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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-498640


Objective To develop a curriculum system for social communication disorders rehabilitation in children with autism based on humanoid robot. Methods The curriculum was developed through the robot programming and the structure hierarchy of the curriculum. It was applied in three children with autism. Results and Conclusion The curriculum has been developed. All the children concentrated in the class, with few emotive disorders.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-480549


@#Objective To investigate the effect of humanoid robot on social skills, concentration and mobility in children with autism. Methods 10 autistic children were asked to interact with humanoid robot NAO in a teaching environment that involves active participation of the robot. The eye-contact and social interaction, as well as performances in accomplishing learning objectives were observed. Results The 10 children exhibited more concentrated gazing and significantly longer periods of silence. The actual number of interaction of the be-havior Gazing of 9 children exceeded 50%of the theoretical one, the success rate of which reaching 50%. For the behavior Waving, 5 chil-dren were able to interact for more than 50%of the theoretical times, with an accuracy of performance of 50%in 7 children. For Say Hello, 7 children were able to interact for more than 50%of the theoretical times, with an accuracy of performance of 50%in 4 children. Conclu-sion Application of humanoid robots NAO may improve the social skills, concentration and mobility in autistic children.