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Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221254


Aims and objectives: AIM of this study was to observe and correlate clinical and laboratory profile of patients with adrenal mass. The objective was to study clinical and laboratory profile of patients with adrenal mass with the secondary objective to establish the etiological diagnosis with adrenal mass Methods: This observational study was carried out at tertiary care government hospital in north India from Jul 2020 to June 2022. Based on prevalence 4.4 of the disease as per previous study sample size for 95% confidence level & 5% precision works out 43. The inclusion Criteria were patients detected to have adrenal mass or symptoms related with adrenal mass. The exclusion criteria were any pre-existing known malignancy other than adrenal gland. Subsequent to enrolment the demographic data, clinical data, laboratory data, hormonal assays and radiological data was recorded as per predesigned proforma. The adrenal CT imaging protocol consists of three phases together are used for calculating absolute percentage washout and/or relative percentage washout to differentiate lipid-poor adenomas from primary carcinoma and metastases. Results: The mean age was 39± 15.41. Majority of patients were males 35(77.8%). 86.7% subjects had no comorbidity, 7.9 % had HTN. 6.7% patients were noted to have clinical cushings whereas in 4.4% subject acanthosis nigricans and goiter was seen. On Overnight dexamethasone suppression test, 16/45 patients were observed with value higher than <2.01 ug/dl, similar was the case with low dose dexamethasone suppression test. There was a significant rise in the mean plasma free metanephrine and urinary metanephrine noted in 12/ 45 patients. The minimum size of adrenal mass detected in the USG abdomen was 2.5 cm. The minimum size of adrenal mass detected in the CT abdomen was 1.21 cm. There is a significant association noted between absolute percentage washout (APW) outcome and hormonal activity with p-value <0.001. Conclusion: 6.7 % had features of cushing's disease and 4.4 % had acanthosis nigricans. On hormonal assays elevated metanephrine levels were seen in 26% subjects. On hormonal assays of ONDST and LDDST 35.5 % subjects were seen with elevated levels. Other hormonal assays aldosterone, renin and ACTH were normal. CECT was sensitive to identify a small adrenal mass up to 0.633 cm. 34 % of adrenal mass were hyper functional and 2 % were found malignant in this study.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-210634


Evidence-based medicine (EBM) helps to bridge the gap between current healthcare practice and recent researchfindings in health care. Today’s era of scientific information explosion makes hard for healthcare providers to remainup to date on the best clinical practices. In reality, a physician has to read 17 scientific literature works per day to remainup to date. This is a difficult challenge, but EBM databases provide quick access to research findings. This review aimsto provide an overview of EBM databases. These databases provide information about guidelines, disease, treatment,diagnosis, clinical relevance, systematic reviews, clinical trials, observational studies, preappraised information,summary, abstract, full text, similar studies, short reports, clinical queries, images, e-textbooks, patient counselinginformation, and continuous medical education in a minimum period of time. The identification and utilization ofrecent research findings is a critical step to enhance patient care and clinical practice. This review provides an insightinto various EBM databases, type of evidence, access details, and link to each database. Establishing educationalrequirements and awareness in the practice of EBM among healthcare professionals is a great step for promoting thepractice of EBM.