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Acta amaz ; 50(2): 138-141, abr - jun. 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118283


The Crimson Topaz, Topaza pella, is the least known of the two hummingbird species of this exclusively Amazonian trochilid genus, that also includes T. pyra. Most available information on T. pella nests, young and reproductive behavior is based on anecdotal observations from Guyana in the 1930s and 1950s. Here, we provide new data on nest description, eggs and parental care of T. pella, and the growth and development of two nestlings over a 22-day period. We studied four nests in areas of dense terra firme forest in the state of Amapá, Brazil. All nests were in forked branches of shrubs over water bodies, and had a cup-like form. One nest contained two elongated white eggs, and another, two nestlings, which had their development recorded until they left the nest. (AU)

Reproducción , Aves , Ecosistema Amazónico
Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 30(1): 3-26, jan.-jun. 2009. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-549364


Este trabalho teve como objetivo fazer um levantamento da fauna de vertebrados do campus da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL), pela compilação da literatura, com vistas a auxiliar o seu manejo e preservação. Foram registradas 250 espécies, sendo nove de peixes, 15 de anfíbios, 16 de répteis, 32 de mamíferos e 178 de aves. Duas espécies, o gato-do-mato Leopardus tigrinus e a jandaia-de-testa-vermelha Aratinga auricapillus figuram em listas de fauna ameaçada de extinção. A maioria das espécies, no entanto, não é estenóica ou endêmica da área, o que condiz com um ambiente perturbado e muito freqüentado pela população humana. O assoreamento do ribeirão Esperança, a redução de áreas verdes e a impermeabilização do solo podem reduzir a diversidade de espécies em médio a longo prazos.

This work had the objective to make a survey of vertebrates’ fauna from Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL) campus, for the compilation of literature, in order to help its management and preservation. 250 species were identified, being nine of fish, 15 of amphibians, 16 of reptiles, 32 of mammals and 178 of birds. Two species, the gato-do-mato Leopardus tigrinus and the jandaia-da-testa-vermelha Aratinga auricapillus, are in the list of species threatened by extinction. Most species, however, are not stenoecious or endemic to the area, which corresponds to an environment under stress and often visited by humans. Despite UEL’s rich diversity of wild animals, the burying of stream Esperança, the reduction of green areas and waterproofing of the ground can reduce de diversity of species in a medium or long term.

Biodiversidad , Fauna/prevención & control , Vertebrados/crecimiento & desarrollo