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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-570584


Objective To investigate the expression of GDNF in the olfactory ensheathing glia cells of the adult rats and golden hamster for studying the mechanisms of the OECs in the CNS regeneration. Methods The immunohistochemical staining was performed on the slides of adult olfactory bulb from 3 rats and 3 golden hamsters.According to the primary antibody,tissue slides were divided into 3 groups:rabbit polyclonal GDNF,the rabbit polyclonal GFAP and rabbit polyclonal NGFRp75(Santa Cruz Biotechnology)respectively,and followed by the rabbit ABC immunoreactive staining system. Results It revealed that GDNF was expressed by cells in the first two lines of olfactory bulb from rat and golden hamster.The GFAP and NGFRp75 were also expressed in the same position from other two groups of slides respectively.Conclusion The olfactory ensheathing cell could secret GDNF in the progress of mediating neuronal survival and axonal elongation.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-680734


The ultrastructural characteristics of the lateral horn of the cat and rat revea-led by present study included:(1)The neurons of cell clusters in the lateral hornwere fusiform or oval,oriented rostrocaudally and possessed similar fine structures.The dendrites often protruded from the rostral and caudal poles of the cell bodies.The synapses on neuronal somata were sparse,for usually only 0-5 buttons contac-ted the plasmalemma in each neuronal profile.A little amount of neuropil existedbetween cell bodies in the cell clusters,even sometimes the plasma membranes ofadjacent cell bodies apposited directly.(2)Most dendrites in the lateral horn ranlongitudinally and paralleled with one another.Numerous dendrites aggregated inthe ventral part of the cell clusters,constituting a dendrite bundle in which adja-cent dendrites apposited directly and were surrounded by glial processes.(3)Manyunmyelinated fibers and fiber bundles ran longitudinally in the lateral horn.Theywere parallel with the neuronal and dendritic profiles.Unmyelinated fiber bundlesconsisted of the fibers with diameter less than one micron,and their terminal bottonsoften compacted together.(4)The majority of the synapses in the lateral horn wereaxodendritic synapses.A small number of axosomatic and axoaxonic synapses werefound,occasionally synaptic glomeruli and serial synapses were observed.Most ofthe buttons contained round clear vesicles and some plus a few granular vesicles.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-568459


Thirty eight adult male rabbits were selected for the experiment. The experimental peptic ulcer was induced by means of injection of 40% acetic acid to the submucosa of the stomach. Animals of the control group were injected with normal saline instead and another control group consisted of normal rabbits without any treatment. The animals were killed by decapitation at different time intervals (3~49 days) after the operation. The adrenal tissues were prepared for histochemical studies from both experimental and control animals. The results were observed as follows:During the early stage of the peptic ulcer, the fascicular and reticular zones were the chief sites in the adrenal cortex where histochemical changes were involved. Three days after the peptic ulcer operation, the cells of the fascicular and reticular zones filled with sudanophilic lipid droplets and cholesterol droplets. Five days after the operation, both of lipid droplets and cholesterol droplets decreased; the content of ascorbic acid increased slightly; and the activity of succinic dehydrogenase also increased. The above changes were most conspicuous in the inner portion of the fascicular zone within ten days. After fourteen days, all the above histochemical changes began to recover and gradually returned to the normal level after eighteen to thirty five days. In the normal saline operation control group, the contents of lipid droplets and cholesterol droplets decreased in the fascicular and reticular zones after three days and returned to normal level during the period of ten to fourteen days after operation for saline injection.The above histochemical changes showed that the adrenal cortex was at an active functional state during the early period of the experimental peptic ulcer.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-568551


The purpose of this research work is to find out the longitudinal distribution of the preganglionic neurons which project to the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion (SCSG). Experiments were performed on 12 adult rabbits and a monkey. Under sodium pentobarbital anesthesia, 20 microliters of 10% HRP were injected slowly into the rabbit's SCSG. In the monkey, 20 microliters of 15% HRP was injected.After a postoperative survival time of 3~6 days, the animals were perfused through,the ascending aorta with a cold fixative mixture composed of 2% paraformaldehyde and 1.25% glutaraldyhyde in 0.1mol phosphatebuffer at pH 7.4. The spinal cord segments C_1~L_3 were cut serially in transverse plane on a cryostat at 48 micra.The HRP reaction product was demonstrated according to Mesulam's (1976) benzidine blue reaction method, and counterstained with neutral red.HRP labeled neurons in the spinal cord were located exclusively on the side ipsilateral to the injected SCSG. The total number of labeled cells were 7908 in 12 rabbits, but the number of labeled cells varied from animal to animal. The highest amount was 1690 (423~#) and the lowest amount was 71 (425~#). The longitudinal distribution of the labeled cells in 12 rabbits was 12 segaments of the spinal cord (C_6~T_9), but the largest proportion (86.18%) of them was concentrated from T_1 to T_4, especially at the level of T_2 and T_3 (56.22%), and with a peak at T_2 (29.10%).In cross section of the spinal cord. HRP-labeled cells were concentrated in four cell groups, they are: nucleus intermediolateralis pars principalis (ILp), nucleus intermediolateralis pars funicularis (ILf), nucleus intercalatus (IC) and nucleus intercalatus pars paraependymalis (ICpe). The latter is subdivided into dorsal portion and ventral portion. HRP positive cells were mainly located in the ILp, In 12 rabbits about 92.99% cells were located in it. A small portion of labeled cells(6.25%) were seen in the ILf. A few labeled neurons could be detected within,the IC (0.68%) and ICpe (0.08%). Furthermore, occasionally, very few labeled cells were found at the dorsol portion of the anterior horn.In the monkey, generally speaking, the pattern of the distribution of labeled cells was the same as the rabbit.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-568876


The synaptic organization of monoaminergic and peptidergic fibers in the lateral horn of the rat spinal cord was studied under electron microscopy by immunocytochemistry ABC method. TH, 5-HT, SP and L-ENK immunoreactive fibers in the lateral horn were unmyelinated. In the cell clusters of the lateral horn these fibers appeared in the space between cell bodies and some pressed on the soma, but axosomatic synapses were seldom found. Many immunoreactive fibers ran along the dendrites, especially in the dendritic bundle. Occasionally a small bundle of unmyelinated fibers all contained the same kind of substance. Majority of the immunoreactive boutons formed axodendritic synapses. All the four kinds of neuroactive substancecontaining boutons or varicosities contained almost round clear vesicles or plus a few large granular vesicles. The SP and L-ENK varicosities included more large granular vesicles than the boutons did. Both symmetrical and asymmetical contacts were encountered in TH, 5-HT, SP and L-ENK boutons.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-570858


Objective Investigate the morphological features and distribution of olfactory ensheathing cells(Ecs) to study the relationship with CNS regeneration. Methods Luxol fast blue,Mallory special staining methods and TEM were emploed. Results ECs are distributed within the first two layers of olfactory bulb(OB) and olfactory epithelium along the olfactory nerve.The majority of cells are flattened with extended cytoplasm,although some are bipolar or tripolar with long and thin processes.NGFRp75 immunocytochemical reactive are sequentially expressed by ECs in the first two layers of OB and olfactory epithelium.TEM showed that the ECs possessed an irregularly shaped nucleus with a prominent nucleolus,and the mesaxon of each ECs encloses densely packed bundles of unmyelinated axons.Conclusion\ The ECs are a type of macroglia exclusively located in the first two layers of OB and olfactory epithelium,the morphology of EC is flattened with extended cytoplasm and the mesaxon of each ECs encloses densely packed bundles of unmyelinated axons.