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Int. j. morphol ; 39(4): 969-976, ago. 2021. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385463


SUMMARY: This study aimed to characterize the anthropometric profile and functional performance of elite competitors in different categories in the world championship of the ABADÁ-Capoeira School. Fifty high level male athletes were divided according to their weight categories, being: light category (VIOLA: ≤ 76.9 kg; n = 15); intermediate category (MEDIO: > 77.0 kg until ≤ 85.9 kg; n = 25) and heavy category (GUNGA: ≥ 86.0 kg; n = 10). Two evaluation batteries were performed: 1) anthropometry and somatotype determination; 2) physical performance in tests of push-up, sit-up, sit-and-reach, quadrant jump test, squat jump (SJ), and counter movement jump (CMJ). The "endo-mesomorph" classification predominated in the three categories. There was a difference in the quadrant jump test between VIOLA and GUNGA subgroups (F[2.47] = 4.299; p = 0.019). Endomorphism had a negative correlation (p < 0.01) with the performance in the sit-up (r = -0.51), push-up (r = -0.39), SJ (r = -0.45), and CMJ (r = -0.49). Male elite competitors at the international level, regardless the weight category, have a predominance of the mesomorphic component of the somatotype. Moreover, all capoeira athletes were classified as excellent for the sit-and-reach, sit-up, and push-up, and the latter were positively correlated with mesomorphism. However, endomorphism was inversely associated with the sit-up, push-up, SJ, and CMJ. In this way, the present study assists coaches in the formulation of appropriate training programs aiming the development of an ideal physical composition, which will be associated with high-level performance in capoeira.

RESUMEN: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar el perfil antropométrico y el desempeño funcional de los competidores de élite en diferentes categorías en el campeonato mundial de la Escuela de Capoeira ABADÁ. Cincuenta deportistas masculinos de alto nivel se dividieron según sus categorías de peso: categoría ligera (VIOLA: ≤ 76,9 kg; n = 15); categoría intermedia (MEDIO: > 77,0 kg hasta ≤ 85,9 kg; n = 25) y categoría pesada (GUNGA: ≥ 86,0 kg; n = 10). Se realizaron dos baterías de evaluación: 1) antropometría y determinación del somatotipo; 2) rendimiento físico en pruebas de flexiones, abdominales, sentadillas y estiramientos, prueba de salto en cuadrante, salto en cuclillas y salto con contramovimiento. La clasificación "endo-mesomorfo" predominó en las tres categorías. Hubo una diferencia en la prueba de salto de cuadrante entre los subgrupos VIOLA y GUNGA (F [2,47] = 4,299; p = 0,019). El endomorfismo tuvo una correlación negativa (p <0.01) con el desempeño en los abdominales (r = - 0,51), lagartijas (r = -0,39), SJ (r = -0,45) y CMJ (r = - 0,49). Los competidores de élite masculinos a nivel internacional, indepen- dientemente de la categoría de peso, tienen predominio del componente mesomórfico del somatotipo. Además, todos los atletas de capoeira fueron clasificados como excelentes para sit-and-reach, sit-up y push-up, y estos últimos se correlacionaron positivamente con el MESO. Sin embargo, el ENDO se asoció inversamente con los abdominales, lagartijas, SJ y CMJ. De esta manera, el presente estudio ayuda a los entrenadores en la formulación de programas de entrenamiento adecuados que apunten al desarrollo de una composición física ideal, que estará asociada con un rendimiento de alto nivel en la capoeira.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Composición Corporal , Antropometría , Artes Marciales , Rendimiento Atlético , Somatotipos
Motriz (Online) ; 24(2): e101803, 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-955138


Abstract AIMS The present study aimed to investigate the effects of whole body isometric resistance training (IRT) on blood pressure (BP), strength and aerobic fitness. We also analyzed whether the effects of whole body isometric training compares to whole body dynamic resistance training (DRT). METHODS Twenty-nine pre-hypertensive sedentary males, aged between 40 and 60 years were divided into three groups: IRT (n = 10), DRT (n = 9), and Control (n = 10). Both programs involved whole body resistance training, and occurred for 12 weeks, three times/week, at an intensity of 60% of a dynamic one repetition maximum test (1RM). Before and after 12 weeks, 24 hours blood pressure monitoring, 1RM strength and aerobic fitness were assessed. RESULTS IRT reduced diastolic BP values during a 24-hour period and daytime. There was also a decrease in mean BP values during daytime (P<0.05). No interaction between time and group in systolic BP, diastolic BP, mean BP, heart rate and arterial stiffness index were observed (P>0.05). IRT increased strength and aerobic fitness when compared to Control group. However, these changes were lower than DRT regarding strength (DRT: ∆ = 43.1±10.6% vs. IRT: ∆ = 24.1±7.1% vs. CON: Δ = 4.2±11.5%; P<0.05) and aerobic fitness (DRT: ∆ = 22.9±10.7% vs. IRT: ∆ = 12.9±6.1% vs. CON: Δ = -2.1±7.4%; P<0.01). CONCLUSION Whole body IRT reduced diastolic BP and mean BP, however, the decrease was not different for the DRT group. IRT also increased strength and aerobic fitness, nevertheless, these changes were lower than after DRT.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Aptitud Física , Entrenamiento de Fuerza/instrumentación , Prehipertensión/fisiopatología , Entrenamiento Aeróbico
Conscientiae saúde (Impr.) ; 16(1): 2017153160, 31 mar. 2017.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-875758


Introdução: A hipotensão pós-exercício é definida como uma redução da pressão arterial, após uma única sessão de exercício, para valores abaixo dos observados no repouso pré-exercício. Objetivo: Revisar sistematicamente a literatura quanto ao efeito dos intervalos de recuperação entre séries na hipotensão pós-exercício resistido. Métodos: Foram realizadas buscas por dois investigadores independentes nas bases de dados Pubmed, Scopus e Cochrane Controlled Trials Database. Resultados: Foram encontrados 570 estudos entre 1980 e 2016, onde destes, 6 atenderam os critérios de elegibilidade. Conclusão: O intervalo de recuperação de 120 segundos entre séries parece promover maior duração e magnitude na hipotensão pós-exercício resistido quando adotado o método convencional. Por outro lado, quando o método circuitado foi realizado, 30 a 40 segundos de intervalo de recuperação entre séries podem ser importantes na indução da hipotensão pós-exercício resistido de pressão arterial sistólica. (AU)

Introduction: The post-exercise hypotension is defined as a reduction in blood pressure to values below those observed in the pre-exercise rest. Objective: To review systematically the literature regarding the effect of the recovery intervals between sets on post-resistance exercise hypotension. Methods: Two independents investigators performed search on Pubmed, Scopus and the Cochrane Controlled Trials Database. Results: Were found 570 studies between 1980 and 2016, where of these, 6 met the eligibility criteria. Conclusion: The recovery interval of 120 seconds between sets appears to promote greater duration and magnitude in post-resistance exercise hypotension when adopted the conventional method. On the other hand, when the circuited method is performed, 30 to 40 seconds of recovery interval between sets may be important in the induction of post-resistance exercise hypotension of systolic blood pressure. (AU)

Entrenamiento de Fuerza/métodos , Descanso , Ejercicio Físico
Saude e pesqui. (Impr.) ; 9(1): 137-142, jan.-abr. 2016. tab, ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-832003


A composição corporal e a pressão arterial (PA) podem sofrer influências de padrões do estilo de vida (EV). Desse modo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a influência do EV em variáveis antropométricas e PA em adultos jovens frequentadores de parque de lazer. Cento e quatro indivíduos de ambos os sexos (31±8 anos) responderam o Questionário "Estilo de Vida Fantástico" e foram submetidos a mensurações de PA, circunferência da cintura (CC), massa corporal e estatura para cálculo do índice de massa corporal (IMC). A amostra foi dividida por sexo e estratificada em "Baixo EV" (BEV; 0-69 pontos) e "Alto EV" (AEV; 70-100 pontos). Diferenças foram encontradas quando comparados os estratos BEV vs. AEV para massa corporal (Geral: 74±16 vs. 67±13 kg; Masc: 84±17 vs. 74±13 kg; Fem: 66±10 vs. 61±8 kg; p <0 ,05); IMC (Geral: 27±4 vs. 24±3 kg.m2(-1); Masc: 27±4 vs. 25±4 kg.m2(-1); Fem: 26±4 vs. 24±3 kg.m2(-1); p < 0,05); CC (Geral: 84±1 vs. 79±10 cm; Masc: 91±14 vs. 83±11 cm; p < 0,05); e PA diastólica (Geral: 79±8 vs.73±13 mmHg; Masc: 79±8 vs.71±15 mmHg; Fem: 80±8 vs. 73±12 mmHg; p < 0.05). Foi possível concluir que frequentadores de parque de lazer com BEV apresentam variáveis antropométricas e PA diastólica aumentadas em relação aos que apresentam AEV.

Body composition and arterial blood pressure (AP) are affected by lifestyle (LS). Current research investigates the influence of LS on the anthropometric variables and AP in young adults who frequent a recreation park. One hundred and four subjects of both genders, 31±8 years old, answered the questionnaire "Fantastic Lifestyle" and their blood pressure (AP), waist circumference (HC), body mass and height for Body Mass Index (BMI) were taken. The sample was divided by gender and stratified in "Low LS" (LLS; 0-69 scores) and "High LS" (HLS; 70-100 scores). Differences occurred when LLS vs HLS were compared for body mass (General: 74±16 vs. 67±13 kg; Male: 84±17 vs. 74±13 kg; Female: 66±10 vs. 61±8 kg; p <0.05); BMI (General: 27±4 vs. 24±3 kg.m2(-1); Male: 27±4 vs. 25±4 kg.m2(-1); Female: 26±4 vs. 24±3 kg.m2(-1); p < 0.05); CC (General: 84±1 vs. 79±10 cm; Male: 91±14 vs. 83±11 cm; p < 0.05); diastolic AP (General: 79±8 vs.73±13 mmHg; Male: 79±8 vs.71±15 mmHg; Female: 80±8 vs. 73±12 mmHg; p < 0.05). Results show that people from the recreation park with LLS had altered anthropometric variables and diastolic AP when compared with those of HLS.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Índice de Masa Corporal , Circunferencia de la Cintura , Presión Arterial , Estilo de Vida