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Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 20(4): 520-525, fev 11, 2022. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359306


Introdução: as infecções respiratórias das vias aéreas são frequentes no nosso meio. O combate dessas infecções ocorre por meio da introdução dos antimicrobianos, quando indicados, e a profilaxia através da imunização, reduzindo a incidência das infecções e suas complicações. Objetivo: avaliar a cobertura vacinal para agentes causadores de infecções do trato respiratório e a prevalência de internações por essas afecções no Brasil no período de 2015 a 2020. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico descritivo, cujos dados foram obtidos por meio do banco de dados proveniente do DATASUS, Sistema de Internação Hospitalar e Sistema de Informação do Programa Nacional de Imunizações. A seleção ocorreu por meio dos registros de indivíduos que foram imunizados no Brasil, por região e por ano de imunização das vacinas Pneumocócica, Pneumocócica 1º reforço, Tríplice viral D1, Tríplice viral 2, Tetra Viral, Pentavalente e Influenza. Resultados: ao decorrer dos anos, observou-se uma redução significativa da cobertura vacinal de todas as vacinas analisadas, com a região Norte apresentando o menor registro em todos os anos. Em relação a taxa de internações por pneumonia, a região Sudeste obteve as maiores taxas. Houve um aumento importante de internamentos por influenza na região Centro-Oeste em 2019. As taxas de internação por sarampo aumentaram significativamente no ano de 2018, principalmente na região Norte. Conclusão: apesar da redução progressiva nas taxas de cobertura vacinal das regiões brasileiras nos últimos anos, as taxas de internação para pneumonia e influenza tendem a queda, com aumento mais expressivo dos internamentos por sarampo no período analisado.

Introduction: respiratory airway infections are frequent infections. These infections are fought through use of antimicrobials, when indicated, and prophylaxis is done through immunization, reducing the incidence of infections and their complications. Objective: to evaluate vaccine coverage for agents responsible for respiratory tract infections and the prevalence of hospitalizations for these conditions in Brazil from 2015 to 2020. Methods: This is a descriptive epidemiological study. Data were obtained through the database from the Department of Informatics of SUS, Hospitalization System and Information System from the National Vaccination Program. Selection was conducted through analysis of the records of individuals who were vaccinated in Brazil, by region and by year of vaccination for the Pneumococcal and Pneumococcal 1st booster dose vaccines, first and second doses for Triple Viral vaccine, Tetra Viral vaccine, Pentavalent vaccine and influenza. Expected Results: over the years, there has been a significant reduction in vaccination coverage, with the Northern brazilian presenting the lowest record in all years. Regarding the rate of hospitalizations for pneumonia, the Southeastern had the highest rates. Assessing influenza, there was a more significant increase in the Midwest. Measles hospitalization rates increased significantly in 2018, especially North, despite disease eradication in 2016, with a parallel registry of reduction in vaccination coverage in the period analysed. Conclusion: Despite the progressive reduction in vaccination coverage rates in Brazilian in recent years, the hospitalization rates for pneumonia and influenza tend to fall, with a more expressive increase in hospitalizations for measles in the analyzed period.

Humanos , Enfermedades Respiratorias , Vacuna contra el Sarampión-Parotiditis-Rubéola , Cobertura de Vacunación , Hospitalización , Estudios Epidemiológicos , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Base de Datos
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 17(2): 31-34, abr.-jun. 2017. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1281622


A Displasia Cleidocraniana (DCC) ou Disostose Cleidocraniana é uma rara displasia, esquelética, de etiologia desconhecida, com prevalência de 1:1.000.000 de nascidos. O diagnóstico é baseado em características clínicas e radiográficas pertencentes à seguinte tríade patognomônica: múltiplas unidades dentárias supranumerárias, ausência parcial ou total da clavícula, sutura sagital e fontanelas abertas. O objetivo do presente estudo é relatar um caso clínico de uma paciente, sexo feminino, 11 anos de idade, portadora de sinais clínicos e radiográficos da Displasia Cleidocraniana. Diante disso, torna-se de suma importância o conhecimento dos aspectos clínicos e radiográficos da DCC pelo Cirurgião-dentista, evidenciando a sua relevância no diagnóstico da Displasia Cleidocraniana... (AU)

The benign cementoblastoma is a rare pathologic wound, of odontogenic origin feature of the abnormal cementoblast proliferation, resulting hence a coat mass like to cement. Usually is found in association with the first bottom molars. This happen more frequently on Caucasian, between the 2ª and 3ª decade of life, affecting rarely the primary dentition . Generally show a painful symptomatic and expansion of the cortical bone. The treatment starts with the removal wound full of with the tooth extraction involved in the endodontico treatment, with preservations of the dental element. This article descrambles a cementobastoma benign case in a patient with 23 years old, asymptomatic and the clinic exam nothing abnormal was found. Was treated through the wound removal and the tooth extraction... (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Niño , Diente Primario , Extracción Dental , Clavícula , Displasia Cleidocraneal , Deformidades Dentofaciales , Odontogénesis
Braz. j. oral sci ; 12(2): 148-152, Apr.-June 2013. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-694435


Aim: This in vitro study evaluated the effect of using a dental hypersensitivity treatment on thebond strength to dentin of etch-and-rinse and self-etching simplified adhesive systems. Methods:40 healthy molars were used. The crowns of teeth were removed at the dentinoenamel junction,and remaining roots were sectioned in the mesiodistal direction along their long axis, separatingthe buccal and lingual/palatal halves. The segments obtained were ground, keeping the buccalor lingual/palatal face turned downwards in order to flatten the surface and produce a standardizedsmear layer. Prepared specimens were randomly distributed into 4 groups (n=10), according tothe combination of surface treatment with the desensitizing dentifrice Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief(Colgate Palmolive®) (test group - with dentifrice and control group - without dentifrice) and typeof simplified bonding agent (etch-and-rinse and self-etching agents). Resin composite blockswere fabricated on the dentin surfaces, after application of bonding agents, and specimens weresectioned into rectangular stick-shaped specimens with cross-sectional area of approximately0.8mm2. For microtensile bond strength tests, 4 sticks were randomly selected from the centralregion of specimens, and fixed to a universal test machine. Data were analyzed statistically by theMann-Whitney U test (a=0.05). Results: The bond strength obtained in the group withoutdesensitizer (control) + etch-and-rinse agent was significantly higher compared with the othergroups. Under both experimental conditions, the self-etching agent showed weak bond strengthto dentin. Conclusions: Change in the dentin substrate by obliteration of tubules in the processof relieving dentinal sensitivity could reduce the bond strength of simplified etch-and-rinse andself-etching bonding agents.

Dentina , Sensibilidad de la Dentina