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Crit. Care Sci ; 36: e20240068en, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564431


ABSTRACT Objective To identify factors associated with hospitalization in the intensive care unit in children and adolescents with COVID-19. Methods This was a retrospective cohort study using secondary data of hospitalized children and adolescents (zero to 18 years old) with COVID-19 reported in Paraíba from April 2020 to July 2021, totaling 486 records. Descriptive analysis, logistic regression and multilevel regression were performed, utilizing a significance level of 5%. Results According to logistic regression without hierarchical levels, there was an increased chance of admission to the intensive care unit for male patients (OR = 1.98; 95%CI 1.18 - 3.32), patients with respiratory distress (OR = 2.43; 95%CI 1.29 - 4.56), patients with dyspnea (OR = 3.57; 95%CI 1.77 - 7.18) and patients living in large cities (OR = 2.70; 95%CI 1.07 - 6.77). The likelihood of requiring intensive care was observed to decrease with increasing age (OR = 0.94; 95%CI = 0.90 - 0.97), the presence of cough (OR = 0.32; 95%CI 0.18 - 0.59) or fever (OR = 0.42; 95%CI 0.23 - 0.74) and increasing Gini index (OR = 0.003; 95%CI 0.000 - 0.243). According to the multilevel analysis, the odds of admission to the intensive care unit increased in male patients (OR = 1.70; 95%CI = 1.68-1.71) and with increasing population size of the municipality per 100,000 inhabitants (OR = 1.01; 95%CI 1.01-1.03); additionally, the odds of admission to the intensive care unit decreased for mixed-race versus non-brown-skinned patients (OR = 0.981; 95%CI 0.97 - 0.99) and increasing Gini index (OR = 0.02; 95%CI 0.02 - 0.02). Conclusion The effects of patient characteristics and social context on the need for intensive care in children and adolescents with SARS-CoV-2 infection were better estimated with the inclusion of a multilevel regression model.

RESUMO Objetivo Identificar fatores associados ao internamento na unidade de terapia intensiva de crianças e adolescentes com COVID-19. Método Estudo de coorte retrospectiva, com dados secundários, de crianças e adolescentes hospitalizados (zero a 18 anos), notificados com COVID-19 na Paraíba, de abril de 2020 a julho de 2021, totalizando 486 registros. Foram realizadas análise descritiva, regressão logística e regressão multinível, considerando o nível de significância de 5%. Resultados Na regressão logística sem níveis hierárquicos, ocorreu aumento da chance de internamento na unidade de terapia intensiva em pacientes do sexo masculino (RC = 1,98; IC95% 1,18 - 3,32), com desconforto respiratório (RC = 2,43; IC95% 1,29 - 4,56), dispneia (RC = 3,57; IC95% 1,77 - 7,18) e residentes em cidades com grande porte populacional (RC = 2,70; IC95% 1,07 - 6,77). Foi observada diminuição da chance de cuidados intensivos com aumento da idade em anos (RC = 0,94; IC95%=0,90 - 0,97), presença de tosse (RC = 0,32; IC95% 0,18 - 0,59), febre (RC = 0,42; IC95% 0,23 - 0,74) e aumento no Índice de Gini (RC = 0,003; IC95% 0,000 - 0,243). Na análise multinível, a chance de internamento na unidade de terapia intensiva aumentou no sexo masculino (RC = 1,70; IC95%=1,68-1,71) e por conta do aumento no porte populacional do município a cada 100 mil habitantes (RC = 1,01; IC95% 1,01 - 1,03); a chance de internamento na unidade de terapia intensiva diminuiu em pacientes pardos versus não pardos (RC = 0,981; IC95% 0,97 - 0,99) e por conta do aumento a cada pontuação do Índice de Gini (RC = 0,02; IC95% 0,02 - 0,02). Conclusão Os efeitos das condições próprias do paciente e do contexto social na necessidade de cuidados intensivos em crianças e adolescentes com infecção pelo SARS-CoV-2 são mais bem estimados com a inclusão de um modelo de regressão multinível nas análises.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360805


ABSTRACT Hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) is a highly contagious viral disease commonly associated to Enteroviruses (EV). During 2018, Brazil faced massive HFMD outbreaks spread across the country. This study aimed to characterize the EV responsible for the HFMD outbreak that occurred in Paraiba State, Brazilian Northeastern region, in 2018, followed by a phylogenetic analysis to detail information on its genetic diversity. A total of 49 serum samples (one from each patient) collected from children ≤ 15 years old, clinically diagnosed with HFMD were tested for EV using conventional RT-PCR and RT-qPCR. EV infection was confirmed in 71.4% (35/49) of samples. The mean and median ages were 1.83 years and one year old, respectively. Twenty-two EV-positive samples were successfully sequenced and classified as EV-A species; 13 samples were also identified with the CV-A6 genotype. The phylogenetic analysis (VP1 region) of three samples revealed that the detected CV-A6 strains belonged to sub-lineage D3. The CV-A6 strains detected here clustered with strains from South America, Europe and West Asia strains that were also involved in HFMD cases during the 2017-2018 seasons, in addition to the previously detected Brazilian CV-A6 strains from 2012 to 2017, suggesting a global co-circulation of a set of different CV-A6 strains introduced in the country at different times. The growing circulation of the emerging CV-A6 associated with HFMD, together with the detection of more severe cases worldwide, suggests the need for a more intense surveillance system of HFMD in Brazil. In addition, this investigation was performed exclusively on serum samples, and the analysis of whole blood samples should be considered and could have shown advantages when employed in the diagnosis of enteroviral HFMD outbreaks.

Divulg. saúde debate ; (20): 77-81, dez. 2000. mapas, tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-291105


Em 1994, os ministros da saude dos paises da America, durante a XXIV Conferencia Sanitaria Pan-Americana da Organizacao Pan-Americana da Saude (OPAS), assumiram o compromisso de erradicar o sarampo na Regiao das Americas ate o ano 2000. Para isso, a Paraiba e demais estados brasileiros implantaram o Plano Nacional de Erradicacao do Sarampo, sob a coordenacao da Fundacao Nacional de Saude (FUNASA). Grandes avancos foram alcancados na vigilancia do sarampo com a implementacao das estrategias de vigilancia epidemiologica desse Plano: o aumento substancial das coberturas vacinais e a realizacao de campanhas periodicas de vacinacao. Ha 18 meses nenhum caso da doenca e registrado, nao sendo detectada, portanto, a circulacao do virus selvagem no estado

Programas de Inmunización , Control de Enfermedades Transmisibles , Sarampión/mortalidad , Sarampión/prevención & control , Estrategias de Salud Regionales