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Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 22: eRW0393, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534331


ABSTRACT Heart failure is the leading cause of cardiac-related hospitalizations. Limited access to reevaluations and outpatient appointments restricts the application of modern therapies. Telemedicine has become an essential resource in the healthcare system because of its countless benefits, such as higher and more frequent appointments and faster titration of medications. This narrative review aimed to demonstrate the evidence and unresolved issues related to the use of telemedicine in patients with heart failure. No studies have examined heart failure prevention; however, several studies have addressed the prevention of decompensation with positive results. Telemedicine can be used to evaluate all patients with heart failure, and many telemedicine platforms are available. Several strategies, including both noninvasive (phone calls, weight measurement, and virtual visits) and invasive (implantable pulmonary artery catheters) strategies can be implemented. Given these benefits, telemedicine is highly desirable, particularly for vulnerable groups. Although some questions remain unanswered, the development of new technologies can complement remote visits and improve patient care.

Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 22: eAO0707, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564512


ABSTRACT Objective: The quality of care and safety for Telemedicine-discharged patients with suspected respiratory infections are closely related to low rates of prescriptions of unjustified and high-risk medications. This retrospective study aimed to assess adherence to the current COVID-19 guidelines in direct-to-consumer telemedicine encounters at a large center using multidrug stewardship protocols. Methods: A quarterly electronic survey utilizing medical records of individual physician care assessed various quality indicators. Physicians received ongoing adaptive feedback based on personal metrics, with Telemedicine Center recommendations derived from the 2020 Infectious Diseases Society of America guidelines. The study included all consecutive adults with new respiratory symptoms in the last 14 days who sought spontaneous Telemedicine consultations between March 2020 and August 2021. This study analyzed patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 and other airway infections. Results: Of the 221,128 evaluated patients, 42,042 (19%) had confirmed COVID-19; 104,021 (47%) were suspected to have COVID-19; and, 75,065 (33%) had other diagnoses. Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 had a mean (+DP) age of 35±12 years. A total of 125,107 (85.65%) patients were managed at home, 2,552 (1.74%) were referred for non-urgent in-office reassessment, and 17,185 (11.7%) were referred to the emergency department for whom there was no further treatment recommendation. The antibiotic rate in confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases was 0.46%/0.65% and that for non-evidence-based prescriptions was 0.01%/0.005%. Conclusion: Guideline training and Telemedicine consultation feedback may lead to lower antibiotic and antimicrobial prescriptions in suspected and confirmed COVID-19 cases. Multidrug stewardship protocols may improve guideline adherence and reinforce the quality of care and safety in Telemedicine encounters.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 120(5): e20220707, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439346


Resumo A doença valvar cardíaca é um problema de saúde crescente no mundo. Os pacientes com valvopatia podem apresentar diversas emergências cardiovasculares. O manejo desses pacientes é um desafio no departamento de emergência, principalmente quando a condição cardíaca prévia é desconhecida. Atualmente, recomendações específicas para o manejo inicial são limitadas. A presente revisão integrativa propõe uma abordagem baseada em evidência, de três etapas, desde a suspeita de valvopatia à beira do leito até o tratamento inicial das emergências. A primeira etapa é a suspeita de uma condição valvar subjacente com base nos sinais e sintomas. A segunda etapa consiste na tentativa de confirmação diagnóstica e avaliação da gravidade da valvopatia com exames complementares. Finalmente, a terceira etapa aborda as opções diagnósticas e terapêuticas para insuficiência cardíaca, fibrilação atrial, trombose valvar, febre reumática aguda, e endocardite infecciosa. Além disso, apresentamos imagens de exames complementares e tabelas para apoio aos médicos.

Abstract Valvular heart disease (VHD) is an increasing health problem worldwide. Patients with VHD may experience several cardiovascular-related emergencies. The management of these patients is a challenge in the emergency department, especially when the previous heart condition is unknown. Specific recommendations for the initial management are currently poor. This integrative review proposes an evidence-based three-step approach from bedside VHD suspicion to the initial treatment of the emergencies. The first step is the suspicion of underlying valvular condition based on signs and symptoms. The second step comprises the attempt to confirm the diagnosis and assessment of VHD severity with complementary tests. Finally, the third step addresses the diagnosis and treatment options for heart failure, atrial fibrillation, valvular thrombosis, acute rheumatic fever, and infective endocarditis. In addition, several images of complementary tests and summary tables are provided for physician support.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 120(5): e20220467, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439350


Resumo Fundamento As doenças cardiovasculares são a principal causa de morte no mundo. Regiões brasileiras geograficamente remotas e de baixa renda carecem de consultas especializadas. Não se tem conhecimento total acerca do manejo por telemedicina dessa população por parte de cardiologistas. Objetivos Analisar a teleconsulta cardiológica na região brasileira com maior número de municípios isolados. Métodos Entre fevereiro de 2020 e outubro de 2021, pacientes da Região Norte do Brasil avaliados por médicos generalistas locais foram encaminhados para avaliação cardiológica por telemedicina. Foram analisados os motivos do encaminhamento, dados demográficos, histórico clínico, exames físicos, exames complementares, medicamentos e prescrições pré e pós-telemedicina (considerou-se p<0,05 como estatisticamente significativo). Resultados Analisamos 653 pacientes. A taxa de frequência foi de 85,7% (53,1% do sexo feminino, idade média: 54,2±6,5 anos). Os principais motivos de encaminhamento foram sintomas cardiovasculares (58,1%) e fatores de risco entre pacientes assintomáticos (13,3%). Apenas 12,6% apresentava alguma doença diagnosticada. A maioria dos pacientes havia passado por exame físico e eletrocardiogramas regulares. Poucos tinham exames complementares recentes. A prescrição de bloqueadores dos receptores da angiotensina (BRA), bloqueadores dos canais de cálcio e estatinas aumentou significativamente, enquanto a de digoxina, betabloqueadores não cardíacos e ácido acetilsalicílico (AAS) diminuiu na primeira teleconsulta. A maioria dos exames complementares solicitados era de baixa complexidade e custo: eletrocardiograma (28,2%), radiografia de tórax (14%), ecocardiograma (64,5%) e exames de sangue (71,8%). Para 2,1% dos pacientes, foram indicadas intervenções, e 8% recebeu alta após a primeira consulta. Conclusão A teleconsulta cardiológica sob demanda contribui para a otimização do tratamento das doenças cardíacas. A maioria dos pacientes foi encaminhada com diagnósticos sindrômicos sem exames complementares prévios. A avaliação especializada solicitada geralmente estava disponível localmente e com baixo custo, mas impedia a alta precoce. Capacitação local poderia otimizar o encaminhamento.

Abstract Background Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of adult mortality. Geographically remote and low-income Brazilian regions lack specialized consultations. The telemedicine management of this population by cardiologists is not fully known. Objectives To analyze cardiology teleconsultation in the Brazilian region with the highest number of isolated cities. Methods From February 2020 to October 2021, patients from the North Region of Brazil evaluated by local general practitioners were referred for cardiological evaluation by telemedicine. Referral reasons, demographics, clinical history, physical examinations, tests, medications, and prescriptions pre- and post-telemedicine were analyzed (p<0.05 was considered statistically significant). Results We analyzed 653 patients. The attendance rate was 85.7% (53.1% female, mean age: 54.2±6.5 years). The main reasons for referral were cardiovascular symptoms (58.1%) and risk factors among asymptomatic patients (13.3%). Only 12.6% had a diagnosed disease. Most patients had regular physical examinations and electrocardiograms. Few had recent complementary tests. The prescription of angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), calcium channel blockers and statins was significantly increased, while that of digoxin, noncardiac beta-blockers and acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) was decreased at the first teleconsultation. Most of the tests requested were of low complexity and cost: electrocardiogram (28.2%), chest X-ray (14%), echocardiogram (64.5%) and blood tests (71.8%). For 2.1% of patients, interventions were indicated, and 8% were discharged after the first consultation. Conclusion On-demand cardiology teleconsultation contributes to heart disease treatment optimization. Most patients were referred with syndromic diagnoses without previous complementary tests. The specialist workup requested was usually available locally and at a low cost but precluded early discharge. Local training could optimize the referral.

Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 21: eRC0183, 2023. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440061


ABSTRACT Chest pain is a frequent, potentially life-threatening condition in the emergency department and requires immediate investigation and treatment. This case report highlights a rare differential diagnosis of pleuritic chest pain: epipericardial fat necrosis. A 29-year-old man presented with normal clinical evaluation, electrocardiography, point-of-care ultrasound, and unremarkable laboratory tests. The initial hypothesis was acute pleuritis. Chest radiography revealed peri-cardiac nonspecific findings, and computed tomography revealed epicardial fat necrosis. Despite the rarity of this condition, accurate diagnosis allows for better practices. An algorithm for a diagnostic approach is proposed.

Radiol. bras ; 55(4): 236-241, Aug. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394564


Abstract Objective: To evaluate the feasibility of telemedicine using a standardized multiorgan ultrasound assessment protocol to guide untrained on-site general practitioners at a field hospital during a life-threatening crisis. Materials and Methods: We evaluated 11 inpatients with shock, with or without acute dyspnea, for whom general practitioners spontaneously requested remote evaluation by a specialist. Results: All of the general practitioners accepted the protocol and were able to position the transducer correctly, thus obtaining key images of the internal jugular vein, lungs, and inferior vena cava when guided remotely by a telemedicine physician, who interpreted all of the findings. However, only four (36%) of the on-site general practitioners obtained the appropriate key image of the heart in the left parasternal long-axis view, and only three (27%) received an immediate interpretation of an image from the remote physician. The mean evaluation time was 22.7 ± 12 min (range, 7-42 min). Conclusion: Even in life-threatening situations, untrained general practitioners may be correctly guided by telemedicine specialists to perform multiorgan point-of-care ultrasound in order to improve bedside diagnostic evaluation.

Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar a viabilidade da orientação por telemedicina de médicos in situ não treinados na avaliação ultrassonográfica de múltiplos órgãos mediante protocolo padronizado, durante uma situação de risco de vida em hospital de campanha. Materiais e Métodos: Avaliamos 11 pacientes com choque e/ou dispneia de manifestação aguda durante a internação, cujos clínicos gerais solicitaram auxílio de especialista a distância. Resultados: Todos os médicos aceitaram o protocolo e, posicionando o transdutor, obtiveram imagens-chave da veia jugular interna, pulmão e veia cava inferior, quando guiados por um médico via telemedicina, que interpretou os achados desses órgãos. No entanto, apenas quatro (36%) médicos in situ obtiveram a imagem-chave apropriada do coração na janela paraesternal do eixo longo esquerdo e três (27%) tiveram imagem remotamente interpretada imediatamente. O tempo de avaliação variou de 7-42 minutos (média de 22,7 ± 12 minutos). Conclusão: Em situação de risco de vida, os clínicos gerais não treinados podem ser corretamente orientados por especialistas em telemedicina para realizar ultrassonografia multiórgãos in situ, melhorando o diagnóstico beira do leito.