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Interdisciplinaria ; 38(3): 24-48, jun. 2021. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356326


Resumen La relación de pareja es una dimensión central de la vida de las personas que repercute en su felicidad y bienestar. Este tema es de interés para diversas disciplinas, teniendo un amplio recorrido en investigación, y ha sido abordado desde diferentes paradigmas y perspectivas de estudio. Con el objetivo de analizar las investigaciones llevadas a cabo sobre relaciones de pareja desde el año 2000 al 2018, se revisan 83 publicaciones localizadas tras una búsqueda exhaustiva en las principales bases de datos. Los resultados apuntan a que la mayoría de las investigaciones optan por una metodología exclusivamente cuantitativa, tienden a emplear instrumentos ya validados, cuentan con muestras de hasta 250 participantes y abordan temas clásicos como la satisfacción, la sexualidad o la comunicación en pareja. La información aportada permite obtener una visión global del tema de estudio y está encaminada a poder replicar, proponer nuevas o ampliar las investigaciones ya realizadas.

Abstract Couple relationships, as the fundamental basis of family relationships, is a crucial dimension within the lives of people that also impacts on their happiness and well-being. These relationships are underpinned by mutual caring and attachment bonds, which, properly developed, entail a source of emotional and social support. This support also contributes to build the identity, improve the social competence, and, ultimately, strengthen own and family well-being. This topic is likely to arouse the interest at a social and scientific level and is addressed from several disciplines such as Psychology, Sociology, Pedagogy, or Social Work. This interest has provided this topic with a broad overview in the related research, being addressed from different paradigms and study prospects. This study is aimed at analyzing the research conducted on couple relationships from 2000 to 2018 in Spanish-speaking countries. Therefore, we present a systematic review of 83 scientific publications retrieved after an extensive search in the main databases (WOS, SCOPUS, Dialnet Plus, Redalyc, and ISOC) and the search engine Google Scholar. Specifically, the study specifies the dimensions and variables that have been the subject of study among these relationships, their objectives and methods (with particular emphasis on the instruments used), and the sample type and size the authors deemed necessary. In addition to the year of publication and the geographical delimitation, it was also included as criteria the publication format (only scientific papers) and papers with a Social Sciences content with topics not related to violence. Results suggest that most researchers follow an entirely quantitative methodology, tend to use validated instruments, have samples up to 250 participants, and address traditional topics such as satisfaction, sexuality, and communication in couples. Also, the predominant trend is to focus on a single thematic content, being lower the presence of studies addressing the interaction between two topics (e.g., satisfaction and communication), and even least common those studies that extend the dimensions analyzed to three or more. Regarding the content, the papers reviewed confirm the thinking that the couple's well-being and their satisfaction has a multicausal nature, which goes beyond the couple, since it includes the influence of the couple's social and cultural context. In this regard, specific socio-demographic characteristics such as having children, gender, and relationship duration seem to have a greater impact and arouse more interest than others. To complement this work, it is also included other topics usually related to how the couples are shaped and the satisfaction perceived, such as, for example, the fear of intimacy and anxiety, the sense of humor, the psychological well-being, and living with a positive family context. Furthermore, the publications addressed allow to locate emerging topics, such as the use of technology and its impact on the couple relationships, and also reveal the absence of studies integrating new structures of couple relationships, like polyamory. In conclusion, this review helps to get a general overview of the topic studied in order to suggest further research or expand the research already conducted. Similarly, the information provided encourages researchers to replicate the studies analyzed with different samples (location, age, sample size, etc.) and with more ambitious methodological design given that, though exceptionally, there are results which buck against the current predominant trends, and to complement this study focused on Spanish-speaking research with English, French and Portuguese publications.

Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-549769


Emulsões óleo de oliva/água, na presença de agentes emulsionantes não-iônicos, foram avaliadas quanto à estabilidade física. Assim, prepararam-se emulsões fazendo uso de diferentes emulsionantes, sendo um hidrofílico e o outro lipofílico, nas diferentes proporções. Às emulsões mais estáveis, adicionaram-se agentes auxiliares da emulsificação, visando otimizar a estabilidade; e estudos de estabilidade foram conduzidos, submetendo as amostras em condições e períodos diversos de armazenamento. Para caracterização da estabilidade, as amostras foram examinadas macroscopicamente e submetidas às análises de pH, centrifugação, viscosidade, potencial zeta e distribuição de tamanho de partícula. Os resultados demonstraram que as emulsões óleo de oliva/água não apresentaram alteração, ou seja mantiveram-se estáveis, quanto às propriedades organolépticas, bem como físicoquímicas, quando armazenadas à temperatura ambiente e protegidas da luz. Das emulsões obtidas, as que apresentaram maior estabilidade provêm da associação de agentes emulsionantes que resultaram em equilíbrio hidrofílico-lipofílico (EHL) equivalente a 12. As emulsões provenientes da associação de agentes emulsionantes que possuem cadeias de ácidos graxos insaturados similares ao óleo de oliva produziram estabilidade máxima, demonstrando que a similaridade estrutural entre os componentes da fase oleosa e os agentes emulsionantes é essencial para a estabilidade da emulsão.

Olive oil-in-water emulsions, developed with non-ionic emulsifiers, were assessed with regard to physical stability. Emulsions were prepared with two different emulsifiers, one of which was hydrophilic and the other lipophilic, in various proportions. To improve emulsion stability, auxiliary emulsifiers were added to the stablest emulsions and stability studies were carried out, in which the samples were stored for different periods and under various conditions. To test emulsion stability, the samples were examined macroscopically and various physicochemical properties, such as pH, centrifugation, viscosity, zeta potential and particle size distribution, were assessed. The results showed that olive oil-in-water emulsions are organoleptically and physicochemically stable, when stored at room temperature and protected from the light. Out of the emulsions developed, the most stable was based on an emulsifier blend that resulted in a hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) of 12. A blend of emulsifiers with unsaturated fatty acids of similar chain length to that of olive oil produced the stablest emulsions, showing that structural similarity between the hydrocarbon moieties of the oil phase and the surfactant is essential to successful emulsion stabilization.

Emulsiones , Emulsionantes/análisis , Grasas Vegetales
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 64(2): 120-124, 2004. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-444346


A total of 39 outbreaks of foodborne diseases affecting 958 people in the province of Rio Negro, Argentina between 1993 and 2001 are described and evaluated. The main causal agents were identified involving food, sites of occurrence, risk factors and notification system used. Salmonella spp (38%), Trichinella spiralis (15%), Escherichia coli (13%) and Staphylococcus aureus (15%) were the most frequent agents present in outbreaks. Salmonella spp produced the largest number of cases (52%). Food involved were cooked meat (36%), cheese (10%), sandwiches (10%), deserts (10%) and ice cream (8%). Indeed, ice creams were involved in the largest number of cases and of people affected. In relation to the source of food, 41% of outbreaks were caused by homemade meals, 23% by catering or ice cream parlor, 13% in family parties, 8% in county fairs and 8% in hotel restaurants. In 28% of the outbreaks the etiological agent was identified exclusively by epidemiological analysis, in 64% isolation of the agent was carried out, and in 8% of the cases, a final diagnosis could not be obtained. Validity of epidemiological studies in foodborne disease, the necessity of strengthening the notification system of outbreaks, and the importance of good practices in food handling are analyzed.

Se describen 39 brotes de enfermedades transmitidas por alimentos que afectaron a 958 personasen la provincia de Río Negro, Argentina, en el período 1993- 2001. Se identifican los agentes causales, los alimentos involucrados, los sitios de ocurrencia, los factores de riesgo involucrados y los mecanismosde notificación empleados. Salmonella spp (38%), Trichinella spiralis (15%), Escherichia coli (13%) y Staphylococcus aureus (15%) resultaron los agentes más frecuentes en los brotes. Salmonella spp. tambiénprodujo el mayor número de casos (52%). Los principales alimentos involucrados resultaron cárneos (36%),quesos (10%), fiambres y sándwiches (10%), postres (10%) y helados (8%). El mayor número de casos, por suparte, fue causado por la ingestión de helados (37%). Con relación al origen de los alimentos, 41% de los brotesfueron causados por comidas elaboradas en los domicilios, 23% en establecimientos comerciales, 13% enfiestas familiares, 8% en fiestas comunitarias y 8% en restaurantes de hoteles. En el 28% de los brotes fueidentificado el agente etiológico por análisis epidemiológico exclusivamente, en el 64% se logró el aislamientodel agente, mientras que en el 8% de los casos no se logró el diagnóstico definitivo. Se analiza el valor de laencuesta epidemiológica en los estudios de enfermedades transmitidas por alimentos, la necesidad de fortalecerel sistema de notificación médica de casos y brotes y la importancia de las buenas prácticas en la manipulaciónde alimentos.

Humanos , Bacterias Gramnegativas/aislamiento & purificación , Brotes de Enfermedades , Microbiología de Alimentos , Enfermedades Transmitidas por los Alimentos/epidemiología , Vigilancia de la Población , Argentina/epidemiología , Estudios Epidemiológicos , Manipulación de Alimentos , Infecciones por Escherichia coli/epidemiología , Infecciones por Escherichia coli/microbiología , Intoxicación Alimentaria Estafilocócica/microbiología , Intoxicación Alimentaria por Salmonella/epidemiología , Intoxicación Alimentaria por Salmonella/microbiología , Enfermedades Transmitidas por los Alimentos/microbiología , Triquinelosis/epidemiología , Triquinelosis/microbiología
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 54(6): 724-31, 1983.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-16428


Se presentan los resultados de una encuesta realizada entre 407 madres de la etnia malenke, en la Republica Democratica de Guinea y entre 110 madres de la minoria etnica miskita en la costa atlantica de Nicaragua, dirigida a obtener los datos relativos al tiempo de duracion de la lactancia materna y otros aspectos relacionados con dicha practica. Se encontraron resultados similares en ambos grupos: la mayor parte de las madres extendian la lactancia hasta que el nino cumplia el primer ano (56% de las madres miskitas y 94% de las africanas). En cambio, se aprecio, en las madres africanas una mayor tendencia al destete tardio: el 22% daba el pecho mas de tres anos, mientras que en Nicaragua solo lo hacia el 3%. Se analizan las causas del destete en ambas comunidades y las implicaciones que estos habitos tienen en la salud materno-infantil

Humanos , Lactancia Materna , Destete , Nicaragua