Purpose of the study: Demonstration of nerve-muscle experiments play a vital role for teaching Physiologyto undergraduate medical students. In recent days, procuring frogs for the conduction of these experimentshave become a major concern. Therefore, we have designed an innovative method to carry out nerve-musclePhysiology experiments in human subjects.Methodology: We designed a simple and feasible method to demonstrate the effect of increasing strengthof stimuli, two successive stimuli and tetanic stimuli on human finger muscle twitch response.Main findings: Results of four nerve-muscle experiments performed in a human subject using an innovativemethod has been presented in this article. First, recording of finger muscle twitch by ulnar nerve stimulation.Second, effect of subthreshold, threshold, maximal and supramaximal stimulus with increase in the strengthof stimulus. Third, effect of two successive stimuli on finger twitch response. Four, effect of tetanizingstimuli on finger twitch response.Conclusion: Here we propose a simple innovative practical for effective demonstration of nerve-musclePhysiology experiments using human subject for under-graduate teaching.