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J Biosci ; 2012 Jun; 37 (2): 227-232
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-161665


Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is considered the major stimulant for food intake in mammals and fish. Previous results indicate that NPY is involved in the feeding behaviour of the Brazilian flounder, Paralichthys orbignyanus. In this study, we evaluated hypothalamic NPY expression before (−2 h), during (0 h) and after feeding (+2 h) in two independent experiments: (1) during a normal feeding schedule and (2) in fish fasted for 2 weeks. During normal feeding, changes in the levels of NPY mRNA were periprandial, with expression levels being significantly elevated at meal time (P<0.05) and significantly reduced 2 h later (P<0.05). Comparing the fasting and unfasted groups, NPY mRNA levels were significantly higher (P<0.05) at −2 h and +2 h in the fasting group, but there was no difference at 0 h. In addition, the higher NPY mRNA levels that were observed in the fasting group were maintained throughout the sampling period. In summary, our results show that NPY expression was associated with meal time (0 h) in food intake regulation.

J Biosci ; 2010 Sep; 35(3): 405-413
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-161465


Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is one of the most potent stimulants of food intake in vertebrates, mammals and fi sh. However, the present knowledge about feeding behaviour in fi sh is still limited and based on studies in a few species. The Brazilian fl ounder Paralichthys orbignyanus is being considered for aquaculture, and it is important to understand the mechanisms regulating feeding in order to improve its performance in captivity. The objectives of this study were to clone NPY cDNA, evaluate the mRNA levels in different tissues of fl ounder, and also evaluate brain NPY expression to associate food intake with NPY expression levels. A 597 bp NPY cDNA was cloned from Brazilian fl ounder brain. NPY expression was detected in all the peripheral tissues analysed. No signifi cant differences were observed in brain NPY gene expression over 24 h after food intake at a temperature of 15 ± 3°C. No correlation was observed among plasma glucose, total protein, cholesterol, triglycerides and NPY expression levels during this 24 h period. On the other hand, mRNA levels were increased after two weeks of fasting at elevated temperatures. Our results suggest that NPY mRNA levels in Brazilian fl ounder are affected by temperature.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 47(3): 461-467, July 2004. ilus, mapas, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-363426


O presente estudo descreve os movimentos de dois exemplares de elefante-marinho do sul (Mirounga leonina) durante a fase pelágica de seu ciclo de vida. Os exemplares foram capturados no verão austral de 1999 na Ilha Elefante (61º13'S, 55º23'W), Antártica, e monitorados por aproximadamente 9 meses. Cada exemplar foi instrumentado com um medidor de tempo e profundidade de mergulho via satélite (Sattelite Time Depth Recorder, STDR mod. ST-6PPT, Telonics®, EUA) com uma antena VHF acoplada ao instrumento, montado num molde de tela e resina, fixado com cintas plásticas, e colados na pelagem dorsal do animal com resina plástica. Para a instrumentação o animal era capturado com rede de contenção e imobilizado quimicamente com anestésico dissociativo (Zoletil 50®- 1mg/kg). Um dos indivíduos (23842), deslocou-se da Ilha Elefante (61.2ºS 55.3ºW) até a Ilha Rei George (62.2ºS 58.1ºW) em fevereiro quando perdemos contato com o instrumento. Já o indivíduo 23843 permaneceu nas águas ao redor da Ilha Elefante (61.2ºS 54.4ºW a 61.6ºS 55.4ºW) por grande parte do ano (janeiro à setembro), quando começou a deslocar-se para SW. Este indivíduo foi re-avistado na temporada de 1999/2000 quando o instrumento foi recuperado. Os deslocamentos registrados podem estar relacionados com o estágio de desenvolvimento de cada indivíduo. O presente estudo demonstra a viabilidade de estudos de monitoramento de elefantes-marinhos das Ilhas Shetlands do Sul, Antártica, através de telemetria por satélite e a necessidade da continuidade destes estudos num maior número de indivíduos para uma descrição mais detalhada dos padrões de migração, distribuição e forrageio apresentados.