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Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1433763


Introduction: the perception of individuals about their own health is a strong indicator of their real state, as well as their behaviors related to the prognosis in case of presence of pathologies, besides being proportional to their motivations to acquire healthy habits. Objective: to describe the motivations of overweight adolescents when participating in a multidisciplinary health promotion program and their perceptions about habits related to physical and emotional well-being. Methods: this is a qualitative study, using the Bardin content analysis technique. The tool used for data collection was the semi-structured interview, analyzed with the help of the software QSR NVivo 11 through grouping of the speech into clusters. These in turn were evaluated in three categories: (1) motivation; (2) food; and (3) physical exercise. Results: the average age of the participants was 13.8 ± 2.4, with an average body mass index of 31.8 ± 8.5 kg/m². Regarding family income, 41.66% had monthly income of 3 to 6 minimum wages. Regarding the educational level of parents, 70.83% of mothers had completed higher education, while 29.16% had completed high school. According to the respondents' answers, the greatest motivation to participate in a multidisciplinary obesity treatment program was weight loss. In category 2, it was observed that adolescents associated the act of eating with feelings such as anxiety and nervousness. In category 3, the impact of the pandemic was found under the modalities of physical exercise practiced. Conclusion: the results prove the importance of understanding the perception of adolescents about their own health and related habits, in order to elaborate effective strategies for health promotion and consequent improvement of the quality of life of these individuals.

Introdução: a percepção dos indivíduos a respeito da própria saúde é um forte indicador do seu real estado, bem como dos seus comportamentos relativos ao prognóstico em caso de presença de patologias, além de ser proporcional às suas motivações para adquirir hábitos saudáveis. Objetivo: descrever as motivações de adolescentes acima do peso ao participarem de um programa multidisciplinar de promoção da saúde e suas percepções a respeito de hábitos relacionados ao bem estar físico e emocional. Métodos: trata-se de estudo de abordagem qualitativa, com emprego da técnica de análise de conteúdo de Bardin. A ferramenta utilizada para coleta de dados foi a entrevista semiestruturada, analisada com auxílio do software QSR NVivo 11 através de agrupamento das falas em clusters. Esses por sua vez foram avaliados em três categorias: (1) motivação; (2) alimentação; e (3) exercício físico. Resultados: a idade média dos participantes foi de 13,8 ± 2,4, com índice de massa corporal médio de 31,8 kg/m² ± 8,5. Em relação à renda familiar, 41,66% apresentaram renda mensal de 3 a 6 salários mínimos. No que tange à escolaridade dos responsáveis, 70,83% das mães possuíam o ensino superior completo, enquanto 29,16% possuíam ensino médio completo. De acordo com as respostas dos entrevistados a maior motivação para participarem de um programa multidisciplinar de tratamento da obesidade foi o emagrecimento. Já na categoria 2 observou-se que os adolescentes associaram o ato de comer com sentimentos como a ansiedade e o nervosismo. Na categoria 3, constatou-se o impacto da pandemia sob as modalidades de exercício físico praticados. Conclusão: os resultados comprovam a importância de entender a percepção dos adolescentes a respeito da própria saúde e hábitos relacionados, a fim de elaborar de estratégias efetivas para promoção da saúde e consequente, melhoria da qualidade de vida desses indivíduos.

Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538305


Introduction: there is evidence that multidisciplinary interventions are an efficient approach to achieving weight loss and other health-related goals. However, dropout rates of these programs are high among adolescents. The suggestion is that understanding the motivation of individuals to participate in these projects is fundamental to developing strategies for permanence and, consequently, promoting better results.Objective: the main aim of this study was to describe the motivations of overweight adolescents participating in a multidisciplinary health promotion project.Methods: this qualitative study was conducted from March to July 2021 using the Bardin content analysis technique. The tool used for data collection was the semi-structured interview, analyzed means by the software QSR NVivo 11 by grouping the speech into clusters. These, in turn, were evaluated in three categories: (1) motivation, (2) food, and (3) physical exercise.Results: the age of the participants was 13.8 ± 2.4 years old, with body mass index of 31.8 ± 8.5 kg/m². Regarding family income, 41.66% had a monthly payment of 3 to 6 minimum wages. Regarding parents' educational level, 70.83% of mothers had completed higher education, while 29.16% had completed high school. According to the respondent's answers, weight loss was the greatest motivation to participate in a multidisciplinary obesity treatment program. In category 2, it was observed that adolescents associated the act of eating with feelings such as anxiety and nervousness. In category 3, the impact of the pandemic was found under the modalities of physical exercise practiced.Conclusion: the results describe the motivation of overweight adolescents to participate in a multidisciplinary program, in addition to elucidating participants' perception of their health and related habits, strategies for health promotion, and consequent improvement of the quality of life of these individuals.

Saude e pesqui. (Impr.) ; 15(3): e10924, jul./set. 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1411449


Trata-se de um estudo longitudinal e observacional que investigou as consequências do lockdown em decorrência do coronavírus em 2020, na aptidão física relacionada à saúde e respostas bioquímicas de 16 adolescentes do sexo masculino com sobrepeso ou obesidade (idade 12,6 ± 1,8 anos). A antropometria, composição corporal, testes de aptidão física e medidas de biomarcadores sanguíneos (glicemia em jejum, colesterol total [CT], colesterol de lipoproteína de baixa densidade [LDL-c], triglicerídeos [TG], aspartato aminotransferase [AST] e alanina aminotransferase [ALT]) foram avaliados antes e após 8 meses de lockdown. Os resultados mostraram um aumento do peso corporal, massa livre de gordura e circunferência da cintura e do quadril (p<0,05) após 8 meses. A força isométrica máxima de preensão manual e a flexibilidade aumentaram, enquanto a resistência muscular diminuiu (p<0,05). A glicemia em jejum, CT, LDL-c, TG, TG/glicose, AST, ALT, TG/HDL-c, CT/HDL-c e LDL/HDL aumentaram (p<0,05), ao passo que os níveis de HDL-c diminuíram significativamente (p<0,05). Portanto, 8 meses de isolamento social promoveram efeitos deletérios sobre parâmetros morfológicos e aptidão física em adolescentes. No entanto, o pequeno tamanho da amostra impede a generalização desses achados.

This longitudinal and observational study investigated the consequences of the coronavirus disease 2019 lockdown on health-related physical fitness and biochemical responses in 16 overweight or obese male adolescents (aged 12.6±1.8 years). The anthropometry, body composition, physical fitness tests, and measures of blood biomarkers (fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol [TC], low-density lipoprotein cholesterol [LDL-c], triglycerides [TG], aspartate aminotransferase [AST], and alanine aminotransferase [ALT]) were evaluated before and after 8 months of lockdown. The results showed increased body weight, fat-free mass, and waist and hip circumference (p<0.05) after 8 months. Maximum isometric handgrip strength and flexibility increased, while muscle endurance decreased (p<0.05). Fasting blood glucose, TC, LDL-c, TG, TG/glucose, AST, ALT, TG/HDL-c, CT/HDL-c, and LDL/HDL increased (p<0.05), while the HDL-c levels decreased significantly (p<0.05). Therefore, eight months of social isolation promoted harmful effects on adolescents' morphological parameters and physical fitness. However, the small sample size prevents the generalization of these findings.

J. Hum. Growth Dev. (Impr.) ; 31(2): 257-266, May-Aug. 2021. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1340085


INTRODUCTION: Investigating the of overweight or obese adolescents' nutritional quality is substantial to guide healthy eating strategiesOBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of a multi-professional approach on anthropometric parameters, body composition, and the level of food processing in adolescentsMETHODS: Twelve overweight/obese male adolescents between 13-17 years old participated in a series of 12-week multi-professional interventions led by physical education, nutrition, and psychology professionals. The participants were assessed before the intervention as well as at 6 and 12 weeks. Anthropometric assessments were performed, including body weight, stature, and body mass index; body composition, with fat mass (FM), body fat (%BF), skeletal muscle mass, and resting metabolic rate (RMR), and by filling in a three-day food record, to assess the ingested foods by its level of processing: fresh, minimally processed, processed, and ultra-processedRESULTS: No differences were observed in anthropometric parameters performed at different stages (p>0.05). Reductions in FM and %BF and increases in SMM and RMR (p<0.05) were identified after, the 12-week intervention. There was an increase in the consumption of natural foods/g and increased the caloric consumption of processed foods/kcal after 12-week of intervention (p<0.05CONCLUSION: The model resulted in a decrease in fat mass and body fat percentage, an in skeletal muscle mass, resting metabolic rate, natural foods/g, and processed foods/kcal

INTRODUÇÃO: Investigar a qualidade nutricional de adolescentes com sobrepeso ou obesidade é substancial para orientar estratégias de alimentação saudávelOBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos de uma abordagem multiprofissional sobre os parâmetros antropométricos, de composição corporal e o nível de processamento de alimentos em adolescentesMÉTODO: Doze adolescentes do sexo masculino com sobrepeso/obesidade, entre 13-17 anos participaram de uma série de intervenções multiprofissionais ao longo de 12 semanas, que foram conduzidas por profissionais de educação física, nutricionistas e psicólogos. Os participantes foram avaliados antes da intervenção, após 6 e após 12 semanas. As avaliações antropométricas foram realizadas, incluindo o peso corporal, a estatura e o índice de massa corporal; para a composição corporal foram incluídas: a massa gorda (MG), percentual de gordura corporal (%G), massa muscular esquelética (MME) e taxa metabólica basal (TMB), bem como o preenchimento do registro alimentar de três dias, para avaliar os alimentos ingeridos, via nível de processamento: in natura, minimamente processado, processado e ultraprocessadoRESULTADOS: Não foram observadas diferenças significativas nos parâmetros antropométricos realizados nas diferentes etapas (p>0,05). Reduções na MG e %G e aumentos na MME e TMB (p<0,05) foram identificados após 12 semanas de intervenção. Houve um aumento do consumo de alimentos in natura/g e aumento do consumo calórico de alimentos industrializados/kcal, após 12 semanas de intervenção (p<0,05CONCLUSÃO: O modelo proposto resultou em uma diminuição da massa gorda e percentual de gordura corporal, aumento da massa muscular esquelética, taxa metabólica basal, consumo de alimentos naturais/g e alimentos processados/kcal

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Grupo de Atención al Paciente , Ejercicio Físico , Antropometría , Salud del Adolescente , Ingestión de Alimentos , Promoción de la Salud , Obesidad