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Hepatitis Monthly. 2004; 4 (7): 65-70
en Inglés | IMEMR | ID: emr-203598


Background and aims: interferon monotherapy is currently the only approved treatment for chronic hepatitis C [CHC] infection in transfusion dependent thalassemic patients, in whom ribavirin has limited use because of its hematologic complications. Our aim was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of pegylated Interferon monotherapy for the treatment of HCV infection in transfusion dependent thalassemic patients

Methods: the trial was a multicenteric, open label, single treatment prospective study of Peginterferon alfa-2 a [PEGASYS, 180 micg per week] for a period of 48 weeks. 32 subjects, 18 to 42 years old [mean +/- SD: 24.1 9.44 years], whose serum HCV RNA was positive and mean ALT remained greater than 1.5 times upper limit of normal were enrolled. A percutaneous liver biopsy was performed before treatment and all patients underwent monthly assessment of any adverse events and were monitored for serum ALT. Efficacy was assessed by measuring serum HCV RNA following 24 week treatment-free period . One patient missed follow up and another died due to a drug unrelated cause and 30 patients were evaluated

Results: liver biopsy showed mild fibrosis in 3 1.2%, moderate fibrosis in 53.1 % and cirrhosis in 15.6% of patients. Siderosis was severe in 16 patients [50%]. In 26 out of 30 patients [86.6%] HCV RNA was negative at the end of treatment [ETR response]. Data about 24 weeks post treatment was available in 23 patients, which showed a sustained virological response [SVR] of about 14/23 [60.8%]. Two patients had an elevated end of treatment serum ALT instead of negative HCV RNA but their ALT returned to normal assoon as the treatment stopped. These 2 patients were considered to have INF toxicity

Conclusion: our experience indicates that the cure of HCV-related liver disease in thalassemic patients is not an unrealistic aim and may be reached with Peginterferon alfa-2a monotherapy in a sizable portion of cases

Hepatitis Monthly. 2004; 4 (7): 71-74
en Inglés | IMEMR | ID: emr-203599


Background and aims: peginterferon alpha-2a is a known standard therapy for patients with chronic HCV infection. However, efficacy and safety of this treatment is still unclear in regional settings. This study was designed to clarify efficacy and safety of peg-interferon based therapy in Iranian patients

Methods: 23 patients were treated with Peginterferon alpha-2a in combination with ribavirin for 48 weeks. The patients were observed for adverse effects and response to therapy during treatment and 24 weeks after the end of therapy

Results: early virologic response, end of treatment response, and sustained virologic response rates were 86.9 % [20/23], 82.6 % [19123], and 78.3 % [18123] respectively- The most common adverse effects in descending order were flue-like symptoms [74%], mood changes [48%], and weight loss [43%]

Conclusion: combination therapy with Peginterferon alpha-2a and ribavirin for 48 weeks is an effective treatment with minimal adverse effects