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Artículo en Malayalam | WPRIM | ID: wpr-625118


Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA) is a benign but locally invasive tumour. Patients are usually in their adolescent age and present with epistaxis and nasal blockage. Diagnosis is based on clinical evaluation and the C.T. scan findings. Pre-operative superselective embolisation (SSE) and surgical excision is the treatment of choice. The outpatient clinic of ORL-HNS hospital of University Science Malaysia received 25 referrals, all male, majority between 9-13 years of age and few adolescents. Clinically the patients were consistent with symptoms of recurrent epistaxis and nasal blockage. They reported from October 1998 to October 2001 from within the state of Kelantan and the nearby states of Pahang, Kedah and Terenganu. Diagnosis was mostly made on typical radiological findings and the tumours were classified accordingly into four stages. SSE and surgical excision was carried out in all cases. Regular follow-up helped us to identify early recurrences which were treated with salvage surgery or radiotherapy in one case with extensive intracranial extension. A retrospective review of presenting features, diagnostic difficulties, surgical approaches and its outcome is presented. Maxillary swing procedure performed in three cases as a new surgical option in the management of JNA is also discussed.