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Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 23(1): 36-43, Jan.-Feb. 2013. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-666178


Tea from Phyllanthus niruri L., Phyllanthaceae, aerial parts is commonly used by Brazilian folk medicine for its benefits on the treatment of genitourinary disorders, for what the polyphenolic compounds are mainly responsible. The yield of such compounds may be influenced by several variables related with the plant growth. The effects of planting periods and harvesting conditions are investigated in this work, including four different seasons. The cultivation was characterized by dry mass yield of aerial parts, and the effect of pruning was analyzed. Leaves, stems and their mixtures were analyzed after drying and milling. Loss on drying and water soluble extractives were used as physical parameters for quality control. Flavonoid content and gallic acid were chosen as chemical markers for this work. The spectrophotometric trial based on the aluminum chloride complexes was applied to evaluate the total flavonoids content. Gallic acid contents were measured from the water extractive solutions by high-performance liquid chromatography. The pruning caused a positive influence on the amount of leaves and stems. The highest flavonoids and gallic acid contents were found in the leaves, which were developed over the summer and the winter, respectively, both from the second harvesting (after pruning). Chomatographic profile by HPLC was characterizes by the presence of gallic acid and two other major peaks (not identified substances), which relation was peculiar to each aerial part. In conclusion, these results suggest that even under less favorable climatic conditions, in winter, the pruning seems to cause a strong influence over the P. niruri polyphenolics production. Indeed, the total flavonoids content, as well as the HPLC profile, can be used as indicative parameters of the ratio of leaves and stem in the vegetal raw material.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 20(3): 300-309, jun.-jul. 2010. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-555907


Entre as diversas atividades biológicas relatadas para as saponinas, merecem destaque aquelas relacionadas ao aumento da resposta imune e a ruptura das membranas dos eritrócitos. No desenvolvimento de vacinas, ambas as propriedades exercem atividades antagônicas, contudo, as informações sobre as relações estrutura-atividade são relativamente escassas e, às vezes, conflitantes. O presente trabalho visa contribuir no estabelecimento das relações estruturais envolvidas com as atividades imunoadjuvante e hemolítica de saponinas triterpênicas. Para isso, foram selecionadas vinte saponinas de estrutura triterpênica, isoladas das espécies Aesculus hippocastanum, Dolichos lablab e Glycine max. A relação entre grupamentos substituintes do anel triterpênico e as atividades biológicas foi estudada mediante análise de agrupamentos e análise de componentes principais. Os resultados confirmam a importância da presença de açúcares em C-3 para a atividade hemolítica. Porém o efeito causado pela presença de uma hidroxila em C-16, de CH2OH em C-17, de uma acetila em C-22 e de um grupamento acila em C-21 sobre essa atividade parece ser mais acentuado. Já a presença de uma hidroxila em C-21, de uma metila em C-17 e de dois açúcares ligados à aglicona parece ser determinante para a atividade imunoadjuvante. Além disso, observa-se a existência de uma relação inversa entre as atividades hemolítica e imunoadjuvante.

Among the various biological activities reported for saponins, those related with increase immune response and the destruction of the membrane of red blood cells deserve attention. In the development of vaccines, these properties exert antagonistic activities. However, the information about the structure-activity relationships is relatively scarce and sometimes contradictory. This paper aims to contribute to the establishment of structural relations involved with the hemolytic and adjuvant activities of triterpenic saponins by the analysis of the different groups linked to aglycone, with the use of multivariate statistical techniques. For this, we had twenty triterpenic saponins previously isolated from Aesculus hippocastanum, Dolichos lablab. and Glycine max species. Their adjuvant and hemolytic activities are available in the literature. These saponins were analyzed as groups linked to the triterpenic ring and biological activities resulting in an array of date that was submitted to cluster analysis and principal components analysis. The results confirm the importance of sugars in C-3 for hemolytic activity. However, the effect caused by the presence of a hydroxyl in C-16, CH2OH in C-17, acetyl in C-22 and acyl in C-21 on the hemolytic activity seems to be more important. On the other way, the presence of a hydroxyl in C-21, a methyl in C-17 and two sugars linked to aglycone seem determinant for adjuvant activity. Moreover, there is an inverse relationship between adjuvant and hemolytic activities in the set of saponins analyzed.

Ciênc. cult. (Säo Paulo) ; 49(5/6): 364-9, Sept.-Dec. 1997. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-214098


Phytopharmaceutical drugs play an important role in the Brazilian health system considering both economic and cultural perspectives. Pondering the richness of the Brazilian flora and the wide use of medicinal plants by the population, there should be sufficient knowledge to apply that information as a suitable starting point to transform medicinal plants into adequate industrial pharmaceutical dosage forms. Problems involving lack of organized knowledge and scientific information are not sufficiently solved to accomplish the modern drug concept, which has to consider efficacy, safety and constant quality. On basis of one of the most used medicinal plants in southern Brazil, Achyrocline satureioides, this paper presents and discusses the problems involving the transformation of medicinal plants into phytopharmaceutical drugs, showing some steps carried out by the academic milieu in order to provide answers to solve this question.

Formas de Dosificación , Industria Farmacéutica , Medicina de Hierbas , Plantas Medicinales , Brasil , Monitoreo de Drogas