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Interdisciplinaria ; 29(2): 271-286, dic. 2012.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-694740


El objetivo del trabajo que se informa fue determinar si, en casos de transmisión inter-generacional de maltrato, se verificaba transmisión de tipologías de abuso y establecer el contexto del abuso. Se desarrolló un estudio exploratorio con 10 agresores de niños, quienes habían sido víctimas de abuso. Para la recolección de datos se utilizaron una entrevista semi-estructurada y un cuestionario socio-demográfico. Se realizó un análisis del contenido para estudiar los datos textuales, el test de Fisher para determinar la posible dependencia entre los tipos de abuso sufridos y practicados y análisis del componente principal para explorar asociaciones entre categorías. Se verificó la transmisión del abuso físico en siete casos, en dos casos de abuso psicológico y en dos de negligencia. No se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa entre las tipologías de abuso sufrido y practicado. Las categorías Entorno Familiar (218 unidades de registro -u.r- unidad de codificación básica) y Relaciones Intrafamiliares (151u.r.) presentaron el mayor número de u.r., y las categorías Abuso Sexual (1u.r.) y Agresor como Figura de Identificación Reconocida (4u.r.), el más bajo. El contexto del abuso se explica mejor mediante un modelo bidimensional: Maltrato e Interacciones Sociales y Contexto del Abuso, Sentimientos y Percepciones. Se encontraron fuertes asociaciones entre Abuso Psicológico y Físico, Relaciones Interpersonales, Inclinación al Abuso y Hábitos Tóxicos, y entre ser la única víctima de agresiones, viendo al otro como figura de identificación y sentimientos negativos hacia el agresor. La transmisión de las tipologías de abuso no fue significativa, pero se encontraron asociaciones entre aspectos contextuales y son discutidos junto con sus limitaciones e implicaciones.

The way child maltreatment has been seen and dealt with has changed over time. Nowadays, it is a phenomenon of great importance and social recognition, being the target of many studies, and having led to the creation and implementation of several protection measures. The intergenerational transmission of maltreatment is one of the main causes for current child abuse and neglect. In this way, our objective was to assess whether a transmission of abuse typologies occurred, in the cases where an intergenerational transmission of maltreatment is observed. Thus, we developed an exploratory study using a convenience sample of 10 child aggressors, who had been victims of abuse during their own childhood, from the district. All participants fulfilled the inclusion criteria and had similar socio-economic background. The participants gave their informed consent to participate in this study. For data collection we used a semi-structured interview, developed specifically for this study, and a socio-demographic questionnaire that enabled a characterization of the sample. All the interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. The data produced was then analyzed using as used content analysis, to study the textual data collected with the interviews, and principal components analysis. Fisher’s test was used to determine the association between suffered and inflicted types of abuse (p < .005 was considered significant). Based on our data analysis we observed that in seven cases there was an intergenerational transmission of Physical Abuse, in two cases of Psychological Abuse and in another two cases of Neglect. In four cases different types of abuse, than those suffered, arose. In five cases, several types of abuse were inflicted concomitantly. However, there was no statistically significant relation between the types of abuse suffered and those inflicted. Furthermore, 813 recording units (r.u. - which are basic codification units) were obtained in the content analysis, throughout the seven pre-categories (21 categories, 10 sub-categories). The content analysis’ categories Family Environment and Intra-family Relationships, were the ones with the highest number of r.u., and also the most disparate, when compared with the remaining categories (Family Environment = 218 r.u., Intra-family Relationships = 151 r.u.); being followed by Physical Abuse (87 r.u.) and Feelings towards the Perpetrator (58 r.u.). In opposition, the categories with the lowest number of r.u. were Sexual Abuse (1 r.u.) and Aggressor as Recognized Identification Figure (4 r.u.). Moreover, we also found differences between the participants who inflict Physical Abuse and those who are negligent, as Physical Abuse is transmitted in most cases while negligence is not. Differences were also found in the quality of the family environment, outside-family relationships and self-recognition as aggressors. A relation between excusing / exonerating the aggressor and feeling self-guilt for the abuse was found. Also, a relation between naming the aggressor as the identification figure and self-recognition as an aggressor was found in this sample. A principal component analysis was performed and the results evidenced that the context where the abuse occurs is better explained by a two-dimension model, being the dimensions Maltreatment and Social Interactions and Abuse Context, Feelings and Perceptions. Strong associations were found between Psychological and Physical Abuse, Interpersonal Relationships, Feelings towards Abuse, and Toxic Habits / Consumptions, or no apparent reason as causes for abuse; and between being the only victim of aggressions, perceiving other (not the aggressor) as an identification figure and negative feelings towards the aggressor. The transmission of abuse typologies was not statistically significant in this sample; however associations between contextual aspects were found and are discussed along with the limitations and implications of this study. Furthermore, we believe this information could be applied in the development of primary prevention and intervention programs.

Psico USF ; 12(1): 1-12, jan.-jun. 2007. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-535104


A crescente preocupação com os aspectos técnicos e éticos da avaliação psicológica, em particular da utilização de técnicas de avaliação, tem-se reflectido na importância que lhes é internacionalmente atribuída. Neste enquadramento, procurámos descrever as percepções e as práticas dos psicólogos portugueses quanto à avaliação psicológica. Com base num inquérito nacional junto de psicólogos (N = 1259), respondido por 265 participantescom mais de três anos de actividade, descrevemo-los quanto ao percurso de formação, contexto profissional e utilização de técnicas de avaliação, e cruzámos as variáveis tempo e contextos de actividade com a utilização, e o valor e percepções quanto ao uso das técnicas. Destacamos a percepção positiva relativamente à formação recebidana área da avaliação psicológica, mesmo afirmando a necessidade de formação complementar ou o desconhecimento das orientações internacionais sobre o uso das provas (lacuna mais evidente no contexto escolar). As inovações passam, sobretudo, pelo recurso à informatização/novas tecnologias.

The growing attention given to the use of psychological assessment techniques is reflected on the importance attributed to it internationally. Our study is inscribed in this movement. We aim to characterize the use of psychological assessment techniques in Portugal, through data from a national survey of practicing psychologists (N= 1259). Responses were collected from 265 participants with more than three years of activity, and analysed in terms of graduation course, professional context and use of psychological assessment techniques. Then, we cross variables such as time practice and professional contexts with data referring to the use, and to the value and perceptions about psychological assessment techniques utilisation. Results suggest a positive perception about the adequacy of academic preparation on psychological assessment, although feeling the necessity of further preparationand unknowing the international standards concerning tests utilization (namely school psychologists). The principal innovation to consider is the wider utilization informatics/new technologies.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Diagnóstico , Práctica Psicológica , Pruebas Psicológicas , Psicología , Psicometría