The author carried out an examination of brucellosis on the cattle of the State of Paraná (Brazil). In cow milk, an incidence of 7,90 percent was found, but a severe focus was located in Castro county (29,92 percent). In cattle, breaded extensively, the incidence was 16,49 percent. An higher percentage was located particular in the vicinity of the State of São Paulo, in which the livestock in general are kept on artificial pasturages. Sixty breeding farms were visited and 1716 samples of serum,sera from cattle were examined, as well as 797 sera from cows milk.
O rebanho bovino paranaense apresenta um índice de brucelose relativamente alto, particularmente no Norte e Leste do Estado. O gado leiteiro revelou um índice de 7,90%, com um foco grave no Município de Castro (29,92%). Bovinos criados em regime extensivo de pastagens naturais se apresentam com menor grau de infecção, pois a maior incidência foi encontrada no Norte do Estado, onde, regra geral, os campos são constituídos de pastos artificiais.