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Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214962


Incidence of breast malignancy is increasing in India which can be attributed mostly to changing lifestyle and increased hormone usage, and partly to increasing awareness. We wanted to determine the prevalence of malignant breast lesions in females, evaluate the histological spectrum of malignant breast lesions and study their association with common findings like age, side, histological grade and their biological behaviour.METHODSPresent study is a two-year (August 2016 to July 2018) cross sectional study of malignant lesions of female breast, conducted in the Department of Pathology of Jawaharlal Lal Nehru Medical College, Ajmer, Rajasthan.RESULTSIn this study, 159 malignant lesions of the female breast were diagnosed during study period that comprised of 26.02% of total breast lesions and 1.22 % of the total histopathological samples received. Age of the females having malignant breast lesions ranged from 28 years to 92 years with a mean age of 52.87 ± 12.944 years. The incidence of malignant breast lesions was maximum in 5th and 4th decades of life. The most common clinical symptom for presentation was the palpable lump (79.25%) in the breast. Lesions were more common in the right breast (53.5%), than left. The commonest quadrant involved in malignant lesions of breast was upper outer (30.19%). Infiltrating ductal cell carcinoma was the most common malignant lesion (85.33%) followed by invasive lobular carcinoma (5.66%). Out of 99 specimens having lymph node with it, 65 (65.66%) cases show metastatic deposits of malignancy. Grade II (MBR score) lesions (51.35%) were found most commonly.CONCLUSIONSHistopathology of the malignant lesion is useful in understanding the morphological and biological behaviour of the malignancy as some types of malignancy have aggressive behaviour. Grading and staging have an important role in treatment plan (surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormonal therapy) and also in assessing the prognosis

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203414


Introduction: -thalassemia is the most frequent single genedisorder in the world. As a result of repeated transfusions,significant hepatic fibrosis develops over time and itsprogression is directly related to degree of iron overload. In thepresent study we investigated the relationship between theextent of hepatocellular injury as reflected by liver functiontests (LFTs) and serum ferritin.Materials and Methods: It was an analytical cohort studycarried out during the time period from January 2017 to June2018 from High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)confirmed -thalassemia patients, dependant on regular bloodtransfusion.Results: Our study included 58 (58%) male patients and 42(42%) female patients. Level of Hemoglobin and Packed cellvolume (PCV) increased after 6 months of chelation therapycompared to pre-chelation levels. Whereas, the S. Ferritin andLiver enzymes levels decreased after 6 months of initiation ofchelation therapy.Conclusion: High S. ferritin is a sensitive predictor of hepaticdysfunction, hence, it is a good and reliable non-invasivescreening test for iron overload but it is not a good indicator ofdisease progression, as it has low specificity above levels of2500 ng/ml. Combination therapy with deferiprone anddeferasirox is more effective than either drug alone.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-211587


Background: There is a wide spectrum of salivary gland lesions with morphological and clinical diversity which makes it a difficult task for histopathological interpretation. Tumours of salivary glands are uncommon accounting for 3-10% of the total tumors of head and neck region and less than one percent of all tumours. The aim of this study was to recognize various histomorphological patterns of salivary gland lesions, their frequency, age, gender and site wise distribution.Methods: This study was carried out from June 2015 to May 2018 in the department of Pathology, JLN Medical College and associated Group of Hospitals, Ajmer. Total 121 cases of salivary gland lesions were included. Specimens were processed and stained by Hematoxylin and Eosin stain followed by histopathological examination.Results: Out of total 121 cases, 43.8% were non-neoplastic and 56.2% were neoplastic. In non-neoplastic lesions predominant was chronic sialadenitis (50.9%) followed by mucocele (28.3%) which commonly seen in submandibular gland (47.17%). Among neoplastic cases, 79.4% were benign and 20.6% were malignant lesions. Neoplastic lesions commonly were seen in parotid (75%). Pleomorphic adenoma was the commonest benign tumour (81.4%). Mucoepidermoid carcinoma was the most common malignant salivary tumour. Benign tumours were common in third and fourth decades, whereas malignant tumours were more common in fifth and sixth decades. Male predominance was seen in overall salivary gland lesions.Conclusions: Histopathological examination is mandatory in the diagnosis of salivary gland lesions because of their wide spectrum of histomorphology.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203244


Introduction: The prevalence of leukemia is known to varythroughout the India. An attempt was made to find out patternof leukemia and its distribution throughout the Ajmer region.Materials and Methods: Samples of 45,391 cases werecollected in Haematology section, Department of Pathology,Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College, Ajmer during last 2 yearsand 6 months from January 2014 to June 2016. Clinicallysuspected patients were sent for Complete Blood Count,Peripheral Blood Film and bone marrow examination and otherroutine investigations.Results: Most prevalent leukemia was Chronic MyeloidLeukemia 47 cases (35%) and least prevalent is ChronicLymphocytic Leukemia 13 cases (9.7%). Acute leukemia weremore diagnosed in young adult, while chronic leukemia weremore in middle and old age group. Leukemia was found morein male patient (male:female ratio 1.19:1).Conclusion: The commonest leukemia was found to beChronic Myloid Leukemia. Leukemia was more prevalent inmales