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Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207975


Complete heart block comprises complete absence of AV conduction - none of the supraventricular impulses are conducted to the ventricles. Perfusing rhythm is maintained by a junctional or ventricular escape rhythm. Typically, the patient will have severe bradycardia with independent atrial and ventricular rates. The incidence is 1 in 15,000 to 20,000 live births. Authors present the case report of a primigravida, aged 30 years who presented with amenorrhoea of 35 weeks. She was diagnosed as complete heart block by cardiologist. She had no history of syncopal attacks during childhood or antenatal period. She had a heart rate of 50-52 bpm. ECG showed ventricular escape rhythm with narrow QRS complexes. Echocardiography showed no structural defects. Her elective LSCS was done at 39 weeks after consultation with cardiologist. Patient underwent temporary pacemaker insertion just prior to surgery and she delivered a healthy female baby of weight 3 kg with Apgar 9/10 at 5 mins. She remained asymptomatic during the postoperative period and pacemaker was removed after 30 hours. She was discharged under satisfactory condition on day 6. Patient was counselled for follow up with cardiologist. This case lays emphasis on proper history taking, vitals monitoring, early recognition of undiagnosed cardiac disorders and team work for good maternal and fetal outcome.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207811


Ovarian torsion is a surgical emergency, can result in ovarian loss, intra-abdominal infection and even death. Paediatric ovarian torsion is a rare condition, requires high clinical suspicion and prompt diagnosis. Diagnosis is a challenge since signs and symptoms are similar to those of other causes of acute abdominal pain such as appendicitis, gastroenteritis, urinary tract infection, renal colic or other conditions of acute abdominal and pelvic pain. Here, authors describe a case of a 4-year-old girl with a presentation of acute abdominal pain, treated empirically elsewhere. After investigations, a provisional diagnosis of ovarian torsion was made and patient was taken up for surgery. Intraoperatively, ovary was found to be necrosed. Detorsion was tried but ovary was unsalvageable. Right sided salpingectomy with oophorectomy was performed. Conservative surgery by laparoscopic detorsion can be tried in cases of ischemia but if necrosis has already set in, then salpingo-oophorectomy has to be performed.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207564


Background: Management of critically ill obstetric patients involve intensive monitoring in intensive care unit. In present scenario there are significant number of obstetric patients with sepsis, tropical diseases and medical illness that require ICU care. The aim of this study was to evaluate in more detail the non-haemorrhagic causes of obstetric ICU admissions and to identify and adopt high risk strategies as prime learning objective.Methods: It is a prospective ongoing study conducted in 50 patients in SGRDUHS, Amritsar from December 2016 to October 2019, who were admitted in obstetric ICU, out of them 30 cases were attributed to non-haemorrhagic obstetric causes. All demographic parameters along with gestational age, diagnosis on admission, intervention done prior to shift to ICU and details of treatment given in ICU were evaluated. Patient outcome, review of mortality and area of improvement were also noted.Results: Majority of the patient (70.1%) were admitted in 3rd trimester. Obstetric sepsis (13.33%), infective diseases (16.66%), tropical conditions (16.66%), medical disorders (26.66%) and hypertensive disorders (26.66%) were the major causes of admission to obstetric ICU. There were 33.3% mortalities observed in present study and 40% were due to respiratory failure. In ICU mechanical ventilation was done in 63.3% cases and blood products were given in 33.3% of patients.Conclusions: A multidisciplinary approach is ideal to handle non-haemorrhagic situations especially related to medical disorders and tropical diseases. Review of the ICU admissions and periodic audit can improve management of morbidities as well as reduce maternal mortalities.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207256


Background: Adenomyosis and leiomyoma are the common causes of abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB). In this study it is aimed to evaluate the correlation of clinical and histopathological examination (HPE) of these entities leading to abnormal uterine bleeding.Methods: This retrospective study was carried out on hysterectomy specimens of subjects who presented themselves in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology of Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of medical sciences and research, Amritsar with chief complaints of AUB not responding to conservative treatment.Results: A total of 100 women with clinical diagnosis of AUB in which hysterectomies were performed, leiomyoma was found in 42% cases, adenomyosis in 22% cases. The most frequent combination of diagnosis was leiomyoma and adenomyosis i.e. 26%. In 9% cases chronic cervicitis and ovarian cyst were detected. In one case endometrial malignancy was found.Conclusions: Though adenomyosis and leiomyoma are clinically diagnosed along with other pathological conditions of the reproductive organs but their confirmation is still to be relied upon HPE; a most important investigation.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206937


Background: The aim of the study was to assess the feasibility, safety and efficacy of performing myomectomy during cesarean section.Methods: It was prospective study conducted in Sri Guru Ram Das University of Health and sciences which is a tertiary care referral centre. Myomectomy was conducted in 34 pregnant women during elective or emergency cesarean section. Analysis was done with reference to age, parity, character of myomas, intraoperative and post-operative morbidity, duration of surgery and duration of stay in hospital.Results: In this study 34-58 fibroid of various size (2-14 cm) were removed in 34 patients during cesarean section. Majority of fibroids were located in body of uterus (65.5%) and in anterior wall (55.2%) and all them were sub serosal. No significant difference was found in mean preoperative hemoglobin (11.8±0.7) and postoperative hemoglobin (10.9±0.8). No patient had postpartum hemorrhage requiring cesarean hysterectomy. Only two patient needed blood transfusion postoperatively. Mean time taken for surgery was 58.4±8.94 minute and average duration of hospital stay was 6.7±1.6.Conclusions: With the advent of better anesthesia, easy availability of blood and blood component, cesarean myomectomy is safe surgical procedure when performed by experienced obstetrician in carefully selected patients.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206581


Background: The management of critical illness in pregnancy requires intensive monitoring of obstetric patients in the intensive care unit. Systematic way of surveillance will allow the measurement of outcomes of interest and associated risk factors. Intensive care unit is highly specified and sophisticated area of hospital which is specifically designed, staffed, furnished and equipped, dedicated to the management of critically sick patients, injuries or complications. The aim of this study was to know the frequency of ICU admission in obstetrical patients, to analyse the medical or surgical comorbidity related to obstetrical problems, to segregate the cause of morbidity and to identify the risk reducing strategies.Methods: This observational study was conducted in 40 ICU patients in present institute from 1st December 2016 to 28th February 2019. The present study was divided into two groups in group I, intervention was done first followed by ICU intervention and in group II, ICU stabilization was done first followed by obstetrical intervention. The parameters noted were age, parity, gestation age, diagnosis on admission, associated medical and surgical comorbidity, reason for ICU admission, any surgical procedure performed, details of treatment given in ICU like ventilator support, blood transfusion, dialysis or ionotropic support. Patients outcome, review of mortality and area of improvement were also noted.Results: There were 17.5% mortalities observed in present study. The most common ICU intervention was blood transfusion (81.19%) followed by mechanical ventilation (37.8%). Commonest cause of mortality was multiorgan dysfunction (28.5%) followed by hypertensive disorder of pregnancy (14.3%), peripartum cardiomyopathy (14.3%), acute fatty liver of pregnancy (14.3%), septic shock (14.3%) and acute febrile illness (14.3%). Most of the patients were unbooked (74.3%), 47.2% cases did not receive antenatal care.Conclusions: There is need for antenatal registration of all pregnant women and institutional deliveries should be the aim. There should be antenatal detection and management of medical and surgical comorbidities. There is need for training in emergency obstetrics so that complication can be recognized and managed at an optimum time.

Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol ; 2002 Nov-Dec; 68(6): 334-7
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-53204


Five hundred unselected newborn babies delivered in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Unit II of SGBT Hospital attached to Government Medical College, Amritsar during April 2000 to October 2000 were examined for cutaneous lesions daily for the first five days after birth. Different cutaneous lesions were seen in 474(94.8%) newborns. The physiological skin changes observed in order of frequency were Epstein pearls in 305(61%), Mongolian spot in 301(60.2%), superficial cutaneous desquamation in 200(40%), icterus in 128(25.6%), milia in 119(23.8%), sebaceous gland hyperplasia in 107(21.4%), occipital alopecia in 94(18.8%), lanugo in 72(14.4%), peripheral cyanosis in 47(9.4%), breast hypertrophy in 29(5.8%) and miniature puberty in 28(5.6%) newborns. Of the transient non-infective skin diseases, erythema toxicum neonatorum was observed most commonly in 105(21%), followed by miliaria rubra in 103(20.6%) and acne neonatorum in 27(5.4%) newborns. The naevi and other developmental defects in the descending order were salmon patch in 69(13.8%), congenital melanocytic noevi in 10(2%), accessory tragi in 3(0.6%), spina bifida in 2(0.4%), hydrocephalus in 1(0.2%) and poliosis in 1(0.2%) newborns. Cradle cap was the only dermatitis observed in 50(10%) newborns. One (0.2%) case each of Harlequin ichthyosis and labial cyst was seen.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-170808


Two hundred and thirty cases of tuberculosis were analysed at randoln in O.P.D. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Government Medical college, Amritsar from January 1997 to March 2001. The aim was to evaluate the clinicopathological presentation of the disease and the mode of diagnosis by formulating some suspicion criteria, inclusion criteria, exclusion criteria and conclusion criteria and to see the response of anti-tubercular therapy. Maximum patients (43.47%) were in 20-25 years age group. Infertility was present in 78.69% patients, menstrual disturbances in 33.91 %, chronic pain lower abdomen in 53.91% and adnexal masses in 32.60% patients, 1.73 % cases reported with pregnancy with tuberculosis. Although neutropenia and lymphocytosis were also considered to be supporting tests, yet ESR was found to be raised in 90% patients. Mantoux was positive in 93.91% and Elisa testing in 78.69% patients. Positive value of HSG was found to be 69.06 % and that of diagnostic laparoscopy was 94.160/0. However, positive HPE of endonletriuln was observed in 3.3 1% patients only. The diagnostic conclusion criteria was taken as two non-specific positive and one specific positive investigations. 17.6% patients conceived during or after the treatment while 96.77% patients were relieved from chronic lower abdomen pain, 89.79% from menstrual disturbances and T. o. masses disappeared in 89.33% patients after the anti-tubercular therapy.