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Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 119: e230181, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534931


BACKGROUND In Brazil, transmission of visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis has expanded geographically over the last decades, with both clinical forms occurring simultaneously in the same area. OBJECTIVES This study characterised the clinical, spatial, and temporal distribution, and performed entomological surveillance and natural infection analysis of a leishmaniasis-endemic area. METHODS In order to characterise the risk of leishmaniasis transmission in Altos, Piauí, we described the clinical and socio-demographic variables and the spatial and temporal distribution of cases of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL) and American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) cases and identified potential phlebotomine vectors. FINDINGS The urban area concentrated almost 54% of ACL and 86.8% of AVL cases. The temporal and spatial distribution of AVL and ACL cases in Altos show a reduction in the number of risk areas, but the presence of permanent disease transmission foci is observed especially in the urban area. 3,808 phlebotomine specimens were captured, with Lutzomyia longipalpis as the most frequent species (98.45%). Of the 35 females assessed for natural infection, one specimen of Lu. longipalpis tested positive for the presence of Leishmania infantum and Leishmania braziliensis DNA. MAIN CONCLUSION Our results indicate the presence of risk areas for ACL and AVL in the municipality of Altos and highlight the importance of entomological surveillance to further understand a possible role of Lu. longipalpis in ACL transmission.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(2): 556-573, Maio-Ago. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419200


Objetivo: avaliar a eficácia da Ivermectina e do Atazanavir em comparação com placebo no tempo de resolução dos sintomas e no tempo de duração da doença por COVID-19. Método: estudo observacional, de coorte prospectivo, longitudinal, descritivo e analítico com pacientes sintomáticos ambulatoriais, acompanhados por 06 meses em duas Unidades Básicas de Saúde para atendimento de COVID-19 em Teresina- Piauí, Brasil, no período de novembro a abril de 2021 identificados por amostragem aleatória 1:1:1. Foram realizados exames Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) para confirmação laboratorial da suspeita de infecção pelo novo coronavírus e avaliação sociodemográfica e clínica. Resultados: dos 87 pacientes randomizados, 62,1% (n=54) eram do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 35,1 anos, possuíam companheira (53,9%), baixa renda (50,6%), eutróficos (40,7%) e sem comorbidades de saúde (78,2%). Não houve diferença entre o tempo médio para resolução dos sintomas, que foi de 21 dias (IQR, 8-30) no grupo atazanavir, 30 dias (IQR, 5-90) no grupo ivermectina em comparação com 14 dias (IQR, 9-21) no grupo controle. No dia 180, houve resolução dos sintomas em 100% no grupo placebo, 93,9% no grupo atazanavir e 95% no grupo ivermectina. A duração mediana da doença foi de 08 dias em todos os braços do estudo. Conclusão: o tratamento com atazanavir (6 dias) e ivermectina (3 dias) não reduziu o tempo de resolução dos sintomas e nem o tempo de duração da doença entre os pacientes ambulatoriais com COVID-19 leve em comparação com o grupo placebo. Os resultados não suportam o uso de ivermectina e atazanavir para tratamento de COVID-19 leve a moderado.

Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of Ivermectin and Atazanavir compared to placebo in the time to resolution of symptoms and duration of illness due to COVID-19. Method: observational, prospective, longitudinal, descriptive and analytical cohort study with symptomatic outpatients, followed for 06 months in two Basic Health Units for COVID-19 care in Teresina-Piauí, Brazil, from November to April 2021 identified by 1:1:1 random sampling. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests were performed for laboratory confirmation of suspected infection with the new coronavirus and sociodemographic and clinical evaluation. Results: of the 87 randomized patients, 62.1% (n=54) were male, with a mean age of 35.1 years, had a partner (53.9%), low income (50.6%), eutrophic (40.7%) and without health comorbidities (78.2%). There was no difference between the median time to resolution of symptoms, which was 21 days (IQR, 8-30) in the atazanavir group, 30 days (IQR, 5- 90) in the ivermectin group compared with 14 days (IQR, 9- 21) in the control group. At day 180, there was resolution of symptoms in 100% in the placebo group, 93.9% in the atazanavir group, and 95% in the ivermectin group. The median duration of illness was 8 days in all study arms. Conclusion: Treatment with atazanavir (6 days) and ivermectin (3 days) did not reduce the time to symptom resolution or the duration of illness among outpatients with mild COVID-19 compared to the placebo group. The results do not support the use of ivermectin and atazanavir for the treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19.

Objetivo: evaluar la efectividad de Ivermectina y Atazanavir en comparación con placebo en el tiempo de resolución de los síntomas y duración de la enfermedad por COVID-19. Método: estudio de cohorte observacional, prospectivo, longitudinal, descriptivo y analítico con pacientes ambulatorios sintomáticos, seguidos durante 06 meses en dos Unidades Básicas de Salud para atención de COVID-19 en Teresina-Piauí, Brasil, de noviembre a abril de 2021 identificados por 1:1:1 muestreo aleatorio. Se realizaron pruebas de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa con transcriptasa inversa (RT-PCR) para confirmación de laboratorio de sospecha de infección por el nuevo coronavirus y evaluación sociodemográfica y clínica. Resultados: de los 87 pacientes aleatorizados, 62,1% (n=54) eran del sexo masculino, con una edad media de 35,1 años, tenían pareja (53,9%), bajos ingresos (50,6%), eutróficos (40,7%) y sin comorbilidades de salud (78,2%). No hubo diferencia entre la mediana de tiempo hasta la resolución de los síntomas, que fue de 21 días (RIC, 8-30) en el grupo de atazanavir, 30 días (RIC, 5- 90) en el grupo de ivermectina en comparación con 14 días (RIC, 9 - 21) en el grupo control. En el día 180, hubo una resolución de los síntomas del 100 % en el grupo de placebo, del 93,9 % en el grupo de atazanavir y del 95 % en el grupo de ivermectina. La mediana de duración de la enfermedad fue de 8 días en todos los brazos del estudio. Conclusión: El tratamiento con atazanavir (6 días) e ivermectina (3 días) no redujo el tiempo de resolución de los síntomas ni la duración de la enfermedad entre los pacientes ambulatorios con COVID-19 leve en comparación con el grupo placebo. Los resultados no respaldan el uso de ivermectina y atazanavir para el tratamiento de la COVID-19 de leve a moderada.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Ivermectina/análisis , Eficacia , Sulfato de Atazanavir/análisis , COVID-19/complicaciones , COVID-19/tratamiento farmacológico , Pacientes Ambulatorios , Estudios Prospectivos , Estudios de Cohortes , Ensayos Clínicos como Asunto/métodos , Estudios Observacionales como Asunto/métodos
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(2): 931-947, Maio-Ago. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425141


Objetivo: Desenvolver uma plataforma virtual de Teleconsulta para atendimento a casos suspeitos de Síndromes Gripais e infecção por COVID-19. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo de natureza aplicada, com desenvolvimento de produção tecnológica e inovadora, prospectivo, ecológico, descritivo, de série temporal. A população do estudo foi formada por qualquer pessoa sintomática para Síndromes Gripais por COVID-19, suspeitos ou confirmados, de qualquer local do Brasil. Este estudo foi realizado em duas etapas, a saber: Etapa I: Desenvolvimento da Aplicação para Plataforma de Teleconsulta. Etapa II: atendimento por meio de Teleconsulta de Casos suspeitos de COVID-19 e Sindromes Gripais. A metodologia utilizada para o desenvolvimento da aplicação proposta foi a modelagem por prototipação evolucionária. Resultados: Foram realizados 209 atendimentos na Plataforma de Teleconsulta, sendo 151 (70%) do sexo feminino e 65 (30%) do sexo masculino, com prevalência de idade variando de 20 a 29 anos (41%). Quanto ao risco de infecção por COVID-19, 42 (20%) tinham alto risco, 75 (36%) médio risco e 92 (44%) baixo risco. Os sintomas mais prevalentes foram: secreção nasal ou espirros (53%), dores no corpo (49%), dor de cabeça (47%), dor de garganta (46%), tosse seca (35%), Febre (31%), falta de ar (25%) e diarreia (23%). Inicialmente o teleatendimento foi composto por teletriagem com classificação de risco com base na sintomatologia dos pacientes que foram codificados com pontuações conforme a gravidade do sintoma para formas graves de COVID-19. A classificação de risco categorizou os pacientes em risco baixo (1 a 9 pontos), risco médio (10 a 19 pontos) e risco alto (20 a 36 pontos). Em seguida, a teleconsulta foi agendada conforme disponibilidade do paciente por meio do método SBAR para comunicação efetiva e ao término do atendimento um plano de cuidados com Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem ­ SAE era encaminhado ao paciente por meio de WhatsApp ou e-mail. Conclusão: A plataforma de teleconsulta possibilitou a triagem dos pacientes, reduziu as visitas desnecessárias às unidades de emergência, permitiu a avaliação e monitoramento dos casos, bem como o acompanhamento de pacientes ambulatoriais que não necessitam de avaliação presencial.

Objective: To develop a virtual Teleconsultation platform for care of suspected cases of influenza syndromes and infection by COVID-19. Methodology: This is a study of applied nature, with development of technological and innovative production, prospective, ecological, descriptive, time series. The study population was made up of any person symptomatic for COVID-19 influenza syndromes, suspected or confirmed, from any location in Brazil. This study was conducted in two stages, namely: Stage I: Development of the Application for Teleconsultation Platform. Stage II: care through Teleconsultation of suspected cases of COVID-19 and influenza syndromes. The methodology used to develop the proposed application was evolutionary prototyping modeling. Results: There were 209 consultations in the Teleconsultation Platform, 151 (70%) were female and 65 (30%) were male, with prevalence of age ranging from 20 to 29 years (41%). As for the risk of infection by COVID-19, 42 (20%) had high risk, 75 (36%) medium risk and 92 (44%) low risk. The most prevalent symptoms were: nasal discharge or sneezing (53%), body aches (49%), headache (47%), sore throat (46%), dry cough (35%), fever (31%), shortness of breath (25%), and diarrhea (23%). Initially, the telecare was composed of teletry with risk classification based on the symptomatology of the patients who were coded with scores according to symptom severity for severe forms of COVID-19. The risk classification categorized patients into low risk (1 to 9 points), medium risk (10 to 19 points), and high risk (20 to 36 points). Then, the teleconsultation was scheduled according to the patient's availability through the SBAR method for effective communication and at the end of the service a care plan with Nursing Assistance Systematization - SAE was forwarded to the patient through WhatsApp or e-mail. Conclusion: Teleconsultation platform enabled patient triage, reduced unnecessary visits to emergency units, allowed the evaluation and monitoring of cases, as well as the follow- up of outpatients who do not need face-to-face evaluation.

Objetivo: Desarrollar una plataforma de Teleconsulta virtual para atender casos sospechosos de síndromes gripales e infección por COVID-19. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio aplicado, con desarrollo de producción tecnológica e innovadora, prospectivo, ecológico, descriptivo, con serie de tiempo. La población de estudio estuvo formada por cualquier persona sintomática de síndromes gripales por COVID-19, sospechada o confirmada, de cualquier localidad de Brasil. Este estudio se realizó en dos etapas, a saber: Etapa I: Desarrollo de Aplicaciones para la Plataforma de Teleconsulta. Etapa II: atención mediante teleconsulta de casos sospechosos de COVID-19 y síndromes gripales. La metodología utilizada para el desarrollo de la aplicación propuesta fue el modelado por prototipo evolutivo. Resultados: Se realizaron 209 consultas en la Plataforma de Teleconsulta, 151 (70%) del sexo femenino y 65 (30%) del masculino, con prevalencia de edades entre 20 a 29 años (41%). En cuanto al riesgo de infección por COVID-19, 42 (20%) fueron de alto riesgo, 75 (36%) de riesgo medio y 92 (44%) de bajo riesgo. Los síntomas más prevalentes fueron: secreción nasal o estornudos (53%), dolor de cuerpo (49%), dolor de cabeza (47%), dolor de garganta (46%), tos seca (35%), fiebre (31%), falta de aliento (25%) y diarrea (23%). Inicialmente, la teleasistencia consistía en teleselección con clasificación de riesgo en función de la sintomatología de los pacientes a los que se codificaba con puntuaciones según la gravedad del síntoma para formas graves de COVID-19. La clasificación de riesgo clasificó a los pacientes en riesgo bajo (1 a 9 puntos), riesgo medio (10 a 19 puntos) y riesgo alto (20 a 36 puntos). Luego, se programó la teleconsulta de acuerdo a la disponibilidad del paciente a través del método SBAR para una comunicación efectiva y al final de la atención se remitió al paciente un plan de cuidados con Sistematización de Atención de Enfermería - SAE vía WhatsApp o correo electrónico. Conclusión: La plataforma de teleconsulta posibilitó el triaje de pacientes, redujo las visitas innecesarias a las unidades de emergencia, permitió la evaluación y seguimiento de casos, así como el seguimiento de pacientes ambulatorios que no requieren evaluación presencial.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Tecnología/instrumentación , Consulta Remota/instrumentación , COVID-19/epidemiología , Atención de Enfermería/organización & administración , Atención Primaria de Salud/organización & administración , Derivación y Consulta , Medición de Riesgo/métodos , Servicio de Urgencia en Hospital/organización & administración , Gripe Humana/diagnóstico , Monitoreo Epidemiológico , Invenciones , Telecribado Médico
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(3): 1128-2023, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425430


Objetivo: Examinar e mapear as evidências científicas sobre a eficácia do uso de ivermectina e atazanavir no tratamento de COVID-19. Metodologia: Scoping Review, baseado nos procedimentos recomendados pelo Instituto Joanna Briggs. Estabeleceu-se a pergunta norteadora: "Quais são as evidências científicas sobre o uso de ivermectina e atazanavir no tratamento de pacientes com sintomas leves de COVID-19?". Foram realizadas buscas em seis bases de dados nacionais e internacionais, sobre trabalhos publicados até dezembro de 2022. Dos 357 estudos encontrados, 22 foram selecionados para leitura na íntegra, resultando em uma amostra final de 11 estudos analisados. Resultados: As 11 publicações analisadas foram publicadas de 2020 a 2022 durante período pandêmico, de âmbito nacional e internacional com delineamento de estudos experimentais, do tipo ensaio clínico com randomização. Apenas 03 estudos (25%) testaram o atazanavir como intervenção conjugada a outras drogas, não evidenciando melhorias significativas em relação ao seu uso. Já no tratamento com Ivermectina, dos oito (75%) estudos que a testaram, apenas três (37,5%) recomendaram seu uso e cinco (62,5%) não suportam seu uso para tratamento de COVID-19 leve. O tempo de resolução dos sintomas variou de 8 a 10 dias nos braços tratados com ivermectina e em média 07 dias no tratamento com atazanavir. Não se detectou eventos adversos graves relacionados ao uso das duas drogas. Conclusão: As evidências que recomendavam o uso de ivermectina datam do início do período pandêmico, 2020, mas posteriormente, com a realização de ensaios clínicos robustos e controlados, novas evidências não suportam o uso de ivermectina e atazanavir no tratamento de COVID-19 leve mostrando que não houve diferença no tempo de resolução dos sintomas, na taxa de mortalidade, taxa de internação na UTI e tempo de hospitalização.

Objective: To examine and map the scientific evidence on the effectiveness of using ivermectin and atazanavir in the treatment of COVID-19. Methodology: Scoping Review, based on the procedures recommended by the Joanna Briggs Institute. The guiding question was established, "What is the scientific evidence on the use of ivermectin and atazanavir in the treatment of patients with mild symptoms of COVID-19?" Searches were conducted in six national and international databases on papers published until December 2022. Of the 357 studies found, 22 were selected for reading in full, resulting in a final sample of 11 studies analyzed. Results: The 11 publications analyzed were published from 2020 to 2022 during pandemic period, of national and international scope with experimental study design, of clinical trial type with randomization. Only 03 studies (25%) tested atazanavir as a combined intervention with other drugs, showing no significant improvements in relation to its use. As for the treatment with Ivermectin, of the eight (75%) studies that tested it, only three (37.5%) recommended its use and five (62.5%) did not support its use for treating mild COVID-19. The time to symptom resolution ranged from 8 to 10 days in the ivermectin-treated arms and on average 07 days in the atazanavir treatment. No serious adverse events related to the use of the two drugs were detected. Conclusion: evidence recommending the use of ivermectin dates back to the beginning of the pandemic period, 2020, but subsequently, with robust controlled clinical trials, new evidence does not support the use of ivermectin and atazanavir in the treatment of mild COVID-19 showing that there was no difference in time to symptom resolution, mortality rate, ICU admission rate, and length of hospital stay.

Objetivo: Examinar y mapear la evidencia científica sobre la eficacia del uso de ivermectina y atazanavir en el tratamiento de COVID-19. Metodología: Scoping Review, basada en los procedimientos recomendados por el Instituto Joanna Briggs. La pregunta guía era: "¿Cuál es la evidencia científica sobre el uso de ivermectina y atazanavir en el tratamiento de pacientes con síntomas leves de COVID-19? Se realizaron búsquedas en seis bases de datos nacionales e internacionales, en artículos publicados hasta diciembre de 2022. De los 357 estudios encontrados, se seleccionaron 22 para su lectura completa, lo que dio lugar a una muestra final de 11 estudios analizados. Resultados: Las 11 publicaciones analizadas fueron publicadas entre 2020 y 2022 durante el periodo pandémico, de ámbito nacional e internacional con diseño de estudio experimental, de tipo ensayo clínico con aleatorización. Apenas 03 estudios (25%) probaron el atazanavir como intervención combinada con otras drogas, sin evidenciar mejoras significativas en relación con su uso. En cuanto al tratamiento con Ivermectina, de los ocho (75%) estudios que la probaron, sólo tres (37,5%) recomendaron su uso y cinco (62,5%) no apoyaron su uso para tratar la COVID-19 leve. El tiempo transcurrido hasta la resolución de los síntomas osciló entre 8 y 10 días en los brazos tratados con ivermectina y una media de 07 días en el tratamiento con atazanavir. No se detectaron acontecimientos adversos graves relacionados con el uso de los dos fármacos. Conclusión: las pruebas que recomiendan el uso de ivermectina se remontan al inicio del periodo pandémico, 2020, pero posteriormente, con ensayos clínicos controlados sólidos, las nuevas pruebas no apoyan el uso de ivermectina y atazanavir en el tratamiento de la COVID-19 leve, lo que demuestra que no hubo diferencias en el tiempo hasta la resolución de los síntomas, la tasa de mortalidad, la tasa de ingreso en la UCI y la duración de la estancia hospitalaria.

Ivermectina/uso terapéutico , Sulfato de Atazanavir/uso terapéutico , COVID-19/tratamiento farmacológico , Antivirales , Efectos Colaterales y Reacciones Adversas Relacionados con Medicamentos/tratamiento farmacológico , Hospitalización
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 32(3): e005623, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1515084


The aim of the present study was to assess morphologic and genetic data on ascariasis in swine (Sus scrofa domesticus) and humans in low-resource rural and periurban communities in the state of Piauí, Brazil. Our cross-sectional survey included 100 fecal samples obtained from swine and 682 samples from humans. Fifteen pigs were necropsied. Human and porcine fecal samples were examined to identify Ascaris eggs. Parasites obtained in the swine necropsies were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the mitochondrial gene encoding the cytochrome oxidase 1 (cox1) enzyme was partially amplified and sequenced for molecular taxonomy and phylogenetic analyses. The overall prevalence of Ascaris eggs in the swine fecal samples was 16/100 (16%). No Ascaris eggs were identified in the human fecal samples. SEM of six worms recovered from pigs demonstrated morphological characteristics of A. suum. Cox1 sequences were compatible with A. suum reference sequences. Original and reference (GenBank) nucleotide sequences were organized into clusters that did not segregate the parasites by host species or and region. The largest haplogroups were dominated by haplotypes H01, H02 and H31. In the communities studied, there was no epidemiological evidence of the zoonotic transmission of ascariasis at the human-swine interface.(AU)

O presente estudo teve como objetivo acessar dados morfológicos e genéticos sobre a ascaridíase em suínos (Sus scrofa domesticus) e humanos, em comunidades rurais e periurbanas no estado do Piauí. O estudo transversal incluiu 100 amostras fecais de suínos e 682 amostras obtidas de humanos. Quinze suínos foram necropsiados. Amostras fecais suínas e humanas foram examinadas para detecção de ovos de Ascaris. Os parasitas adultos, obtidos nas necropsias, foram estudados através de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), e o gene mitocondrial codificante da enzima citocromo oxidase 1 (cox1) foi parcialmente amplificado e sequenciado para análises filogenéticas e de taxonomia molecular. A prevalência de Ascaris em amostras fecais de suínos foi 16/100 (16%), não sendo identificado nenhum caso de infecção por este parasita em humanos. A análise por MEV de parasitas recuperados de suínos demonstrou características morfológicas de Ascaris suum. As sequências nucleotídicas de cox1 foram compatíveis com A. suum. As sequências originais e de referência (obtidas no GeneBank) foram organizadas em clusters que não segregaram os parasitas por hospedeiro ou região geográfica. Os maiores haplogrupos foram dominados pelos haplótipos H01, H02 e H31. Nas comunidades estudadas, não foi evidenciada transmissão zoonótica de A. suum na interface suíno-humana.(AU)

Humanos , Animales , Ascaridiasis/diagnóstico , Porcinos/genética , Ascaris suum/genética , Filogenia , Brasil , Complejo IV de Transporte de Electrones/análisis
Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 29(6): 801-806, Nov.-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1057856


ABSTRACT Plants represent a huge source of substances, with pharmacological potential. Brazil has a diversity of agricultural insect pests and an urgent need for safer methods of insect control. Dysdercus peruvianus (Guerin-Meneville, 1831), Pyrrhocoridae, is an economically important species of the Order Hemiptera and a pest of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., Malvaceae). Secondary metabolites in stems of Clusia hilariana Schltdl., Clusiaceae, such as terpenes and benzophenones, have been reported to be insecticidal. The present study investigated the effects of semi-purified fractions of hexane crude extracts from male C. hilariana stems on development of D. peruvianus. Biological parameters at different stages of development including body malformations, range of molting period and toxicity were evaluated. Most insects died and failed to develop due to attachment of their exuviae to the abdomen. Deformations of wings and defective tarsi also occurred. The secondary metabolites from semi-purified fractions of C. hilariana caused mortality, interference in molting and metamorphosis, and body deformations, probably by interacting with the neuroendocrine system. The results demonstrate the potential of C. hilariana extracts as an alternative for the control of the phytophagous insect D. peruvianus and for the development of environmentally safe and biodegradable bio insecticides.

Hematol., Transfus. Cell Ther. (Impr.) ; 40(3): 283-291, July-Sept. 2018. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-953837


ABSTRACT Based on the literature, this work aimed to discuss infection by Chagas disease among blood donors in Brazil. Studies on the prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in donors or candidates for blood donation in Brazil are important. The prevalence of infection appears to be a sensitive indicator and can be a true marker of the risk of the transmission of Chagas disease by blood transfusion. Moreover, it serves as a marker of the level of transmission of the disease in a region, as well as a tool to characterize the epidemiological profile of individuals affected by the disease. The present study is an integrative review of the literature on chagasic infection among blood donors. An evaluation of the literature identified the epidemiological profile of blood donors infected by T. cruzi, which is characterized in general as men, over 30 years old, with a low level of schooling, low income and mainly coming from rural areas.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Trypanosoma cruzi , Donantes de Sangre , Transfusión Sanguínea , Brasil , Enfermedad de Chagas
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Säo Paulo ; 59: e27, 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-842790


ABSTRACT This survey aimed to assess the presence of triatomine vectors of Chagas disease within the rural communities of São João do Piauí, Northeast Brazil. Intradomiciliary and peridomiciliary collection strategies were implemented wherein 279 specimens of Triatoma brasiliensis macromelasoma, both nymph and adult were found in 15 (50%) of the studied homes. Of the intradomiciliary insects, 73 (67.6%) were identified as nymph instars (1st instar [N1]= 6, N2= 14, N3= 28, N4= 7 and N5= 18). In the studied communities, a continuous interaction between triatomine bugs and humans could be shown. It is therefore urgent that suitable strategies for the control of the triatomine vector are implemented in this area.

Animales , Vivienda , Triatoma/anatomía & histología , Brasil , Enfermedad de Chagas/transmisión , Insectos Vectores/anatomía & histología , Insectos Vectores/clasificación , Población Rural , Triatoma/clasificación
Rev. bras. entomol ; 58(4): 379-383, Oct.-Dec. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-732838


Bioactivity of the latex from Parahancornia amapa (Apocynaceae) on the development of Rhodnius nasutus (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae) under laboratory conditions. The aim of this study was to verify the effects of the methanolic fraction of the latex from Parahancornia amapa (Apocynaceae) (PALAM) on individuals of the species Rhodnius nasutus Stål (Hemiptera, Triatominae). Many of the insects treated with the substance presented deformities and these may interfere in the feeding and possibly hinder the reproductive capacity. They also presented significant mortality during the molt when compared to the control group, noting a gradual increase in mortality. The treated insects also presented delayed nymphal development (5th instar) and higher adult longevity.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 47(3): 307-312, May-Jun/2014. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-716401


Introduction Triatoma carcavalloi is a wild species that is found in sympatry with Triatoma rubrovaria and Triatoma circummaculata, which are vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi currently found in rural areas of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Methods Fertility was assessed and to determine the incubation period, the eggs were observed until hatching. The first meal was offered to 1st stage nymphs. The intermolt period was also determined. The number of blood meals was quantified at each nymphal stage and the resistance to fasting as the period between ecdysis and death. Mortality was assessed and longevity was determined by recording the time that elapsed from molting to the adult stage and until death. The developmental cycle was assessed by recording the length in days of each stage from molting to adult hood. Results The average incubation period was 22.7 days. The average first meal occurred 3.1 days after hatching. The 5th stage nymph to adult intermolting period was the longest at 193.4 days. The average number of feedings during nymphal development was 13.4. The resistance to fasting assay indicated that the 3rd, 4th and 5th stage nymphs presented higher resistance than did adults. The highest mortality rate was observed in the 3rd stage nymphs (22.2%). The average length of adult survival was 25.6 weeks, and the average total life cycle lasted 503.4 days. Conclusions This study is the first report on the biology of T. carcavalloi that fed on mice. The presented findings expand the bionomic knowledge of these species. .

Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Ratones , Insectos Vectores/fisiología , Estadios del Ciclo de Vida/fisiología , Triatoma/fisiología , Fertilidad/fisiología , Insectos Vectores/clasificación , Insectos Vectores/crecimiento & desarrollo , Laboratorios , Longevidad/fisiología , Triatoma/clasificación , Triatoma/crecimiento & desarrollo
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 108(4): 429-437, jun. 2013. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-678297


Triatoma jatai sp. nov. is the first new species of triatomine to be described in the state of Tocantins, in the northern region of Brazil. It was caught on rock outcrops in the wild environment and, more recently, invading homes. While T. jatai sp. nov. is morphologically similar to Triatoma costalimai, it is distinguished by its general colouring, differences in the blotches on the connexivum, wing size in females and external structures of the male genitalia. The type series has been deposited in the Entomological Collection and Herman Lent Collection, Oswaldo Cruz Institute-Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Triatoma/anatomía & histología , Triatoma/clasificación , Brasil , Especificidad de la Especie
Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 22(3): 517-521, May-June 2012. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-624683


Dengue is a tropical disease caused by an arbovirus transmitted by Aedes aegypti. Since no effective vaccine is available for treating dengue, the present study focused on population vector control through investigating the use of the lignan grandisin, isolated from Piper solmsianum C. DC., Piperaceae, against the larvae of A. aegypti. Grandisin caused larval (L3) mortality at LC50 150 µg/mL. Histological analysis on A. aegypti larvae treated with grandisin (LC50 50 µg/mL) showed changes in the anterior-middle midgut, with intense tissue destruction and cell disorganization.

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 106(2): 158-165, Mar. 2011. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-583939


Semiconductor nanoparticles, such as quantum dots (QDs), were used to carry out experiments in vivo and ex vivo with Trypanosoma cruzi. However, questions have been raised regarding the nanotoxicity of QDs in living cells, microorganisms, tissues and whole animals. The objective of this paper was to conduct a QD nanotoxicity study on living T. cruzi protozoa using analytical methods. This was accomplished using in vitro experiments to test the interference of the QDs on parasite development, morphology and viability. Our results show that after 72 h, a 200 μM cadmium telluride (CdTe) QD solution induced important morphological alterations in T. cruzi, such as DNA damage, plasma membrane blebbing and mitochondrial swelling. Flow cytometry assays showed no damage to the plasma membrane when incubated with 200 μM CdTe QDs for up to 72 h (propidium iodide cells), giving no evidence of classical necrosis. Parasites incubated with 2 μM CdTe QDs still proliferated after seven days. In summary, a low concentration of CdTe QDs (2 μM) is optimal for bioimaging, whereas a high concentration (200 μM CdTe) could be toxic to cells. Taken together, our data indicate that 2 μM QD can be used for the successful long-term study of the parasite-vector interaction in real time.

Animales , Ratones , Compuestos de Cadmio/toxicidad , Proliferación Celular , Daño del ADN , Puntos Cuánticos , Telurio/toxicidad , Trypanosoma cruzi , Membrana Celular , Citometría de Flujo , Colorantes Fluorescentes , Microscopía Electrónica de Transmisión , Dilatación Mitocondrial , Trypanosoma cruzi/ultraestructura
Neotrop. entomol ; 36(6): 987-989, Nov.-Dec. 2007. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-473556


Megaselia scalaris (Loew) is a cosmopolitan and synanthropic scuttle fly, eclectic in its feeding habits and acts as detritivore, parasite, facultative parasite, and parasitoid. Here we report for the first time M. scalaris infesting laboratory colonies of Triatoma brasiliensis Neiva, the most important Chagas disease vector in semiarid areas of Brazil. M. scalaris larvae were found feeding inside bugs; pupae were found in the esophagus and intestinal regions of T. brasiliensis through dissection. Other relevant information about this finding is also described in this note, including some preventive measures to avoid laboratory colonies infestations.

Megaselia scalaris (Loew) é uma mosca cosmopolita, sinantrópica e eclética quanto aos seus hábitos alimentares, tendo sido descrita como detritívora, parasita, parasita facultativa e parasitóide. Nesta nota, registra-se pela primeira vez, M. scalaris infestando colônias de laboratório de Triatoma brasiliensis Neiva, o mais importante vetor da doença de Chagas no semi-árido brasileiro. Larvas de M. scalaris foram encontradas alimentando-se dos órgãos internos dos triatomíneos; pupas foram encontradas na região intestinal e esofagiana de exemplares de T. brasiliensis dissecados. Outras informações relevantes sobre o achado são descritas nesta nota, bem como medidas preventivas para evitar infestações por M. scalaris em colônias de triatomíneos.

Animales , Animales de Laboratorio/parasitología , Dípteros/fisiología , Reduviidae/parasitología
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 100(8): 915-923, Dec. 2005. ilus, mapas
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-419960


The occurrence of autochthonous cases of Chagas disease in the Amazon region of Brazil over recent decades has motivated an intensification of studies in this area. Different species of triatomines have been identified, and ten of these have be proven to be carriers of the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi or " cruzi-like " parasites. Studies conducted in the municipalities of Santa Isabel do Rio Negro and Barcelos, located on the Upper and Middle of the Negro River, microregion of Negro River, state of Amazonas have confirmed not only that Rhodnius brethesi is present in the palm tree Leopoldinia piassaba, but also that this insect was recognized by palm fiber collectors. A morphological study of eyes, inter-ocular and inter-ocellar regions, antennae, buccula, labrum, rostrum, stridulatory sulcus and feet, including the apex of the tibia, spongy fossette and ctenidium was conducted by scanning electron microscopy. The buccula and the stridulatory sulcus presented notable differences in specimens of different genera and also of different species. These data make it possible to suggest that the details presented in these structures can be included as diagnostic characteristics to be used in new dichotomous keys, thereby contributing towards studies of taxonomy and systematics and furnishing backing for comparative analysis of specimens collected from different localities.

Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Insectos Vectores/ultraestructura , Rhodnius/ultraestructura , Brasil , Insectos Vectores/clasificación , Microscopía Electrónica de Rastreo , Rhodnius/clasificación
Neotrop. entomol ; 33(4): 433-437, July-Aug. 2004. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-512894


Este estudo teve por objetivo verificar padrões morfológicos que proporcionassem o correto diagnóstico de Simulium (Chirostilbia) pertinax Kollar. A análise morfológica de fêmeas e pupas permitiu encontrar estruturas bem características e de fácil utilização para identificação da espécie. Alguns caracteres diagnósticos (coloração do escudo, área nudiocular e paraprocto) podem apresentar pequenas variações e outros são constantes (coloração das pernas, cibário, forquilha, filamentos branquiais e casulo).

This study had as objective to verify the morphologic patterns that provide a correct diagnosis of Simulium (Chirostilbia) pertinax Kollar. The analysis of female and pupa morphology allowed to find characteristic structures that could be easily used to identify the species.Some diagnostic characteres (shield coloration, nudiocular area and paraprocto) show small variations and other are constant (leg coloration, cibarium, fork, branchial filaments and cocoon).

Rev. saúde pública ; 37(5): 657-661, out. 2003. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-348057


OBJETIVO: Observar detalhes morfológicos de ovos de Haemagogus leucocelaenus visualizados pela primeira vez por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e realizar morfometria das principais estruturas. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados ovos de Hg. leucocelaenus provenientes de fêmeas capturadas na Reserva Biológica do Tinguá, RJ, sendo parte destinada à eclosäo e outra ao processamento de MEV, dos quais três foram submetidos à análise morfométrica. O material foi fixado em glutaraldeído 2,5 por cento e pós-fixado em tetróxido de ósmio 1 por cento, ambos em tampäo cacodilato de sódio 0.1M, pH 7.2, processado e observado ao MEV Jeol 5310. Medições foram realizadas com o auxílio do software de análise Semafore. RESULTADOS: Os ovos apresentaram contorno elíptico com aproximadamente 574 æm de comprimento e 169 æm de largura, sendo o índice do ovo (l/wratio) 3,39 æm. O exocório é extremamente regular, possuindo ornamentaçäo hexagonal e algumas vezes pentagonal. Nas células coriônicas, observaram-se tubérculos simetricamente dispostos com relaçäo ao eixo longitudinal, e, no interior delas, tubérculos menores, individualizados, dispostos na periferia, e poucos agrupados no centro. A superfície do retículo coriônico näo apresentou rugosidades. O aparelho micropilar apresenta colar proeminente, contínuo, com disco micropilar bem evidente. CONCLUSÕES: A ornamentaçäo do exocório apresenta diferenças em relaçäo aos tubérculos das células coriônicas e ao retículo coriônico externo entre os ovos de Hg. leucocelaenus comparados aos ovos de Hg. janthinomys e Hg. equinus, bem como com relaçäo aos de Aedes aegypti, Ae. albopictus e Ae bahamensis.

Huevos , Culicidae/ultraestructura , Dípteros/ultraestructura , Microscopía Electrónica de Rastreo
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2003. xv,131 p. ilus.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-364897


Foram analisadas modificações nos túbulos de Malpighi de Rhodnius prolixus durante o ciclo alimentar do inseto. As regiões proximais e distais destes túbulos, possuem epitélio simples, envoltos por uma lâmina basal. O citoplasma é homogêneo na região proximal, existindo na distal, numerosos vacúolos, grânulos e concreções de minerais amorfos... A região proximal apresenta interdigitações basais, de aspecto vacuolizado e na região distal estas têm aspecto paralelo. O glicogênio evidenciado nos túbulos de Malpighi é possivelmente a principal fonte de reserva de energia nestas células. A partir de uma hora após a alimentação, a região proximal apresenta uma gradual diminuição do volume do epitélio, com intensa vacuolização na região basal e desorganização parcial das microvilosidades. Com 72h o volume é grande e as mitocôndrias encontram-se espalhadas pelo epitélio. A região distal apresenta concreções de minerais amorfos com aspecto de lamelas concêntricas. Após 24h observa-se muitos vacúolos de conteúdo não-eletrondenso. Os túbulos, quando submetidos a um choque hiperosmótico, apresentam uma desorganização parcial das microvilosidades na região proximal, sem alteração da vacuolização basal. Na região distal, as concreções são expelidas para o lúmen juntamente com porções de membrana, sem quebra da integridade do epitélio, mantendo o padrão em paralelo das interdigitações basais, sugerindo que os íons presentes seriam utilizados na regulação de volume. A ocorrência de uma variação na expressão da Na++K+-ATPase indica que esta enzima participa ativamente da regulação do volume. O mesmo ocorre com VH+-ATPase, cuja intensa atividade expressa com uma hora após o repasto, coincide com o pico de presença de cálcio e fósforo nas concreções de minerais amorfos, com a detecção da Ca++-ATPase por citoquímica ultraestrutural e pela alta atividade da Na++K+-ATPase neste período. O citoesqueleto evidenciou uma variação na expressão da tubulina nos diferentes tempos após a alimentação, diferente dos filamentos de actina, que mantiveram um padrão constante. Estes dados reforçam a importância da alimentação nas modificações morfológicas, na regulação do volume celular e na expressão das ATPases da membrana luminal e baso-lateral nas células dos túbulos de Malpighi de R. prolixus.

Animales , Sistema Digestivo , Rhodnius , Túbulos de Malpighi/anatomía & histología , Túbulos de Malpighi/fisiología
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 96(8): 1141-1151, Nov. 2001. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-304655


A morphological study of the midgut of Lutzomyia intermedia, the primary vector of cutaneous leishmaniasis, in southeast Brazil, was conducted by light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The midgut is formed by a layer of epithelium of columnar cells on a non-cellular basal lamina, under which there is a musculature, which consists of circular and longitudinal muscular fibers. A tracheolar network is observed surrounding and penetrating in the musculature. Females were examined 12, 24, 48, 72 h and 5 days following a blood meal and were analyzed comparatively by transmission electron microscopy with starved females. In starved females, the epithelium of both the anterior and posterior sections of the midgut present whorl shaped rough endoplasmic reticulum. The posterior section does not present well-developed cellular structures such as mitochondria. Observations performed at 12, 24, 48 and 72 h after the blood meal showed morphological changes in the cellular structures in this section, and the presence of the peritrophic matrix up to 48 h after the blood meal. Digestion is almost complete and a few residues are detected in the lumen 72 h after blood feeding. Finally, on the 5th day after the blood meal all cellular structures present the original feature resembling that seen in starved sand flies. Morphometric data confirmed the morphological observations. Mitochondria, nuclei and microvilli of midgut epithelial cells are different in starved and blood fed females. The mitochondria present a similar profile in the epithelium of both the anterior and posterior section of the midgut, with higher dimension in starved females. The cell microvilli in the posterior section of the midgut of starved females are twice the size of those that had taken a blood meal. We concluded that there are changes in the midgut cellular structures of L. intermedia during the digestion of blood, which are in agreement with those described for other hematophagous diptera

Animales , Femenino , Mucosa Intestinal , Phlebotomus , Microscopía Electrónica de Rastreo
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 85(2): 141-52, abr.-jun. 1990. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-90847


The Brindley's glands of Panstrongylus megistus were studied under the antomic, histologic and ultrastructural point of view. These glands located in the insect's methatorax are paired and have an opening near the third parir of the feet. Beside this aperture, ther are evaporation areas. Shape, sixe and aspect of the gland vary according to the feeding status. The glands are composed by a tubular part corresponding to the duct and a sack-like portion corrsponding to the secretory part. By electron microscopy we observed that the basal part of the epithelium has many interdigitations associated with mitochondria. On the apical surface where epicuticular foldings are located an electonlucent space is often seen. The glands are composed of the following elements: 1) superficial epithelial cells, located just below the apical surface foldings; 2) secretory cells; which are long and have an intracellular canalicule which changes according to the functional state of the cell; 3) a collecting duct to the secretory cells and covered with an epicuticle, reaching up to the gland's lumen; and 4) cells around the duct

Animales , Glándulas Odoríferas/ultraestructura , Microscopía Electrónica , Panstrongylus/ultraestructura