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Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 236-238, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-620666


Objective T o prom ote the further research on body stature estim ation and the innovative ap-plications based on the distances betw een the anatom ical landm arks on body torso surface. Methods A specification for the collection of distances betw een the anatom ical landm arks on body torso surface w as established. T he data of 933 cases of adult population in Y angtze R iver D elta region w ere collected. M ultiple linear regression m ethod w as used to statistical analyse and establish the regression equation of stature estim ation. Results A regression equation about 5 variables including gender (x1), cervical verte-brae-coccyx line (x2), sterna-pubis line (x3), distance betw een acrom ion and iliospinale anterius (x4) and shoulder breadth (x5), and stature (y) w as established, y=105.406+5.414 x1+0.436 x2+0.286 x3+0.225 x4+0.193 x5. Conclusion T he m ethod is suitable for the rapid, sim ple and accurate estim ation of stature for the forensic experts.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 470-473, 2015.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-500301


Individual stature estim ation is one of the m ost im portant contents of forensic anthropology. C urrently, it has been used that the regression equations established by the data collected by direct m ea-surem ent or radiological techniques in a certain group of lim bs, irregular bones, and anatom ic landm arks. D ue to the im pact of population m obility, hum an physical im provem ent, racial and geographic differ-ences, estim ation of individual stature should be a regular study. T his paper review s the different m ethods of stature estim ation, briefly describes the advantages and disadvantages of each m ethod, and prospects a new research direction.