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Rev. odontopediatr. latinoam ; 9(2): 110-122, 2019. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1009965


Objetivo: El objetivo de investigación es identificar mediante la educación para la salud el nivel de conocimiento de las madres de las madres referente a la ventana de infectividad bucal en el binomio madre-hijo y a las prácticas preventivas. Materiales y Métodos: La muestra fue tomada durante la consulta de obstetricia del Hospital Universitario Ángel Larralde, estado Carabobo en el período Septiembre-Diciembre del año 2017. Previamente, las madres habían recibido instrucción referente a técnicas de higiene personal y bucal por parte de los residentes del Postgrado de Odontopediatría de la Universidad de Carabobo. El enfoque de la investigación es cualitativo, modalidad de campo de tipo descriptiva, diseño no experimental transversal. La muestra fue de treinta (30) madres. Los datos se Originalrecolectaron por medio de la técnica de la encuesta usando como un cuestionario contentivo de veinticinco (25) preguntas, sobre las dimensiones contacto directo, lactancia materna e higiene personal. Los datos obtenidos fueron organizados y presentados en tablas. Resultados: Se obtuvo un nivel de conocimiento de la transmisibilidad bacteriana por contacto directo regular. El nivel de conocimiento de las prácticas preventivas durante la lactancia materna fue deficiente, a diferencia del conocimiento referente a las medidas de higiene personal que fue aceptable. Conclusión: Se concluyó que los indicadores contacto directo y lactancia materna deben ser reforzadas.

Objetivo: O objetivo da pesquisa é identificar, por meio da educação em saúde, o nível de conhecimento das mães em relação à janela de infectividade bucal no binômio mãe-filho e práticas preventivas. Materiais e Métodos: A amostra foi retirada durante a consulta de obstetrícia do Hospital Universitário Ángel Larralde, no estado de Carabobo, no período de setembro a dezembro de 2017. Anteriormente, as mães recebiam instruções sobre técnicas de higiene pessoal e bucal por parte das crianças. Residentes do Curso de Pós-Graduação em Odontopediatria da Universidade de Carabobo. O foco da pesquisa foi qualitativo, modalidade de campo do tipo descritiva, delineamento transversal não experimental. A amostra foi de trinta (30) mães. Os dados foram coletados por meio da técnica de pesquisa, utilizando-se um questionário contendo vinte e cinco (25) questões, sobre as dimensões contato direto, amamentação e higiene pessoal. Os dados obtidos foram organizados e apresentados em tabelas. Um nível de conhecimento da transmissibilidade bacteriana foi obtido por contato direto regular. O nível de conhecimento das práticas preventivas durante a amamentação foi deficiente, diferentemente do conhecimento sobre medidas de higiene pessoal aceitável. Concluiu-se que os indicadores contato direto e amamentação devem ser reforçados.

Purpose: The objective of the research is to identify, through health education, the level of knowledge of mothers regarding the window of oral infectivity in the mother-child binomial and preventive practices. Materials and Methods: The sample was taken during the obstetrics consultation of the Ángel Larralde University Hospital, Carabobo state, in the period September-December of the year 2017. Previously, the mothers had received instruction regarding techniques of personal and oral hygiene on the part of the children. Residents of the Postgraduate Course in Pediatric Dentistry of the University of Carabobo. The focus of the research is qualitative, field modality of descriptive type, transversal non-experimental design. The sample was thirty (30) mothers. The data was collected by means of the survey technique using as a questionnaire containing twenty-five (25) questions, about the dimensions direct contact, breastfeeding and personal hygiene. The data obtained were organized and presented in tables. A level of knowledge of bacterial transmissibility was obtained by regular direct contact. The level of knowledge of preventive practices during breastfeeding was deficient, unlike the knowledge regarding personal hygiene measures that was acceptable. It was concluded that the indicators direct contact and breastfeeding should be reinforced.

Humanos , Lactante , Servicios Preventivos de Salud , Control de Enfermedades Transmisibles , Caries Dental , Prevención de Enfermedades
Salus ; 19(3): 31-40, dic. 2015. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-783130


El odontopediatra en su práctica clínica requiere prescribir medicamentos a sus pacientes de manera racional, basado en el diagnóstico clínico y exámenes complementarios para planificar un tratamiento integral. Por consiguiente es importante conocer las peculiaridades del niño en relación a la farmacocinética, farmacodinamia, desarrollo y procesos de maduración, para la eliminación de fármacos. De igual manera considerar criterios de bioética, evitando los errores de prescripción, conocer las patologías del paciente, la importancia de la farmacovigilancia y las interacciones farmacológicas, enfrentando los fenómenos de automedicación y escasez de medicamentos. Los fármacos más prescritos en odontopediatría son los AINEs y antimicrobianos, para ello el profesional debe conocer su uso racional, valoración del dolor y dosificación de AINEs. En relación a los antimicrobianos es importante el manejo de las infecciones odontogénicas, terapia antimicrobiana profiláctica, curativa y dosis pediátricas. En consecuencia, el propósito de este artículo es realizar una revisión sistemática de artículos publicados desde 2004 hasta 2014 que describen los esquemas y protocolos en relación al uso racional de AINEs y antimicrobianos en odontopediatría, de manera de aportar elementos científicos bibliográficos que incentiven la correcta utilización de los mismos, para establecer recomendaciones útiles a profesionales que se involucren en el manejo clínico del dolor y las infecciones bucales en niños.

The pediatric dentist in clinical practice needs to prescribe medications to their patients, this requirement should make it rationally, based on a diagnosis according to its clinical judgement and examinations for a comprehensive treatment plan. It is therefore important to know the peculiarities of the child in relation to drugs, which highlights the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, development and maturation, special care for the elimination of drugs. The prescription must be done according to criteria of bioethics, avoiding prescribing errors, considering the conditions of the patient and the importance of pharmacovigilance and drug interactions, struggling with the phenomena of self-medication and drug shortages. The most prescribed drugs in pediatric dentistry are NSAIDs and antimicrobials, for which the professional must know everything related to the management and assessment of pain and dosing of NSAIDs in relation to antimicrobials is important to know regarding odontogénica infections, prophylactic antimicrobial therapy and healing, and pediatric doses. Consequently, the purpose of this article is to date from 2004 to 2014 published articles describing the schemes and protocols in relation to the rational use of NSAIDs and antimicrobial agents in pediatric dentistry literature systematic review, in order to provide bibliographic scientific elements that encourage proper use thereof, to establish useful recommendations for professionals involved in the clinical management of pain and oral infections in children.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-164471


Aims: Using national food consumption data this paper addresses issues whether buyers of organic food make healthier food choices and pursue a healthy lifestyle concerning smoking, physical exercise and body weight compared to non-buyers. Study Design: The German National Nutrition Survey II (NVS II) is a nationwide food consumption study providing additional information on social demographics, health, and lifestyle aspects as well as anthropometric measurements. Using data of several assessment tools, a comparison was conducted between buyers and non-buyers of organic food. Place and Duration of the Study: From November 2005 to November 2006, data collection took place in about 500 randomly chosen sample points across Germany. Methodology: 13,074 participants aged 18-80 years were divided into groups of buyers (44.9%) and non-buyers (55.1%) of organic food. According to their purchase frequency, the organic food buyers were further differentiated into intensive, occasional or infrequent purchase groups. A diet history method was applied to assess food consumption, trained staff measured BMI while questionnaires were used for social demographic description and healthy lifestyle factors. Results: Buyers of organic food consumed 17% more fruit and 23% more vegetables as well as less meat/sausages (25%) and soft drinks (58%) than non-buyers did (P< .001, resp.). These results are more pronounced for women and for intensive buyers. Additionally, buyers of organic food exhibit healthier lifestyle characteristics in respect to smoking behaviour, physical activity, and body weight compared to non-buyers. Conclusion: German buyers of organic food demonstrate health behaviours complying better with the recommendations for a healthy lifestyle compared with non-buyers. Independent of the discussion whether organically produced food exerts additional health effects, buyers of organic food make healthier food choices than non-buyers, thereby benefiting for their overall health.

Arch. venez. pueric. pediatr ; 70(2): 47-52, abr.-jun. 2007. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-589223


El 90 por ciento de los pacientes VIH-SIDA presentan lesiones bucales durante el curso de la enfermedad, observándose en la mayoría de los niños en las etapas iniciales, lesiones muchas veces no imputables al VIH. Determinar las manifestaciones bucales y su relación con el porcentaje de linfocitos CD4 y la carga viral, en 40 niños VIH/SIDA que acudieron a la consulta de infectología y odontología pediátrica de la Ciudad Hospitalaria “Dr. Enrique Tejera”. A través de un estudio descriptivo y de campo, se analizaron las variables, edad, género, categoría clínico-inmunológica, manifestaciones en tejidos blandos y duros, porcentaje de linfocitos CD4 y carga viral. El grupo de niños más afectado fue el de 1 a 6 años y el género femenino. La categoría clínica inmunológica más frecuente fue la B2 y la C3. En 65 por ciento hubo caries y en 80 por ciento lesión de tejidos blandos. La lesión bucal más común fue: adenopatías 57.5 por ciento, seguida de candidiasis 30 por ciento, y en igual proporción (17,5 por ciento) afta-úlceras y gingivitis; parotiditis y xerostomía 12.5 por ciento, herpes oral y petequias 10 por ciento, queilitis 7.5 por ciento, leucoplasia vellosa y eritema gingival lineal 2.5 por ciento. Independientemente del porcentaje de CD4 y carga viral, se evidenciaron manifestaciones bucales en tejidos duros y blandos, en una frecuencia relativamente alta, de allí la imperiosa necesidad de institucionalizar los programas de atención odontológica, así como la instrucción, sensibilización y motivación a los padres, representantes y personal de salud en el área pediátrica, sobre la importancia de la salud bucal en los niños VIH/SIDA.

90 percent of the childrens infected with VIH-AIDS may be at increased risk of experiencing oral lesions during the course of the illness, principally at the initial stage, the most of these lesions were not associated to HIV. To determine the oral manifestations and their relation with the percentage of lymphocytes CD4 and the viral load, in 40 children being treated for HIV-infection of the Paediatric Infection and Dentistry Service at the “Ciudad Hospitalaria Dr. Enrique Tejera.”. By means of a descriptive study of field, the variables age, gender, immunological clinical category, soft and hard tissue manifestations, percentage of lymphocytes CD4, and viral load were analyzed. The childrens more affected were the group of 1 to 6 years old and in feminine gender. The most frequent immunological clinical category was the B2 and the C3. In 65 percent there was dental caries, and in 80 percent soft oral lesion. The most common oral manifestation was adenopaty 57,5 percent, followed of candidacies 30 percent, and in equal proportion 17.5 percent aphthous ulcerations, and gingival erythema, parotid en largement and xerostomia 12,5 percent, herpes oral and petechiae 10 percent, cheilitis 7,5 percent, hairy leukoplakia and gingival erythema linear 2.5 percent. Independently of percentage CD4 and the viral load, oral manifestations on hard tissue were recorded as much as in soft tissue. The hard and soft weave injuries were relatively high, consequently, the urgent necessity to institutionalize preventive and therapeutic dental program, and also the education, sensibilization and motivation to parents, representatives and health personnel in the paediatric area; about the importance of oral health in HIV/AIDS children.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Boca/lesiones , /inmunología , Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida/patología , Candidiasis Bucal/fisiopatología , Gingivitis/fisiopatología , Pediatría , Parotiditis/fisiopatología , Xerostomía/fisiopatología