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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-793163


@#Objective: To investigate the expression of tetraspanins-29 (Tspan29) in breast cancer tissues and cell lines and to explore the effect of Tspan29 knockdown on proliferation, invasion, migration and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) of breast cancer MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. Methods:Atotal of20pairsofbreast cancer tissues and corresponding para-cancerous tissues resected in Minhang Branch of Cancer HospitalAffiliated to Fudan University from June 2017 to February 2018 were collected for this study; in addition, breast cancer celllinesMCF-7,MDA-MB-231andhumanbreastepithelialMDA-kb2cellswerealsocollected.ThemRNAand protein expressions of Tspan29 in above mentioned tissues and cell lines were detected by Real-time quantitative (qPCR) and Western blotting. The expression of Tspan29 in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells was interfered by siRNA. qPCR was used to detect the mRNA and protein expressions of Tspan29. PCR microarray was used to examine the expressions of EMT-related genes in MCF-7 cells. CCK-8 assayandTranswellwereusedtodetectcellproliferation, migration and invasion of MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. Results: The mRNA and protein expressions of Tspan29 in breast cancer tissues were significantly higher than that in para-cancerous tissues (all P<0.01); and the mRNA and protein expressions of Tspan29 in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells were significantly higher than that in MDA-kb2 cells (P<0.01). After being interfered with siTspan29, the mRNA and protein expressions of Tspan29 were significantly down-regulated in MCF-7 cells (all P<0.05); the proliferation, invasion and migration of MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells were significantly inhibited (all P<0.05); and among the EMT-related genes, two were significantly up-regulated while 7 were down-regulated. Conclusion: Tspan29 is significantly up-regulated in breast cancer tissues and cell lines, and knockdown of Tspan29 significantly inhibits the proliferation, invasion and migration of breast cancer cells. ··

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 16(6): 891-901, nov.-dic. 2017. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-901781


Introducción:A nivel mundial se estima que para 2030 existirá una prevalencia de 366 millones de personas con diabetes. En Cuba, la prevalencia de diabéticos es de 56.7 x 1 000 habitantes. El análisis de las implicaciones reales de la diabetes no se limita a su presencia aislada pues se trata de una entidad con frecuente asociación a otros problemas de salud. Objetivo: Abordar los mecanismos que subyacen en la comorbilidad del paciente con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2. Material y Métodos: Se realizó una revisión de fuentes bibliográficas que fueron localizadas mediante el motor de búsqueda Google Académico, biblioteca de los autores y la base de datos Scielo de la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud. Desarrollo: La comorbilidad y la Diabetes mellitus 2 se incrementan con la edad. Los mecanismos subyacentes pueden tener base patogénica o no. Su estudio es importante por los efectos en el proceso diagnóstico, el autocuidado y el éxito del tratamiento. De ahí que los documentos normativos deben tener en cuenta este fenómeno. Para su investigación se cuentan con instrumentos que pueden ser específicos o generales. Conclusiones: La comorbilidad es un fenómeno clínico frecuente en el paciente diabético y debe considerarse al ser esta una enfermedad sistémica(AU)

Introduction: It is estimated that there will be a prevalence of 366 million people suffering from diabetes worldwide by the year 2030. In Cuba, the prevalence of diabetic population is 56.7 per 1 000 inhabitants. The analysis of the real implications of diabetes is not limited to its existence alone, since it is an entity which is frequently associated with other health problems. Objective:To approach the mechanisms that underlie the comorbidity of a patient with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Material and methods: A bibliographic review was carried out using Google Scholar search engine, authors´ libraries, and Scielo database from the Virtual Health Library. Development:Comorbidity, and Type 2 Diabetes mellitus increase with age. The underlying mechanisms may have either a pathogenic basis or not. Their study is important because of the effects in the diagnostic process, the self-care, and the success of the treatment. Hence, the normative documents should consider this phenomenon. The instruments to do research on this topic can be both specific or general. Conclusions:Comorbidity is a frequent clinical phenomenon to be considered in the diabetic patient because diabetes is a systemic disease(AU)

Humanos , Comorbilidad , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiología , Polifarmacia