Atypical, bizarre, symplasmic (symplastic), or pleomorphic leiomyoma contains bizarre tumor cells with variation in size and shape, hyperchromatic nuclei, giant cells and occasional multinucleated giant cells but no coagulative necrosis or increased mitotic activity. Mitotic counts higher than 10/10hpf in such a tumor indicates a high malignant potential smooth muscle tumor (leiomyosarcoma). Bizarre leiomyoma closely mimics leiomyosarcoma. We report a case of 31 years old, nulliparous woman who presented with a history of infertility. On examination she was found to have uterine fibroid of 28 weeks size over a period of 5 years. She was diagnosed to have fibrobid clinically and on ultrasonographic examination. Hence, a myomectomy was performed. Histomorphological features are of atypical (Symplastic) leiomyoma which closely mimics leiomyosarcoma and immunohistochemical markers are certainly of help to exclude malignancy in case of dilemma.