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Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-210166


Aims: To analyze the application of mammography and ultrasound in breast cancer associated with pregnancy.Study Design:Cohort Study.Place and Duration of Study:The study was conducted Republican Specialized Scientific-Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology between 2018 and 2019.Methodology:A total of 30 consecutive patients with breast cancer pathologically diagnosed during pregnancy were included in this study. The ages of the patients ranged from 26 to 49 years. Both mammography and ultrasound were performed all 30 patientsResults:Mammography revealed positive findings in 24 (80,0%) of 30 patients, even though all 30 patients had dense breasts. Mammographic findings included masses without calcifications, masses with calcifications, calcifications with axillary lymphadenopathy, a mass with axillary lymphadenopathy, calcifications alone, asymmetric density alone and diffuse skin and trabecular thickening alone. Sonographic findings were positive and showed masses in 26 of 30 patients (86,7%). The common sonographic findings of masses were irregular shapes, irregular margins, mixed echo patterns and posterior acoustic enhancement.Conclusion:Timelydiagnosis and adequate therapeutic tactics will significantly improve the results of treatment of breast cancer that has developed against the background of pregnancy

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-210165


Solitarysplenicmetastasis is extremelyrarewithfewreportedcases in literature. Currentstudyreportsthecase of a 74-year-old, femalepatientwhowasdiagnosedisolatedspleenmetastasisafterlungadenocarcinoma, in thepostoperativecourse. Shepresentedwiththeincidentaldetection of nodularliverandcentralspleniclesions in a follow-upabdominalcomputedtomography (CT) scanafter 5 yearsfromtheleftlowerlobectomyduetolungadenocarcinoma. By MRI examination, lesion in theliverwascharacterized as cysticandthecentralspleniclesionwasfoundhavinga heterogeneoushypoechoicnodularcharacter. Tru-cutbiopsy of spleenconfirmedmetastasis of lungadenocarcinoma. Thepatientunderwentsplenectomy. Althoughliverbiopsycouldn’tdetectanymalignanttissue, lungcanceradenocarcinomametastasiswasdiagnosed in splenectomymaterial. Herein, we report a case of incidentallyfoundsolitarysplenicmetastasis, 5 yearsafterleftlobectomyforlungadenocarcinoma.44.8%. In our observations of breast MRI, the sensitivity was 97.5%, specificity 87.2%. Magnetic resonance mammography is considered a more effective method in the early diagnosis of breast cancer.Conclusion:Breast MRI is highly sensitive, specific and accurate in assessing the prevalence and differential diagnosis between a benign and malignant process