Todas as cepas foram suscetíveis a Imipenem, Meropenem e Biapenem. Porém foi observado um forte efeito de tamanho do inóculo sobre as CIM das carbapenems na maioria das cepas. A detecção de metalo-beta-lactamase foi realizada pelo metodo lodometrico. Seis cepas das sete testadas demostraron a presença da enzima. A presença do gene cphA foi determinada por PCR e foi detectada em duas cepas de A veronii bv. sobria.

Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 63(1): 31-39, ene.-feb. 2006. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-700800


Introducción. La leche materna es la mejor alimentación para neonatos y lactantes. México tiene una tasa de lactancia exclusiva de 33.6%. Objetivo. Conocer la prevalencia de lactancia materna e identificar factores que favorecen su práctica y abandono. Material y métodos. Estudio prospectivo, de cohorte, analítico, en binomios madre-hijo con seguimiento de 6 meses. Se investigó: tipo de alimentación, motivos de abandono de lactancia materna exclusiva. Se aplicaron medidas de tendencia central: X², prueba exacta de Fisher y t de Student. Resultados. Completaron seguimiento 111; 75 (67.6%) con lactancia materna exclusiva, 32 (28.8%) con lactancia mixta, y 4 (3.6%) con sucedáneos. En el grupo con escolaridad de 0 a 6 años se encontró un riesgo relativo de 1.29, intervalo de confianza de 1.09, 1.84, P =0.11 (prueba exacta de Fisher). Conclusiones. Prevalencia de lactancia materna exclusiva: 67.6%. Causa de abandono: producción baja. Única variable significativa para lactar exclusivamente al seno materno y permanecer en el seguimiento: escolaridad 0 a 6 años.

Introduction. Breast milk is the best feeding source for newborns and infants. Mexico has a 33.6% rate of exclusively breastfeeding. Objective: to evaluate the impact of rooming in on the prevalence of breastfeeding and identify the elements that encourage its practice and abandonment. Material and methods. Prospective, cohort, analytical, study in mother-infant pair study with a 6 month follow-up. We analyzed the type of feeding, reasons for changing or abandoning breastfeeding; we applied: central tendency measurements, %², Fisher's exact and t of Student. Results. In 111 completed follow-up, 75 infants (67.6%) remained exclusively on breast milk, 32 (28.8%) mixed feeding and 4 (3.6%) with proprietary formulas. In the group with 0 to 6 years of schooling we found a RR: 1.29, IC: 1.01, 1.64, P =0.11 [Fisher's exact]. Conclusions. Prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding: 67.6%. Cause of abandonment: low milk production. The only significant variable, for lactating breast milk exclusively and remain in the follow-up was schooling 0 to 6 years.