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Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221008


INTRODUCTIONThe novel coronavirus also known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2(SARS-COV2) causes a severe respiratory disease known as covid 19 because this strain wasdiscovered in December 2019, in Wuhan, China [1,2]. It was reported first on the 31st ofDecember, 2019, by the WHO and regarded as a global pandemic on 11th march 2020[3]. Itcrossed boundaries worldwide and affected millions of people all over the world. In India, theaverage daily cases are nearly 98000 cases and the numbers are rising every day.MATERIALS AND METHODSIt is a questionnaire-based survey, taken by a total of 80 respondents, who were posted innon-patient care areas of a tertiary care hospital and the questionnaire was framed usinginformation from the world health organization (WHO), UpToDate, Indian council ofmedical research (ICMR), Centre for disease control (CDC) and National Institute of Health(NIH) website resources.RESULTOut of 80 workers, 51.25% workers were permanently employed in the setup (figure 1).Highest in the job category of store manager, tailor and chowkidar, while the highest numberof contractual workers were employed as supervisor, there were no contractual workersemployed as tailor, chowkidar and store manager in the hospital. Out of 80 workers, highestnumber of workers were employed in the category of administrators (16.25%) followed bykitchen staff (13.75%).CONCLUSIONTo conclude, the degree of awareness portrayed by the staff posted in non-patient care areasof the hospital is adequate to some extent, yet it lacks in certain dimensions like covid-19transmission and awareness regarding myths and beliefs. Based on this survey it isrecommended that all non-frontline workers posted in non-patient care areas of the hospitalshould at least be trained in order to increase their awareness and knowledge on thetransmission modes and prevention of COVID-19.