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Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-362130


  Dietary management during chemotherapy for cancer can improve a patient's nutritional status through an adequate dietary intake, and increase the therapeutic effect.  In this study, we performed a questionnaire survey of inpatients in chemotherapy about their dietary preferences and changes in their senses of taste and smell, with the aim of producing a ‘chemotherapy menu’, utilizing recipes and foodstuffs to produce a palatable menu for those patients with their appetite diminished. We received responses from 102 out of 109 in patients surveyed (94%). Of the respondents, 66% rerealed that they had a decrease in appetite during chemotherapy, of whom 85% complained of extremely poor appetite. The smell of fish dishes disturbed 29% of the respondents, of whom 62% reported a stronger aversion to hot dishes. The foods easy to eat were found to be fruits, noodles, and soups. Meat and fish dishes, white rice, and stews were difficult to eat. Seasoning with tomato sauce made food difficult to eat for 44% of the respondents, whereas soy sauce was shunned by only 6%. The survey also found that 38% liked the use of Furikake (dried seasoning sprinkles), because it could make the meals palatable.  Based on the survey results, we devised an 8-day ‘chemotherapy menu’. It includes a Japanese style breakfast, with bread as an option, and many foods easy to eat, such as flavoured rice, sushi, noodles, sandwiches, and fruits. We have offered this menu to 47 inpatients, with average eating rates of greater than 70% for both rice and dishes. We will further conduct surveys with a view to producing a ‘chemotherapy menu’ palatable for as many patients as possible.

Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-362134


  In recent years, changes in Japanese dietary habits have been associated with the increased incidence of obesity and lifestyle diseases even among children. Dietary education is considered essential for stemming this trend. In this study, we introduced the following initiative in dietary education for children admitted to hospital and their parents from the standpoint of health care workers providing meals to inpatients. We added a ‘Children's Lunch’ to the menu. Designed for the fussy children, it was a nutritionally balanced meal. On traditional seasonal festival days, we wrote an introduction to Japanese seasonal cuisine and showed it to the children. To the parents, we distributed a regular weekly pamphlet outlining the importance of dietary education, with an explanation of the ingredients used in the meals, and recipes.  To assess the results of this initiative, we conducted a questionnaire survey of parents on a weekly basis. The results of the surveys (n=215, recovery rate 87%) taken during the first three months showed that the majority of parents rated all four aspects of the ‘Children's Lunch’ high menu content, presentation, child's response, and the pamphlet contents. The parents displayed a deep interest in our activity, because 93% of those parents said that they were impressed with dietary education. On the other hand, some dietary problems were identified, with tendencies to use only ingredients preferred by the children, and eat out often.  This was a short term initiative, limited to hospitalization, but we were cwetain that we had been able to provide an opportunity for parents to think about their children's diets. We plan to continue this initiative, thereby making a contribution to dietary education for children.

Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-376204


  Patients with dysphagia suffer from various degrees of difficulty in eating or swallowing. To improve their oral intake, meals must be provided with due consideration given to individual patient's eating ability. In this study, we examined a newly developed grading system of oral nutrition, which comprised 5 grades (I-V) based on the degree of difficulty in swallowing each formula. Grades I-III are meals suitable for swallowing training, grade IV represents meals that were enough to meet nutritional requirements, and grade V meals for the preparatory stage leading up to the changeover from liquid to solid foods.<br>  To assess the 5-step grading system of oral nutrition, we worked out average ingestion rates in 23 patients with dysphagia. The ingestion rate was 75±21% for patients on grade IV oral nutrition, and 74±19% for those on grade V, with a combined rate of 74±20%. This was higher than the average ingestion rate in a previous study conducted before our introduction of the grading system for oral nutrition (Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 57: 83-88, 2008). We considered the surveillance data showed tendency to support the 5-step grading system, and in a case with dysphagia, this system actually brought about a remarkable improvement in ingestion. It has been introduced in our hospital since July 2008.