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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-515755


It was observed under an electron microscope that in the hepatic piecemeal necrotic area of CAH patients,there were T lymphocytes,plasma cells,monocytes,fatstoring cells and proliferating Hering's tubules.The more severe the patient's condition was,the much more the sorts and numbers of these cells were.We consider that the above observations by electron microscopy afford valuable morphological information about the severity of CAH.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-515643


The histological lesions of toxic hepatitis of wistar rat induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl_4) were observed with electron microscope. We found that in sinusoids or inflamatory infiltrated areas. there were classical matured plasma cells and 4 typesof plasmablast cells with characteris tic morphological criteria. cccrrrsss,,,According to the direct injuring effect of CCl_4 on liver, we deduced that the humoral immunological reaction was the result of toxic hepatitis and not its cause.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-515916


It has been repored that the Biopsy positive rate of HBsAg in the liver specimens of the patients of hepatitis B was only 70% or so.We have observed with electron miroscopy the liv- er biopsy tissues and found that its positive rate was as high as 93.8%.Under electron microscopy,we could identify the HBsAg filaments as tubular,branching-tubular and tubu- lar-vesicular.We have also found that it was not easy to find the HBsAg filaments in the pa- tients of CAH(only 9% was found)and it was easy to be found(78.9%)in the patients of CPH or CLH. It had a high significant difference in the two groups.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-515662


Hepatic fibrsosis was induced by carbon tetrachloride in mice C 57.Then the feed containing Dangshen pollen was given to the animals. It was demonstrated under the electron microscope that the Dangshen pollen lowered the activity of the fibroblasts around the central vein and the fatstoring ceils of sinusoids, and lowered the grade of collagenous fibers of Disse's spaces (P

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-539761


Specimens from 12 cases of pancreatic endocrine tumors were investigated by light and electron microscopy and immunohistochemical staining. Pancreatic stem cell-like cells with special characteristics of pancreatic stem cell were found in the proliferating small ductules and dispersed at the margins of pancreatic endocrine tumors in all the cases studied.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-680706


By electron microscopic observation,we found few pit cells in liver,spleen.lungs,and small intestine in Wistar rat.The pit cells show several morphologicalcharacteristics as follows:1.electron dense granules in cytoplasm,which aresurrounded by a limiting membrane;2.vesicles with rod shaped bodies incytoplasm;3.eccentric nucleus with marginal heterochromatin;4.well developedpseudopodia.In addition,the pit cells have also been found in breast carcinoma in3 patients.According to their distribution and morphology,we preliminarilydeduced they probably belong to natural killer cells and may act as a cytotoxicagent and an immunological defender against carcinoma.