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Av. psicol. latinoam ; 41(3): [1-18], 20230905.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510507


El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo el diseño y vali- dación de una escala para evaluar comportamiento con- traproducente en línea que incluye el análisis conjunto de conductas destructivas (antisociales) y constructivas (prosociales). Además, se propuso determinar qué ras- gos de personalidad (normales, patológicos, negativos o positivos) predicen dicho comportamiento. Participaron 351 sujetos de población general argentina (156 hombres, 191 mujeres, 2 se identificaron como no binarios), con una edad promedio de 39.35 años (de = 13.79). Para el cumplimiento de todos los objetivos, aparte de la prueba construida, se emplearon los siguientes instrumentos: Big Five Inventory, Personality Inven- tory for DSM-5 Brief-Form, Positive Traits Inventory Short-Form, Dark Triad Scale, y una encuesta diseñada ad hoc para evaluar el uso de internet y redes sociales. El análisis factorial exploratorio reveló una estructura de dos factores orientados a la evaluación de los dos tipos de conductas, que explicaban el 57.5 % de la varianza total. Como resultado, se dio lugar a una escala de 18 ítems con muy buenos valores de fiabilidad ­coeficiente omega­ (conductas destructivas ω = 0.88; conductas constructivas ω = 0.79). Por último, se realizaron análisis de regresión jerárquica que determinaron que los rasgos de la tríada oscura son los que mejor predicen el desarrollo de conductas destructivas, en tanto que los rasgos positivos predicen las conductas constructivas. Palabras clave: rasgos de personalidad; comportamiento en línea; antisocial; prosocial.

The present study aimed to design and validate a scale to assess online counterproductive behavior that includes the joint analysis of destructive (antisocial) and constructive (prosocial) behaviors. In addition, it was studied which personality traits (normal, pathological, negative or positive) predict this counterproductive behavior. 351 subjects from the general Argentine population participated (156 men, 191 women, 2 identified themselves as non-binary), with an average age of 39.35 years (SD = 13.79). In order to achieve the objectives, in addition to the constructed test, the follow- ing instruments were used: Personality Inventory for dSM-5 Brief-Form, Positive Traits Inventory Short-Form, Dark Triad Scale, and a survey designed ad hoc to assess internet and social media sites use. The exploratory factor analysis revealed a two-factor structure ­oriented to the evaluation of the two types of behaviors­ that explained 57.5 % of the total variance. As a result, a scale of 18 items with very good reliability values ­omega coefficient­ (destructive behaviors ω = 0.88; constructive behaviors ω = 0.79) was developed. Finally, hierarchical regression analyzes were performed. The results showed that the Dark Triad traits best predict destructive behaviors, while positive traits predict constructive behaviors.

O objetivo deste estudo foi a concepção e validação de uma escala para avaliar o comportamento on-line contraproducente que inclui a análise conjunta de com- portamentos destrutivos (antissociais) e construtivos (pró-sociais). Além disso, foi proposto determinar quais traços de personalidade (normal, patológico, negativo ou positivo) predizem tal comportamento. Participaram 351 sujeitos da população geral argentina (156 homens, 191 mulheres, 2 identificados como não binários), com idade média de 39.35 anos (dP = 13.79). Para atender a todos os objetivos, além do teste cons- truído, foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: Big Five Inventory, Personality Inventory for DSM- 5 Brief-Form, Positive Traits Inventory Short-Form, Dark Triad Scale e um questionário elaborado ad hoc para avaliar o uso da internet e das redes sociais. A análise fatorial exploratória revelou uma estrutura de dois fatores orientada para a avaliação dos dois tipos de comportamentos, que explicaram 57.5 % da variância total. Como resultado, foi criada uma escala de 18 itens com valores de confiabilidade muito bons ­coeficiente ômega­ (comportamentos destrutivos ω = 0.88; comportamentos construtivos ω = 0.79). Por fim, foram realizadas análises de regressão hie- rárquica, que determinaram que os traços da Tríade escura predizem melhor o desenvolvimento de comportamentos destrutivos, enquanto os traços positivos predizem comportamentos construtivos

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 543-558, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448509


Resumen La presente investigación se focalizó en los diferentes tipos de uso (activo/pasivo) que hacen los usuarios de redes sociales y los efectos psicológicos que esto puede conllevar, sobre todo en aquellos sujetos tendientes a compararse con los demás. Por un lado, se examinó el poder predictor de variables relacionadas al uso de redes sociales (i. e., tiempo de conexión, tipo de uso -pasivo/activo-, motivaciones de uso) y la comparación social, sobre el malestar psicológico percibido (i. e., depresión, ansiedad, estrés). Por otro lado, se analizó el rol mediador de la comparación social en la relación entre el uso pasivo de redes sociales y la percepción de malestar psicológico percibido. La muestra fue de conveniencia y estuvo compuesta por 420 sujetos de población general (211 hombres, 209 mujeres), con una media de edad de 40.29 años (DE = 14.93). Se utilizaron los siguientes instrumentos de recolección de datos: Motives for SMSs use Scale; Iowa-Netherlands Comparison Orientation Measure (INCOM-E), Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) y una escala diseñada ad-hoc para evaluar el uso activo y pasivo que se hace de redes sociales. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la comparación social es el principal predictor de malestar psicológico junto con el motivo de uso relacionado con pasatiempo/exhibicionismo. Además, se pudo comprobar un efecto indirecto del uso pasivo sobre el malestar psicológico considerando a la comparación social como variable mediadora. Por lo tanto, usar pasivamente las redes generaría mayor malestar si el usuario tiende a compararse con quienes realizan las publicaciones.

Abstract The present investigation is framed in the field of cyberpsychology. It aimed to analyze the predictive power of variables related to the use of social media sites -SMSs- (i. e., connection time, type of use -passive / active-, motivations for use) and social comparison, on perceived psychological distress (i. e., depression, anxiety, stress). Furthermore, the mediating role of social comparison in the relationship between the passive use of SMSs and the perceived psychological distress, was also analyzed. It is important to study these topics since different international studies have shown inconsistent and contradictory results regarding the effects of SMSs use on individuals' well-being (e. g., Frison y Eggermont, 2015; Kraut et al., 2002; Nie et al., 2015). Consequently, some studies have focused on understanding whether the manner in which people use the networks, whether actively or passively, explains how technology impacts on users' well-being and/or psychological distress (Verduyn et al., 2015). The negative impact of passive use of SMSs can be explained by the Social Comparison Theory (Festinger, 1954), which suggests that people tend to evaluate themselves in comparison with others. These comparisons might generate negative effects on the individual (Giagkou et al., 2018) and, according to Lup et al. (2015), social comparison may be a mediating variable in this association. Regarding participants of the study, a convenience sample of 420 subjects of general population was studied (211 men, 209 women). The mean age was 40.29 years old (SD = 14.93). The majority of the participants (n = 278) lived in Buenos Aires City and surroundings. In terms of variables related to the use of SMSs, when asked about type of SMSs, most participants reported using more than one SMS, mainly Facebook (72 %) and Instagram (57 %). Regarding time spent on SMSs, 60 % of the respondents used their favorite SMS more than three times a day. The mean daily time engaged on all the SMSs exceeded five hours. Data were gathered using the Motives for SMSs use Scale (Lupano Perugini y Castro Solano, 2021a), the Iowa-Netherlands Comparison Orientation Measure (INCOM-E) (Buunk et al., 2005; Gibbons y Buunk, 1999), the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) (Antúnez y Vinet, 2012; Lovibond y Lovibond, 1995). Furthermore, a survey to assess individuals' use of social networks was designed. The first part explored the most frequently used SMSs, the number and type of friends/followers, and the time spent on SMSs. The main SMSs were listed and participants were asked to indicate whether they used them or not, and if they did, they rated the amount of time spent on SMSs daily. The total amount of time per day was also surveyed. The second part of the survey was designed based on The Passive Active Use Measure (PAUM, Gerson et al., 2017) and some users' suggestions. This instrument assesses the frequency of certain activities performed on the networks to find out if participants make active use (e. g., posting information, commenting) or passive use (e. g., viewing profiles and posts, scrolling). The obtained results showed that social comparison is the main predictor of psychological distress. The motivation for use related to pass time / exhibitionism was also a significant predictor. In addition, an indirect effect of passive use on perceived psychological distress could be verified, considering social comparison as a mediating variable. Therefore, using the social networks passively would generate greater discomfort if the user tends to compare themselves with those who make the publications. The results of this study allow both users and healthcare and education providers to have greater knowledge of the consequences of using social media on individuals' overall well-being, and to promote their proper use.

Interdisciplinaria ; 38(2): 7-23, jun. 2021. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279204


Resumen El presente estudio se propuso investigar perfiles de usuarios de redes sociales que presentan conductas disruptivas online. Para tal fin se diseñó un índice que permite evaluar el nivel en el que se presentan dichas conductas y se analizó la relación entre la intensidad de la conducta disruptiva online con variables sociodemográficas, motivos de usos de redes, variables de personalidad (normales, patológicas y rasgos vinculados a tríada oscura), bienestar y malestar psicológico. Participaron 858 adultos (421 hombres y 437 mujeres) que tenían en promedio 39.16 años (DE = 14.14). Para la recolección de datos se administraron: Dark Triad Scale, Big Five Inventory, Inventario para Trastornos de la Personalidad para el DSM-5, Mental Health Continuum . Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, y se diseñaron dos escalas: Índice de Conductas Disruptivas Online y Motivos de Utilización de Redes Sociales. En cuanto a las variables sociodemográficas, se halló que los más jóvenes de sexo masculino y que no trabajaban eran quienes presentaban un mayor nivel de comportamientos disruptivos online. En cuanto a los motivos de uso de redes, se observó que preferían usarlas con fines meramente exhibicionistas, de ocio o para iniciar nuevas relaciones. Por otro lado, en relación con rasgos de personalidad, aquellos que diferenciaban los perfiles en cuanto a la intensidad de las conductas disruptivas fueron: bajos niveles de responsabilidad y altos niveles de desinhibición, narcisismo y maquiavelismo. Por último, se demostró que presentar este tipo de conductas se asocia con mayor nivel de estrés y menor de bienestar social.

Abstract The present study focused on the analysis of online disruptive behavior that usually occurs among social network users. Individuals who perpetrate such behavior are commonly known as trolls or haters (Cheng, Danescu-Niculescu-Mitzil, & Leskovec, 2015). In general, they post comments, photos or provocative videos that do not pursue any purpose other than annoying or obtaining pleasure or fun (Brandel, 2007; Phillips, 2011). Recent studies have shown that certain personality traits are associated with the presence of such disruptive behavior. In this research, we studied normal personality traits, psychopathological traits, and dark personality traits in relation to disruptive behavior. The normal personality traits were considered from the classic Five Factor Model (FFM) - Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism (Costa, & McCrae, 1985); the psychopathological traits, from the latest version of the DSM - Negative Effect, Detachment, Antagonism, Disinhibition and Psychoticism (DSM-5, American Psychiatric Association, 2013); and the dark personality traits from the so-called Dark Triad model - Narcissism, Machiavellianism and Psychopathy (Palthus, & Williams, 2002). This latter model has a growing interest in the international literature, related to dysfunctional Internet use, particularly to social networks. Therefore, the present study aimed to analyze profiles of social network users who present online disruptive behavior. For this purpose, an index was designed to assess the level of occurrence of such behaviors. First, the relationship between the intensity of online disruptive behavior and sociodemographic variables (i. e., sex, age, studies, occupation and nationality) and motives for social network use (i. e., Relationship maintenance; Passing time and Exhibitionism; Relationship Initiation and Search for companionship) were assessed. Then, the relationships among personality variables (i. e., normal, psychopathological and traits related to the dark triad); well-being (i. e., emotional, social and personal) and psychological distress (i. e., anxiety, stress and depression) were analyzed. The sample consisted of 858 adults (421 men, 49.1 % and 437 women, 50.9 %) with a mean age of 39.16 years (SD = 14.14). The majority (67.9 %; n = 583) lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina). For data collection, the following questionnaires were used: Dark Triad Scale (DTS), Big Five Inventory (BFI), Personality Disorder Inventory (PID-5-BF), the Mental Health Continuum (MHC-SF), and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21). Additionally, two scales were designed: Online Disruptive Behavior Index, and Motives for Social Networks Use. The SPPS 24.0 statistical package was used for data analysis. Overall, the results are consistent with those reported in the international literature. Regarding sociodemographic variables, it was found that male, younger and unemployed individuals are those who presented higher level of online disruptive behavior. Considering motives for social network use, it was observed that individuals who tend to behave in a dysfunctional manner, preferred to use social networks purely for exhibitionism, pastime or relationships initiation. Regarding personality traits, those who differentiated profiles in terms of intensity of disruptive behaviors were: low levels of responsibility and high levels of disinhibition, narcissism and Machiavellianism. Thus, it might be concluded that the overall personality profile tends to be dysfunctional in terms of its characteristics. Finally, it was shown that presenting this type of behavior is associated with higher levels of stress and lower levels of social wellbeing. Therefore, it might be interpreted that although individuals who behave disruptively tend to obtain gratification from injury and deceit to others, this behavior does not result in positive results for them, but rather results in feelings of discomfort from a personal and social point of view.

Interdisciplinaria ; 35(1): 171-188, jul. 2018. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-984538


El trabajo que se informa se basa en las propuestas de la Psicología Organizacional Positiva (POP) que intenta integrar a la mirada clásica de estudios organizacionales (que ponen el foco en analizar condiciones negativas), una perspectiva positiva que visualice variables que contribuyan a resultados óptimos y no solo las que lo impiden (Cameron & Spreitzer, 2012). Se propuso analizar la influencia directa e indirecta de las virtudes organizacionales sobre los niveles de satisfacción laboral, compromiso organizacional y performance individual y organizacional. Para ello, se validó un instrumento para la medición de dichas virtudes, el Inventario de Virtudes Organizacionales (IVO), que consta de tres dimensiones: Apoyo y respeto, Significado e inspiración y Perdón. Luego, se puso a prueba un modelo de predicción mediante ecuaciones estructurales. Se trabajó con una muestra de 569 empleados argentinos con una edad promedio de 36.7 años, pertenecientes a empresas públicas y privadas. Para la recolección de datos se administraron las siguientes pruebas: el Inventario de Virtudes Organizacionales (IVO), la Escala de Compromiso Organizacional, el Cuestionario de Estrés Laboral, la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida (SWLS), la Escala de Bienestar Laboral (BIEN T) y algunas encuestas diseñadas ad-hoc tales como encuestas sociodemográfica, organizacional, de satisfacción laboral, de desempeño organizacional e individual. Los resultados mostraron un efecto directo de las virtudes sobre los niveles de satisfacción laboral y de ésta, sobre el compromiso organizacional. También se verificó la influencia directa de las virtudes sobre la performance. Sin embargo, no se verificó una influencia indirecta sobre la performance, teniendo a la satisfacción y el compromiso como variables mediadoras.

This study is based on Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS). This perspective tries to integrate classical organizational studies (which analyze the negative conditions) with a positive perspective that analyzes variables that contribute to optimal results and not just those which impede them (Cameron & Spreitzer, 2012). This research aimed to analyze influence of organizational virtues on job satisfaction, organizational commitment and individual and organizational performance levels. For this purpose, an instrument for measuring these virtues was adapted Positive Practices Survey (Cameron, Mora, Leutscher & Calarco, 2011). The original instrument has 29 items and six dimensions: Dignity and respect, Support, Caring, Meaning, Inspiration and Forgiveness. The adapted version Organizational Virtues Inventory (IVO) has 13 items and three dimensions: Support and respect, Meaning and Inspiration, Forgiveness. This instrument utilizes a 5-point Likert scaling format ranging from 1: completely disagree to 5: completely agree. A convenience sample of 569 Argentinean employees was studied. The mean age was 36.3 years old. The majority of the participants lived in Buenos Aires. The participants belong to public companies (n = 79) and private companies (n = 379). For data collection was used: Organizational Virtues Inventory (IVO), Organizational Commitment Scale, Job Stress Questionnaire, Life Satisfaction Scale (SWLS), Workplace Well-Being Scale (BIEN-T), and surveys designed ad-hoc: sociodemographic, organizational, job satisfaction, organizational and individual performance surveys. Data analysis was conducted using SPPS 18.0, AMOS 16.0, and EQS 6.2. Regarding data analysis, first, the original instrument was translated. The method used for translation was forward translation. Two researchers were involved in the translation process. Both have a PhD in Psychology and a good command of the English language. Then, an exploratory factor analysis was performed; as a result of this process 13 items, that had high factor loading in more than one factor, were eliminated. The resulting structure was three factors that explain 64% of the total variance. This structure was also confirmed using confirmatory analysis. In this process another three items were eliminated, so the final version of the Organizational Virtues Inventory (IVO), has 13 items. Furthermore, IVO has shown excellent internal consistency (Support and respect: .89; Meaning and Inspiration: .87; Forgiveness: .75). On the other hand, it was obtained evidence of criterion validity because the results positively correlated with measures of employee well-being, and were negatively associated with measures of job stress. As a whole, the current findings confirm that IVO is a valid and reliable instrument for research purpose based on POS. The most important objective of this study was to analyze direct and indirect influence of organizational virtues on job satisfaction, organizational commitment and individual and organizational performance levels. For this purpose, it was developed a model of structural equations (SEM) with EQS. It was hypothesized a direct effect of organizational virtues on levels of job satisfaction and of organizational / individual performance. Also, a direct effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment was hypothesized. Finally, it was hypothesized an indirect effect of organizational virtues on levels of performance (organizational and individual) having satisfaction and commitment as mediating variables. The results showed an effect direct of virtues on performance and job satisfaction levels (which in turn influence the organizational commitment). No indirect influence on performance, taking satisfaction and commitment as mediating variables, was verified. These findings demonstrate, as has been proposed in previous research (e.g., Cameron et al., 2011; Lyubomirsky et al., 2005), that the perception of virtuous practices of the organization in which people work collaborates to feel satisfied with their work, wishing to stay in it and have better performance levels.

Interdisciplinaria ; 30(2): 265-281, dic. 2013. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-708522


El interés para realizar esta investigación surgió a partir de que Argentina recibe un número creciente de estudiantes de otros países latinoamericanos, atraídos por el idioma, el prestigio académico y las condiciones económicas. Como resultado del contacto intercultural, los estudiantes atraviesan el proceso psicológico denominado aculturación, que implica cambios afectivos, comportamentales y cognitivos. En virtud de lo antedicho, este estudio se propuso identificar predictores de adaptación sociocultural en función de variables sociodemográficas, culturales y psicológicas de estudiantes que decidieron realizar sus estudios universitarios en Argentina. Participaron 216 estudiantes migrantes que se encontraban cursando diferentes carreras universitarias, el 57% eran mujeres (n = 124) y el 43% varones (n = 92), con un promedio de edad de 24.18 años (DE = 4.55). El 86% (n = 186) había nacido en Latinoamérica. El restante 14% provenía de países de Europa y Asia. El tiempo promedio de residencia en Argentina era de 3.31años. Se emplearon diferentes instrumentos diseñados ad hoc y/o adaptados para medir las variables involucradas en el estudio. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, no se pudo corroborar la influencia por parte de variables sociodemográficas (edad y tiempo de residencia). En cambio, entre las variables culturales se constató que percibir bajos niveles de discriminación y ansiedad intergrupal predice buenos niveles de adaptación sociocultural. En cuanto a las variables psicológicas, se corroboró que el apoyo social y la satisfacción percibida contribuyen a la adaptación sociocultural. En términos globales, las variables culturales y psicológicas predicen con mayor éxito la adaptación sociocultural en relación alas sociodemográficas.

The interest of this research arises from that Argentina received a growing number of students from other Latin-American countries. International migration has risen exponentially in recent decades due to advances in technology and communications. According to the International Organization for Migration (OIM, 2010), the estimated number of international migrants in the world for that year was 214 million, doubling the previous two decades. Globalization has promoted exchanges among different cultures, but also caused the collision between different value systems, beliefs and customs that, in many cases, generates situations of confusion or discomfort in people (Furnham & Bochner, 1986). Approximately 2.9million people each year decide to make or complete their studies in other countries (OECD, 2008). Argentina receives an increasing number of students from other Latin-American countries, attracted by the language, the academic prestige of the local universities and the favorable economic conditions (Filmus, 2007). At the present, international students represent 1.6% of university students in Argentina. Therefore, Argentina is the fourth host country of America, after United States, Canada and Uruguay. As a result of intercultural contact, students go through the psychological process called acculturation, which involves affective, behavioral and cognitive changes. Taking into account the antecedents mentioned, this research proposed to identify predictors of socio-cultural adaptation based on socio-demographic, cultural and psychological variables, in international students who decided to make their university studies in Argentina. The participants of the study were 216 migrant students who were studying different careers. 57% were women (n = 124) and 43% males (n = 92) with an average age of 24.18 years (SD = 4.55). 86% (n = 186) were born in Latin-America. The remaining 14% came from Europe and Asia. The average residence time in Argentina was 3.31 years. The reasons for their arrival in Argentina were diverse, 50% (n = 108) of them considered that Argentina was a good place to study for its academic prestige and low costs. The remaining half was divided between family reasons (n = 47, 21%), to have a different cultural experience (n = 30, 14%), for student exchange (n = 19, 9%) or others reasons (n = 13, 6%). Regarding socio-economic status, the majority of respondents said they were in the middle class (n = 107, 50%) and upper middle (n = 82, 38%). Different instruments, designed ad hoc or adapted, were used to measure the variables involved in the study. To measure cultural variables were used instruments to assess perceived cultural distance, frequency of contact with foreigners and local habitants, intergroup anxiety and perceived discrimination. To measure psychological variables, were used instruments to assess social supportand life satisfaction. Besides, were used instruments to assess the level of socio-cultural adaptation. Based on results obtained, it could not be verified influence by socio-demographic varia bles (age and residence time). In contrast, among the cultural variables it was found that low levels of perceived discrimination an inter-grupal anxiety predicts good levels of socio-cultural adaptation. Regarding psychological variables, it was confirmed that social support and perceived satisfaction contribute to this adaptation. In summary, cultural and psychological variables predict most successful socio-cultural adaptation than socio-demographic variables. One of the limitations of the study was the low inclusion in the sample of immigrants from countries with greater cultural distance. Futures studies can focuses on the analysis of the processes of adaptation with foreign students with language and customs more distant than Latin-American students. Other future re search can study the perceptions of those who receive foreign students (host country) and analyze their relationship and influence on the perception of discrimination and prejudice from immigrants.

Interdisciplinaria ; 24(1): 65-94, 2007. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-469790


El presente estudio pretende identificar (en población civil y militar) los prototipos internalizados de liderazgo, los atributos que tienden a ser asignados a los líderes y las dimensiones de liderazgo privilegiadas en dichos entornos. Participaron 488 cadetes militares (el 64% tenía personal a cargo) y 194 civiles, todos ocupaban cargos directivos y tenían personal a cargo. Se diseñó un instrumento ad-hoc, en el que se solicitaba a los participantes que nombraran a un líder efectivo, justifiquen su elección y señalen en una lista aquellos atributos que creían corresponder al líder elegido. Los resultados señalan que la población militar exhibe preferencia por personajes de trayectoria política y militar. Los civiles mostraron mayor variación en el prototipo de líder elegido, aunque se inclinaron a identificar como tales, a jefes cercanos a su ámbito laboral. Con respecto a los atributos asignados, los civiles identificaron con mayor frecuencia características individualistas como innovación, talento y logro de objetivos; mientras que los militares privilegiaron las características personales asociadas a la relación con el subalterno (consideración, motivación, abnegación). En el ámbito castrense se reconocieron atributos correspondientes al liderazgo orientado al grupo, en tanto los civiles se orientarían hacia un liderazgo carismático. Además, tanto civiles como militares exhibieron una actitud negativa hacia el liderazgo orientado hacia sí mismo. Los resultados obtenidos aportan evidencias sobre la existencia de diferencias significativas en la percepción del liderazgo en ambos contextos ya que se han observado discrepancias en los prototipos de líderes internalizados

The objective of this research consisted in identifying, in civilian and military population, leadership internalized prototypes, attributes which are frequently assigned to leaders, and leadership dimensions that are privileged in these contexts. Participants of this study were 488 cadets. [ … ] 64% (n = 312) of cadets directed other people. [ … ] On the other hand, 194 civilians participated (37% males, 63% females), all of hem directed people and occupied management positions. Data collection was realized in an anonymous and collective way using instruments designed ad-hoc, in which the participants were requested to name a person perceived by them as an effective leader and justify their choice. Moreover, the people would have to indicate, in a list, the attributes which they believed corresponded to the selected leader. [ … ] In military context there is a preference for leaders who have a political or military background. Civilians show more variety in the selected internalized prototypes, but hey selected people from their work contexts. In relation to selected attributes by the interviewed people, civilian participants identified individualistic characteristics with greater frequency, as innovation, talent and attainment of objectives; while the military participants assigned greater importance to the characteristics related to the consideration of he followers –consideration, motivation, abnegation. In the military context, attributes related to group orientation were selected; [ … ] On the other hand, military and civilian participants, show a negative attitude towards self orientated leadership. [ … ] The results contribute to show evidences on the existence of significant differences in the attribution of leadership in the general population and the military context. Discrepancy was identified between the internalized prototypes of leadership in both contexts.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Femenino , Liderazgo , Características Humanas , Personal Militar , Psicología Social