Clear cell papillary cholangiocarcinoma is a rare variant of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with only nine reported cases in the literature. This tumor needs to be differentiated from clear cell variant of hepatocellular carcinoma and other metastatic clear cell carcinomas. This tumor is known to have better prognosis compared to conventional intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Hence, it is important to correctly diagnose this entity and differentiate it from other histologic mimics. We describe clinical, histopathological, and immunohistochemical fi ndings of one such rare case in a 66-year-old gentleman who was incidentally detected to have an intrahepatic tumor at routine ultrasound examination.A review of all the similar cases reported so far in the literature is also provided.
Malakoplakia is rare chronic infl ammatory disorder which commonly affects urinary tract. Though it has been reported in several sites outside the urinary tract, isolated lympnode involvement is extremely uncommon. Herein we present a case of 20 year old male with right inguinal lymphnodal mass. Histological fi ndings including special stains and immunohistochemistry fi ndings were characteristic of malakoplakia. This case is being presented to create awareness for inclusion of this entity in the differential diagnosis of lymphadenopathy.