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Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging ; (12): 1323-1327, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026338


The lenticulostriate arterys(LSAs)is an important intracranial perforating artery,which is located in the basal ganglia region and the deep nucleus.LSAs lesions will lead to microcirculation disorders in the corresponding blood supply area,which is an important risk factor for stroke.Early effective detection of LSAs lesions to clarify the classification and etiology of stroke,and effective prediction of adverse events has become an urgent problem to be solved.At present,due to the extremely slender diameter and tortuous course of LSAs,the equipment and technology in clinical have not achieved a clear and comprehensive display of the LSAs.With the development of 7.0T ultra-high field MRI,it has become the best method for non-invasive diagnosis of LSAs.This paper aims to summarize the research progress of LSAs and stroke related diseases by 7.0T ultra-high field MRI.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-931449


Objective:To explore the effect of the 3D printed model assisted network teaching of neurosurgery.Methods:Seventy-six probation students were divided into: 3D printed model assisted online course teaching group (test group) and traditional teaching group (control group). After 1-month online teaching, quantitative assessment and satisfaction survey were carried out. SPSS 17.0 was used for statistical analysis of variance.Results:The department graduation test (theory and operation) scores of students in the test group were (86.7±7.4) points, which was significantly higher than those in the control group (78.2±8.2) points ( t=5.56, P<0.01). The teaching satisfaction survey showed that the test group had significantly higher scores in self-evaluation of spatial imagination ( t=3.81, P<0.01), deepening understanding of neuroanatomy ( t=5.29, P<0.01), and increasing interest in clinical learning ( t=5.12, P<0.01) than those of the control group. Conclusion:Compared with the conventional online teaching methods, 3D printed model assisted online teaching helps to improve teaching quality and students' satisfaction.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 580-583, 2019.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-752400


Objective Toanalyzeclinicalandimagingmanifestationsofaggressiveangiomyxoma(AAM)inthepelvisandperineuminorder tomakeafurtherunderstandingofthisdisease.Methods ThemedicalrecordsofpatientswithAAMinthepelvisandperineum were reviewedfromtheelectronicmedicalrecordsystem.PubMedandChinesebiomedicaldatabaseswerealsosearchedcarefully.Theclinicaland imagingfeaturesofcaseswereanalyzedtogether.Results Accordingtoinclusionandexclusioncriteria,23referenceswereincluded. 62cases(4malesand58females)ofAAMinthepelvisandabdomenwereincluded,with1inourhospitaland61casesintheliterature.The averageagewas39.0±1.2 (range:20-75years).Thetumorslocatedinthepelviccavityfor25cases,intheperineumfor11cases, inthescrotumfor1case,inthepelviccavityandperineumfor25cases.CTimagesshowedtumorswithcysticandsolidcomponents in9cases,nodularenhancementin6cases,andswirlingstrandsorlayeringinternalpatternin21cases;whileMRIimagesshoweda slightlyhyper-intensitylesiononT1andaslightlyhyper-intensitylesiononT2.Lesionsshowedswirlingstrandsorlayeringinternalpatternon MRIenhancementin41cases.Conclusion Theswirlingstrandsorlayeringinternalpatternhaveveryimportantimagingvalueinthediagnosisandthe detectionofrecurrentlesions.