Different diseases are seen in physical medicine, rehabilitation and rheumatology out patient clinic [for children] in national institute of neuromotor rehabilitation. To know various diseases attending this clinic in one year [2007]. -To know the commonest diseases. -To provide the institute with various types of investigation for these patients [haematological, radiological, neurophysiological, etc....] -To provide these patients with various types of treatment [Medical, physical, and surgical] and devices needed for these patients. 3611 patients attending physical medicine outpatient clinic [for children] in one year [2007] till 12 years old. To know different types of diseases attending this clinic: -Disease history - Clinical examination - Investigation: hematological, Radiological, neurophysiolgical, etc... To know number of cases of each disease and the commonest diseases. Disease: U.M.N.L, Deformities, L.M.N.L., Post operative, Chronic poliomyelitis, Others, Sum. No. of cases: 2072, 446, 284, 146, 51, 613, 3611. Percentage%: 57.38%, 12.32%, 7.86%, 4.04%, 1.41%, 100%. -The commonest diseases attending physical medicine out patient clinic [for children] in national institute of neuromotor rehabilitation: U.M.N.L followed by deformities. -The institute must be provided with investigation for these diseases [haematological, radiological, neurophysiological etc...] different types of treatment [Medical, physical and surgical] and with equipment and devices