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Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-913607


Performing a skin graft is not feasible for tendon-exposed defect reconstruction because tendons are fibrous connective tissues with relatively poor blood supply. This study proposes a method to effectively perform skin graft surgery in tendon-exposed wounds. A 48-year-old male patient with diabetes mellitus had a very large left dorsal foot defect (8×8 cm). The wound bed had healthy granular tissue, with tendon exposure. The tendons were turned over so that the posterior side would behave as the anterior side. The edge of the paratenon was then fixed together to the surrounding granulation tissue or dense remnant fascia using absorbable sutures, and the close granulation tissue was approximated and buried. A split-thickness skin graft was performed after 1 week. The graft site was stably taken on postoperative day 3. A small disruption was then observed at the graft site within 1 week postoperatively, but conservative treatment was continued for 1 month, after which the defect site was completely restored. This technique can increase the success rate of skin grafts for defects with tendon exposure.

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-917693


Tumor of follicular infundibulum (TFI) is a rare benign cutaneous appendage tumor that does not have characteristic clinical features. It is mainly present in the head, neck, and trunk as a solitary lesion. In particular, TFI typically manifests as a plate-like proliferation with multiple thin epidermal connections comprise of monomorphic cells. TFI do not represent cutaneous characteristics, but have clinical significance because TFI is associated with basal cell carcinoma and Cowden's syndrome. We report a case of TFI in parietal scalp with a review of literatures.

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-902124


Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma (MCA) is a malignant tumor that mainly occurs in the breast or ovary, but MCA is internationally rarely reported in head and neck region. Especially MCA in minor salivary gland of oral cavity is even more rare. It is characterized by cystic spaces lining of epithelial cells containing intracytoplasmic mucin. We report a case of MCA in the labial mucosa of upper lip considered to develop from minor salivary gland with a review of literatures.

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-894420


Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma (MCA) is a malignant tumor that mainly occurs in the breast or ovary, but MCA is internationally rarely reported in head and neck region. Especially MCA in minor salivary gland of oral cavity is even more rare. It is characterized by cystic spaces lining of epithelial cells containing intracytoplasmic mucin. We report a case of MCA in the labial mucosa of upper lip considered to develop from minor salivary gland with a review of literatures.