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Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-811906


@#Traditionally, treatment for thyroid diseases is associated with very high mortality and morbidity. Various techniques been performed in the past including finger dissection and the use of finger nails to remove the thyroid tissues. The earliest reported thyroidectomy was probably by Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi or Albucasis. It was mentioned that, he performed an enucleation of a thyroid nodule in the 11th century in Spain. This was followed by Salerno in the twelfth centuries, using different technique, including setons, hot irons and caustic powders. The first documented partial thyroidectomy was performed by Pierre Joseph Desault in 1791. But at that time, thyroidectomy was considered as a barbaric surgery with high mortality. The poor result and high mortality had lead to the imprisonment of surgeons and total ban of the operation by the French Academy of Medicine in 1850. The advancement of thyroid surgery was most obvious in the second half of the nineteenth century when Theodor Billroth managed to reduce the mortality dramatically, thanks to the establishment of antisepsis, arterial ligation and precise capsular dissection which was introduced at the same time. There was further improvement on the mortality of the thyroid surgeries to almost zero, but the basic principles remain the same: identification of the recurrent laryngeal nerves and preservation of the parathyroid glands. What becoming a more important issue is the surgery now been performed for smaller thyroid for cosmetic reason, with the need to avoid visible scar in the neck

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-627058


The type of specific learning needs of women with breast cancer using the Information Needs Questionnaire (INQ) had been identified prior to developing a breast cancer education package. It is also important to determine the types of patient factors such as demographic and clinical factors that influence women’s specific learning needs on breast cancer. This study thus reports the findings on what type of patient factors influence women’s specific learning needs related to the types of INQ. A total of 140 women with breast cancer who sought treatment at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre participated in this cross sectional study. Age showed a significant relationship with specific learning needs on sexual attractiveness (p=0.001) and self-care (p=0.048). Duration of illness was related to information on spread of breast cancer (p=0.040) and self-care (p=0.047). Education level showed a significant relationship with cure (p=0.001), sexual attractiveness (p=0.007) and spread of breast cancer (p=0.003). Occupation showed a significant relationship with specific learning needs on sexual attractiveness (p=0.005), chemotherapy (p=0.043), radiotherapy (p=0.039) and hormonal therapy (p=0.043). On treatment received, a significant relationship was noted with sexual attractiveness (p=0.009), radiotherapy (p=0.029), hormonal therapy (p=0.038) and targeted therapy (p=0.047). Ethnicity and Marital status showed no significant relationship with all the specific learning needs. Findings of this study concluded that certain patient factors had significant relationship with certain specific learning needs. All the patient factors studied and their influence on the specific learning needs were taken into consideration prior to developing the breast cancer education package.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-629469


A surgeon’s experience plays an important role in breast conserving surgery (BCS). The common conception is that, the more junior is the operating surgeon, the surgical margin will be wider or closer to the tumour edge. Thus the aim of this study is to look into the adequacy of surgical margin performed by different level of surgeons’ experience in patients whom underwent wide local excision (WLE) and hook-wire localization (HWL) in our surgical unit. The surgical experience of the operating surgeon and their surgical margins will be analyzed. This is a retrospective study from January 2000 to December 2012. Eighty-eight patients with early breast cancer underwent WLE and HWL by 3 different groups of surgeons (breast surgeons, junior surgeons and surgical registrars) were included. The surgical margins were analyzed for involved-margin, closed-margin or excessed-margin.The incidence of involved-margin, closed-margin and excessed-margin is the lowest among breast surgeons compared to other groups. However, the results were not statistically significant. The incidence of involved surgical margin is significantly higher within junior surgeons for HWL compared to the breast surgeons. The incidence of involved, closed or excessed surgical margin were lowest when performed by breast surgeon but not significantly different between the three groups. However, for HWL the breast surgeons significantly better compared to the other groups.

Neoplasias de la Mama , Cirujanos
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-629491


Paraneoplastic syndrome (PNS) is a distant neurological manifestation of an underlying tumour. Humoral hypercalcaemia of malignancy is a form of paraneoplastic syndrome where there is an increased in calcium levels. In this article we report a 48 year old lady, with no known medical illness and presented with symptomatic hypercalcaemia. She presented to our institution complaining of a fungating and ulcerating mass over the right breast, measuring 11 X 15 cm and associated with gradual paraxial body weakness. Further investigations revealed the lesion to be an invasive breast carcinoma with metaplastic features. Computed tomography (CT) scan showed a locally advanced breast carcinoma with right axillary node metastasis, without evidence of distant metastasis. Serum calcium, i-PTH together with SPECT has confirmed the patient to have a humoral hypercalcaemia malignancy with elevated ectopic parathyroid hormone level. Bone scan did not reveal any evidence of metastasis. High volume intake and loop diuretics were employed in the management of hypercalcaemia, which was eventually resolved following mastectomy with axillary clearance of the ipsilateral side. Currently she’s she is under oncologist’s follow up for further management.

Neoplasias de la Mama
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-627284


Metaplastic breast cancer is a rare form of primary breast cancer. It contains a mixture of adenocarcinoma with metaplastic elements. It is important to differentiate with primary sarcoma of the breast which carries different treatment strategies and prognosis. A 55-year-old lady previously diagnosed to have a left breast cancer in the year 2000 and carcinoma of the endometrium in 2009, presented with a right breast lump. A trucut biopsy reported as an infiltrating ductal carcinoma with background of chondromyxoid and cartilagenous matrix, most probably metaplastic carcinoma. A wide local excision with sentinel lymph node biopsy was performed, and the final histology was consistent with metaplastic chondroid carcinoma of the breast with no evidence of metastsis. The surgery was followed by adjuvant radiotherapy and currently free from any recurrence. The diagnostic dilemma on this very rare condition is reviewed.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-629411


Radiotherapy has been widely use as an adjuvant therapy in the breast cancer management. The usage has increased the incidence of radiation induce sarcoma. We here present a case of radiation induce sarcoma of the axilla following mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection for infiltrating ductal carcinoma.

Medicine and Health ; : 47-56, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-628302


Aneusomy is an early genetic event and a characteristic feature of many solid tumors. It is often associated with poor prognosis in cancer patients. The involvement of PAX8-PPARγ rearrangement in tumorigenesis of follicular thyroid lesions has been widely assessed. However, there were few reports on aneusomy of the PPARγ gene at the 3p25 locus in follicular thyroid lesions. It remains undetermined whether these abnormalities can be translated into improved diagnosis, classification, or outcome prediction. Herein, we report three cases of follicular thyroid neoplasms [two follicular thyroid carcinomas (FTCs) and one Hurthle cell adenoma (HCA)] with 3p25 aneusomy detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). 3p25 trisomy was observed in one FTC and one HCA while 3p25 tetrasomy was observed in one FTC. Furthermore, all three lesions did not show overexpression of PPARγ protein. Hurthle cell neoplasms (HCN) are distinct clinically and histologically from other follicular thyroid neoplasms (FTN). However, the presence of the aneusomy in HCA and FTC indicates that there could be a biological continuum between the two and chromosomal gains might play an important role in the pathogenesis of these two types of neoplasms. Despite their differences, HCN and FTN may share the same early genetic event in tumour development.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-627464


Presence of a hypofunctioning pigmented adenoma are commonly asymptomatic and is usually only found during an autopsy. In contrast, hyperfunctioning pigmented adenoma is a rare clinical entity and in the majority of cases results in Cushing‟s syndrome. In this case study, we report a 66-year-old male who presented instead with the clinical and biochemical features of Conn‟s syndrome. On laparoscopic adrenalectomy, it was found that the tumour had a functioning black adenoma which does not usually present with Conn‟s syndrome but rather to that of a Cushing‟s. The intraoperative changes and histopathological findings are discussed.

Medicine and Health ; : 33-40, 2011.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-627468


The tetraspanin gene, CD151 is involved in various tumour cell progression and metastasis. Its expression is increased in high grade, estrogen receptor negative and c-erbB-2 positive breast cancer. However, the biological function and expression phenotype among different tumour status, estrogen receptor (ER) status, progesterone receptor (PR) status and c-erbB-2 expression in multi-ethnic Malaysian breast cancer patients has not been well investigated. We used quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) to measure the CD151 gene expression in 45 breast cancers. Our preliminary results revealed that CD151 expression is significantly higher in ER positive and PR positive breast cancers at 95% and 99% confidence intervals, respectively. In contrast, there is no significant correlation between CD151 expression and tumour grades or c-erbB-2 status at 95% confidence interval level. Our preliminary findings suggested that CD151 may be involved in the estrogen responsive pathways. CD151 could be a potential prognostic marker and therapeutic target in the treatment of estrogen dependent breast cancer patients.

Medicine and Health ; : 127-132, 2009.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-627688


Metaplastic breast carcinomas (MBCs) are rare primary breast malignancies characterized histologically by carcinoma of two epithelial types or co-existence of carcinoma with non-epithelial cellular elements. They are aggressive tumours that carry poor prognosis. We reviewed the pathologic features and clinical outcomes of MBCs seen in our institution between the years 2000 to 2007. Out of 471 breast cancer patients, six female patients were histologically-proven to have MBCs giving an incidence rate of 1.3%. The patients comprised four Malays and two Indians and their mean age was 51 years old. Five patients underwent mastectomy (four with axillary clearance and one without) and one had wide local excision with axillary clearance. Axillary lymph node involvement was seen in four patients (three with epithelial only type tumour and one with the biphasic tumour). In all the cases, the tumours were bigger than 5 cm in diameter (T3), grade 3 and estrogen receptor negative. Five patients received chemotherapy while one refused. All of the patients had tumour recurrence with a mean time of recurrence of 9 months. In conclusion, metaplastic breast carcinomas are rare and aggressive tumours usually affect the post menopausal age group. They present as aggressive, large sized, high grade tumours that are estrogen receptor negative. Tumour size and axillary lymph node involvement indicate poor prognosis. Despite treatment with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, these patients have high risk of local recurrence and distant metastases which are potentially fatal.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-37720


Breast cancer is the commonest cancer affecting females in Malaysia, contributing 31% of all newly diagnosed cases amongst Malaysian women. The present retrospective cohort study evaluated the relationship between cerbB- 2 onco-protein overexpression with various tumour characteristics and survival rate of breast cancer patients treated at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) between 1996-2000. CerbB- 2 oncoprotein overexpression was determined by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and tumors showing 2+ positivity were verified by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH). One hundred and seventy two patients were eligible for the study with a short-term follow-up (median) of 5.1 years. C-erbB-2 oncoprotein overexpression correlated with lymph node positivity, oestrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) negativity. Univariate analyses showed shorter disease free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) in patients with cerbB- 2 oncoprotein overexpression, Malay ethnicity, higher tumour grade, lymph node positivity, ER and PR negativity. In a subgroup of patients with c-erbB-2 oncoprotein overexpression, a shorter OS was observed in those with lymph node positivity, ER and PR negativity. In multivariate prognostic analysis, lymph node status, ER status and tumour grading were the strongest independent prognostic factors for both OS and DFS. However, c-erbB-2 status was not a significantly independent prognostic factor, even in subsets with lymph node positive or negative group. C-erbB-2 oncoprotein overexpression correlated well with lymph node status, ER and PR. Shorter OS and DFS were significantly observed in patients with c-erbB-2 oncoprotein overexpression. Lymph node status, ER status and tumour grading were the only three independent prognostic factors for OS and DFS in this study. Although c-erbB-2 expression is obviously important from a biological standpoint, multivariate analysis showed that it is not an independent prognostic indicator in breast carcinoma in the local population.

Medicine and Health ; : 58-65, 2007.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-627705


Thyroid nodules are common but thyroid malignancies are not. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology is a diagnostic tool used to screen patients with thyroid nodules who require surgery. We study the diagnostic accuracy of FNA as the initial diagnostic modality in the clinical assessment of thyroid nodules. Between January 1995 until December 2000, 2131 FNA of thyroid nodules were performed. Four hundred and forty-one (20.7%) of these were unsatisfactory and 1690 (79.3%) cases were satisfactory for cytological evaluation. Histopathological diagnosis were available for 361 cases. Cyto-histopathological correlation was carried out for these cases. Our results showed a diagnostic accuracy of 96.2% with sensitivity and specificity rates of 87.7% and 98.4% respectively. Our positive predictive value is 93.4% and our negative predictive value is 96.8%. From this study, we conclude that fine needle aspiration is an important initial screening diagnostic tool for the investigation of thyroid nodules.