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Artículo en Vietnamita | WPRIM | ID: wpr-3829


Communication Health Education (CHE) is the cheap sollution but it achieves high level of effectiveness and sustain in health care. In this study, we applied a new model of CHE-Club “Woman for health and environment". Objectives: assessing effectiveness of applying the Club "Woman for health and environment" on people's knowledge and practices for environmental hygiene in Minh Khai precinct, Phu Ly town. Method and subjects: Interventive study with 2 groups (case and control). Study subjects include: households and women representing the households. The sample size for each group is 250. Assessing efficiency based on efficiency index. Results and conclude: The club “Woman for environmental health" resulted in improvement on people's knowledge and practices of environmental hygiene. The knowledge and practices have improved significantly comparing to before intervention and are much higher than in the control group (the efficiency indices achieve 22.7-187.9%).

Artículo en Vietnamita | WPRIM | ID: wpr-5096


A cross-sectional survey on the management of the waste performed in 6 provincial hospital Yen Bai, Phu Tho, Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Can Tho, Dong Thap showed that: Total quantity of solid wastes: 0.6-1.27kg/bed/day in which clinical wastes 18.2-18.9%, chemical wast 0.3-0.5%; the collection and classification of solid waste did not followed fully the regulation issued by the MOH, there were 3 standard ovens to burn clinical waste, but only 2 was used. In all 6 hospitals the standard knowledge of treatment of liquid and gaz wastes was not completed fully. The difficulties in the management of hospital wastes are shortage of the staff with necessary hnowledge, lack of equipment and materials, financial deficiency.

Hospitales , Administración de Residuos , Residuos
Artículo en Vietnamita | WPRIM | ID: wpr-5245


The results of the interview of 203 staffs in 6 hospitals – 3 hospitals with treatment of wastes (Phu Tho, Quang Ngai, Dong Thap), 3 hospital without treatment of wastes (Yen Bai, Quang Nam, Can Tho) about knowledge on hospital wastes and hospital waste management injury rate caused by sharp wastes among the interviewed staffs show: Medical staffs in both two groups have poor understanding about the impacts of hospital wastes, and hospital waste management (classification, collection, transport and treatment wastes). The injuries rate in the staffs that interviewed is 20.0%, and there is no significant difference beteen two groups.

Hospitales , Administración de Residuos , Residuos