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Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-962996


Coconut water, which is readily available for the preparation of low cost culture media specially by peripheral laboratories of this country, have been found to be a satisfactory basic nutritional requirement for the culture of V. cholera. Colonies formed on Coconut Water Agar were characteristic and distinct from the colonies of commonsals. In a comparative study with MEA and TCBS, no significant difference were observed in the recovery percentage of V. cholerae from rectal swabs pre-enriched in Coconut Water Broth. Preliminary enrichment of the fecal samples in coconut Water Broth for six hours at 37 C and inoculating the broth inoculum on Coconut Water Agar seemed to be the cultural procedure of choice in its use in the laboratory diagnosis of cholerae.(Summary)

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963679


A bacteriological survey for Salmonellosis was conducted in Suburban Manila during the period from March 25 to August 30, 1969. Salmonellosis was present in 4.2% of 1,647 individuals examined, 33.3% of which is due to the host adapted specie S. typhi and 66.7% due to the host unadapted specie S. interiditis. Fifteen serotypes were found with ser Anatum predominating. Seven serotypes were recorded for the first time. Three Vi-phage types of S. typhi were detected with Vi-phage types 43 predominantly prevalent. (Author)

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963699


Out of 94 cases with a clinical diagnosis of cholera, only 69.15% could be bacteriologically proven. The pitfalls in the clinical diagnosis is in the less severe casesNCV, which had been attributed by many authors as possible cause of diarrheal disease in man does not seemed to be true with the three isolates in this studyThere was a fairly close correlation between the bacteriological and the serological findings in this study, which confirmed results of other workers. However, while the bacteriological results could be affected by antimicrobial, the serological was not. A combined bacteriological and serological study of cases with clinical manifestations of cholera would therefore results in a greater percentage of confirmed cases. (Summary)