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Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226508


Introduction: Collection of medicinal herbs having similar effect are collectively known as Gana (group) in Samhita and Vargas (category) in Nighantu. Surasadi Gana is included in 37 of such groups mentioned in Sushruta Samhita, with 21 Herbs completing the group. This article is made in a view to review the importance and utility of few herbs included in Surasadi Gana indicated for the management of respiratory disorders. Material and Methods: The literature regarding the drugs mentioned in the group, collected from different Ayurveda classics. Research papers are compiled from published sources and discussed in light of therapeutic effects. Observation and Result: Maximum of the herbs in this group are having properties as Katu rasa (pungent) and Ushna veerya (hot potency). Such herbs are predominantly advised in Kapha (phlegm humour) dominant diseases, viz. Kasa (cough), Shwasa (asthma), Pratishyaya (common cold), Kushtha (skin disorders), Krimi (worm infestation) and Vrana (wound). Conclusion: The herbs, despite having several Ayurvedic indications, the respiratory tract is the focus of the specific activity.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226452


‘Swarnaprashana’ as a lehana chikitsa and several Ayurveda Rasayana drugs can boost the immune system in a specific or nonspecific manner including both innate or adaptive arms of the immune response and enhance the body’s overall natural resistance to the disease-causing agent rather than directly neutralize the agent itself in children. Aim: To critically review and analyze the role of Ayurveda in the management of childhood immunodeficiency disorders. Method: Various Traditional Ayurveda texts and books, magazines, and research journals as well as PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Web of Science, Ayush research portal, and Clinical Trial Registry, India are used as a source of information about the immune-enhancing effect of Ayurveda drugs useful in childhood immunodeficiency disorders. Discussion: Immunodeficiency disorders are a group of heterogeneous disorders with immune system abnormalities characterized by various combinations of recurrent infections, autoimmunity, lymphoproliferation, granulomatous process, etc. ‘Swarnaprashana’ as a lehana chikitsa and Ayurveda Rasayana drug helps the body resist its natural tendency to manage or tolerate the strength, severity, or progression of an illness as well as its natural tendency to prevent the emergence of an illness. ‘Swarnaprashana’ and Rasayana drugs are used as antioxidants, improving immune status, bactericidal & antimicrobial activity, antiviral, and protectives. It promotes an individual's strength, boosts immunity, and helps to prevent and overcome illness. When the immune system is compromised, it results in immunodeficiency, which leaves the body exposed to a variety of fatal illnesses. ‘Swarnaprashana’ and Rasayana drugs mentioned in Ayurveda classics are known to boost the immune system. Conclusion: The present paper reveals that ‘Swarnaprashana’ as lehana chikitsa and Ayurveda Rasayana drugs are effective in treating childhood immunodeficiency disorders.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194759


Kashyapa Samhita is a book of pediatrics having main focus on the health and well-being of children and their pathological manifestations. The most revered source book available on Kaumarbhritya, is presented in the form of compilations of the preaching of Acharya Kashyapa by his disciple Vridhha Jivaka. The Kashyapa samhita available today is actually one fourth or even less than what it would have been in its original form. Fortunately we have Vedanadhyaya where in 32 pediatric illnesses are described. The text is divided in various sections (Sthanas) of which Vedanadhyaya is twenty fifth chapters in Sutra Sthana. Acharya Kashyapa has provided us a strong diagnostic tool which is useful in day to day practice of pediatrics. He undoubtedly laid the foundation stone of clinical pediatrics. Vedanadhyaya concerns the symptomalogy of various diseases in children and serves as a great guidance for pediatric examination and diagnosis as children are unable to narrate their symptoms themselves. So the present article reviews the original text of the chapter and critically analyses it in light of contemporary medical science.

J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 2013 July-Sept; 4(3): 171-175
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-173319


Background: Sport science studies applications of scientifi c principles and techniques with the aim of improving sports performance. Objective: Present research work was carried out with the aim to enhance the sport performance of children. Materials and Methods: Randomized double blind placebo controlled study was conducted in children involved in sports to assess the effi cacy of trial drug “Vidarikandadi Yog”. Total of 72 healthy students were selected for the study after screening 412 students. Out of them, 60 students completed the study. The students were randomly divided into two groups. Group A (Vidarikandadi Yog) comprising of 38 and Group B (placebo) of 34 students. The trial drug “Vidarikandadi Yog” was given in the dose of 200 mg/kg/day in two divided doses for 2 months with milk and follow up was conducted fortnightly. Results: The study revealed the statistically signifi cant results for weight and chest circumference, whereas highly signifi cant results were obtained for muscular strength and endurance assessment parameters (Push-up Test, Sit-up Test, and Hand Grip Strength Test). Change in Ruler Drop Test was not signifi cant. Results were signifi cant for cardio-respiratory parameters (Resting Heart Rate, Resting Respiratory Rate, and Harvard Step Test). Conclusion: Vidarikandadi Yog is a potential drug for enhancing the sport performance due to its Brinhaneeya effect.