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Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203473


Objective: In this study our main goal is to evaluate the currentstatus on TB in children of Bangladesh.Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted at thesecondary level hospital in the 250 Bed General Hospital, Feni,Bangladesh from Jan 2016 to Jan 2017 among selected 100children between 1 to 10 years. Data was collected inpreformed data collection sheet by interviewing the patient’sattendants during the study.Results: In this experiment (62%) were male and (38%) werefemale. 6% patients previously diagnosed with TB. Also, 62%had extrapulmonary TB whereas 38% had pulmonary TB.Conclusion: In this study we found that extra pulmonarytuberculosis was more than PTB. Extra precautionary stepsshould be taken to control TB among children in Bangladesh;Further study is needed for better outcome.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203420


Objective: In this study our main goal is to evaluate the riskfactor associated with Relapse in Childhood NephroticSyndrome.Methodology: This Cross-sectional comparative studyconducted at Tertiary Medical College Hospital, Dhaka fromJanuary 2017 to December 2018. During the study, 100 studysubjects were included with relapsed NS out of them 50 havingFRNS (Group-A) and 50 having IFRNS (Group-B) were takenusing simple random sampling technique.Results: During the study, most of the patients in group-A andgroup-B belongs to ≥ 5 Years age group, 61% and 64 %.).Only 25% patients were completed their graduation and mostof them belong to poor economic condition. Chi-square testrevealed no statistically significant differences between therelapsed and non-relapsed groups were seen in hypertension,infection, serum creatinine level, or hematuria. However, astatistically significant difference in subjects’ nutritional statuswas observed between the relapsed and non-relapsed groups(P=0.02).Conclusion: Nutritional status of patients at the time ofdiagnosis can be used as risk factor for relapse in pediatricnephrotic disease. Clinicians should provide nutritional therapyif the NS patient is poorly nourished and reevaluate at least sixmonths after steroid therapy.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203302


Objective: In this study our main objective is to evaluate effectof serum IgE level between frequent relapse and infrequentrelapse nephrotic syndrome in children.Methodology: This Cross-sectional comparative studyconducted at the Department of Paediatric Nephrology,Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) andDepartment of Paediatrics, Dhaka Medical College Hospital,Dhaka from February 1, 2010 to October 1, 2010. During thestudy, 60 children were included in the study according tojudgmental or purposive sampling method and they weregrouped as follows: Group A (n = 30): Frequent RelapseNephrotic Syndrome (FRNS), Group B (n= 30): InfrequentRelapse Nephrotic Syndrome (IFRNS).Results: During the study, majority (60%) were of age groupA, 2-5. On the other hand in group-B, majority (66.8%) were ofage groups 2-5 years followed by (16.7%) were of age group 6-9 years and 5 (16.6%) were of age group 10-15 years. Duringrelapse of the disease serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) level wasapproximately 3.5 times higher in group A than that of group Bwhich was 1573.60IU/ml (SD ±197.01) vs. 438.46IU/ml (SD±51.6).Conclusion: From our study we can conclude that, that serumIgE level in frequent relapse nephrotic syndrome wassignificantly higher (P < 0.001) in comparison to infrequentrelapse nephrotic syndrome in children during both relapse andremission irrespective of history of atopy. So serum IgE levelmight have an influence for the occurrence of relapse inchildhood idiopathic nephrotic syndrome