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Ciênc. rural ; 39(9): 2452-2459, dez. 2009. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-534729


O sucesso da cultura do girassol (Helianthus annuus L.) no Brasil está associado à escolha adequada de cultivares com adaptação a diferentes ambientes. Quando há respostas diferenciadas dos genótipos testados nos diferentes ambientes, a decisão de lançamento de novas cultivares pode ser facilitada com estudos de adaptabilidade e estabilidade desses genótipos para reduzir os efeitos da interação genótipos x ambientes. No país, essas informações tornam-se mais importantes, pois a maioria das cultivares utilizadas, ou em lançamento, foram desenvolvidas em outros países, com características de solo e clima diferentes. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a adaptabilidade e estabilidade de genótipos de girassol na região subtropical do Brasil, uma das regiões promissoras do país para o seu cultivo. Os dados foram obtidos da Rede Nacional de Ensaios de Avaliação de Genótipos de Girassol, coordenada pela Embrapa Soja, entre os anos de 1999/2000 e 2003/2004. Os caracteres avaliados foram rendimentos de grãos e de óleo (kg ha-1). Os estudos de adaptabilidade e estabilidade foram realizados segundo as metodologias de PORTO et al. (2007), EBERHART & RUSSELL (1966) e ROCHA et al. (2005), as quais utilizam procedimentos biométricos distintos. Diferente do método de EBERHART & RUSSELL (1966), o de PORTO et al. (2007) selecionou genótipos que, apesar de terem médias gerais inferiores às testemunhas, tiveram bons desempenhos em ambientes específicos. Esse método foi mais rigoroso em selecionar genótipo, em relação ao de ROCHA et al. (2005). Para rendimento de grãos, o genótipo ACA 884 apresentou indicação para ambientes em geral, EM 677008, Agrobel 930 e GV 26048 foram indicados para ambientes favoráveis, e ACA 885, para os desfavoráveis. Para rendimento de óleo, ACA 884 teve indicação geral, GV 26048, CF 17, Agrobel 972 e Helio 358 tiveram indicação para ambientes favoráveis, e HT 01 e ACA 885, para os desfavoráveis.

The success of sunflower crop in Brazil is associated to the choice of adapted cultivars to different environments. When there are different genotypes answers in different environments, the release of new cultivars can be facilitated by carrying out studies of adaptability and stability of these genotypes to reduce the effects of genotypes x environments interaction. In Brazil, this information become more important, therefore the main cultivars had been developed in others countries, with different soil traits and climate. The objective of this study was to select sunflower genotypes for the sub-tropical region of Brazil. Experimental data from 1999/2000 to 2003/2004 were obtained by the National Sunflower Trials, coordinated by Embrapa Soja. The evaluated traits were grain and oil yields (kg ha-1). It was carried out a study of adaptability and stability of genotypes according to the methods proposed by PORTO et al. (2007), EBERHART & RUSSELL (1966) and ROCHA et al. (2005). Differently from the method of EBERHART & RUSSELL (1966), PORTO et al. (2007) selected genotypes, that despite of its lower overall average in relation to reference standard had good performance in specific environments. This method was more rigorous to select genotypes, when compared with ROCHA et al. (2005). For grain yield, genotype ACA 884 was indicated for general environments, EM 677008, Agrobel 930 and GV 26048 were indicated for favorable environments and ACA 885 for the unfavorable environments. In the same way, for oil yield, ACA 884 had general indication, GV 26048, CF 17, Agrobel 972 and Helio 358 are indicated for favorable environments and HT 01 and ACA 885 for the unfavorable ones.

Dados rev. ciênc. sociais ; 51(1): 183-213, 2008. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-484638


This article discusses how ethnic conflicts negatively affect human rights and how international intervention acts for the defense of these rights. We thus compare the structure by which ethnic conflicts are triggered and an ideal scenario in which the state is capable of guaranteeing human rights, in keeping with the United Nations perspective. While identifying the points at which ethnic conflicts breach the foundations of human rights, we analyze a second scenario in which it is impossible to guarantee such rights, raising the issue of humanitarian intervention. Finally, we argue that although human rights have gained relevance in the post-Cold War period, they do not constitute a cohesive set of objectives. Therefore, in order to understand the selectiveness behind humanitarian interventions, we conclude that it is essential to consider other interests.

Dans cet article, on examine comment les conflits ethniques atteignent de façon négative les droits de l'homme et comment a lieu l'intervention internationale en vue de la défense de ces droits. Pour cela, on oppose la structure qui déclenche des conflits ethniques et un cadre idéal où l'État serait capable d'assurer l'exercice des droits humains, selon l’optique soutenue par les Nations Unies. Ainsi, à mesure qu'on dénonce les points où ce genre de conflit mine les fondements de ces droits, on construit un deuxième cadre où ils ne sont pas assurés, et c'est là que se pose la question de l'intervention humanitaire. Enfin, on observe que, malgré l'importance des droits humains dans l'après-Guerre Froide, ils ne forment pas une association d'objectifs. Il faut donc, pour comprendre les critères de sélection qui commandent les interventions humanitaires, prendre en compte d'autres intérêts.

Genet. mol. biol ; 31(2): 505-511, 2008. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-484990


Asian soybean rust (ASR), caused by the phytopathogenic fungi Phakopsora pachyrhizi, has caused large reductions in soybean (Glycine max) yield in most locations in Brazil where it has occurred since it was first reported in May 2001. Primary efforts to combat the disease involve the development of resistant cultivars, and four dominant major genes (Rpp1, Rpp2, Rpp3 and Rpp4) controlling resistance to ASR have been reported in the literature. To develop new long-lasting soybean ASR resistance genes, we used field experiments to assess ASR leaf lesion type in 11 soybean genotypes (BR01-18437, BRS 184, BRS 231, BRS 232, BRSGO Chapadões, DM 339, Embrapa 48, PI 200487, PI 230970, PI 459025-A and PI 200526) and the 55 F2 generations derived from their biparental diallel crosses. The results indicated that PI 200487 and PI 200526 carry different dominant resistance major genes which are both different from Rpp2 through Rpp4. Furthermore, resistance to ASR in BR01-18437 is controlled by a single recessive major gene, also different from Rpp1 through Rpp4 and different from the genes in PI 200487 and PI 200526.

Genet. mol. biol ; 31(1): 98-105, 2008. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-476158


Soybean is one of the most important crops in Brazil and continuously generates demands for production technologies, such as cultivars resistant to diseases. In recent years, the Asian rust fungus (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd. & P. Syd 1914) has caused severe yield losses and the development of resistant cultivars is the best means of control. Understanding the genetic control and estimating parameters associated with soybean (Glycine max) resistance to P. pachyrhizi will provide essential information for cultivar selection. We investigated quantitative genetic control of P. pachyrhizi and estimated parameters associated to soybean yield in the absence and presence of this phytopathogen. Six cultivars and their 15 diallel derived F2 and F3 generations were assessed in experiments carried out in the absence and presence of P. pachyrhizi. The results indicated that soybean yield in the presence and absence of P. pachyrhizi is controlled by polygenes expressing predominantly additive effects that can be selected to develop new cultivars resistant or tolerant to P. pachyrhizi. These cultivars may prove to be a useful and more durable alternative than cultivars carrying major resistance genes.

Glycine max/genética , Hongos/genética , Asia , Brasil , Sitios de Carácter Cuantitativo
Dados rev. ciênc. sociais ; 50(1): 189-220, 2007. graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-455418


The aim of this article is to verify the analytical feasibility of Two-Level Game - TLG theory to analyze Brazils action in the World Trade Organization - WTO. We simultaneously analyze whether the enhancement of Brazilian democratic institutions in relation to foreign policy-making can help meet demands by interest groups and expand the technical quality of Brazilian diplomacy in international trade negotiations. We further verify whether this improvement can generate greater credibility and international legitimacy for Brazils actions in the WTO, allowing the country to shape favorable international regimes for its interests. We develop this argument by analyzing Brazils drug patent case against the USA in the WTO.

Dans cet article, on cherche la viabilité analytique du Jeu à Deux Niveaux - JDN pour examiner la situation brésilienne dans l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce - OMC. On cherche à voir, en même temps, si le perfectionnement des institutions démocratiques brésiliennes en ce qui concerne le processus de formulation de la politique extérieure sera capable d'améliorer la réponse aux demandes des groupes d'intérêt et d'élargir la compétence technique de la diplomatie brésilienne dans les négociations commerciales internationales. On cherche aussi à savoir si ce perfectionnement peut faire monter la crédibilité et la légitimité internationale des démarches brésiliennes au sein de l'OMC, dans le sens de tourner en leur faveur les régimes internationaux. Pour cela, on analyse le contentieux des brevets pharmaceutiques mené contre les États-Unis au sein de l'OMC.