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Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-174920


Background: Dermatoglyphics, the study of fingerprints are constant and individualistic. It has been found useful in forensic medicine and identification purpose. It is useful in medical diagnosis of genetically inherited diseases and in detection of crimes. Objectives: The present study was conducted to correlate between digital dermatoglyphics patterns in ABO, Rh blood groups and to evaluate their significance. Methods: A total of 200 first year MBBS students of Pt. B.D. Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak, India, with known blood groups from age group 17-22 yrs were included in the study. Fingerprints were obtained by Ink method. Parameters studied were arches, whorls, loops. Results: Majority of the subjects (43.5%) in the study were of blood group A followed by blood group O, A and AB of whom 94.5% were Rh-positive. The general distribution of pattern of finger print showed high frequency (51.87%) of loops followed by whorls and arches. Almost same order was noticed in both Rh-positive and Rhnegative individuals or A, B, AB and O blood groups, except blood group O-ve which showed more whorls. Conclusion: There is an association between distribution of finger print pattern and blood groups.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-164530


Background: Dissection of the dead human body has been central to medical education since Renaissance. First year medical students normally experience a variety of emotional reactions and mixed feelings, when they encounter human cadavers for the first time. Aim: In order to assess the impact of anxiety and physical symptoms from the eperience of dissection room, a questionnair was prepared which provide an insight in to the diffrence in attitude and dissection hall. the students were asked to answer in either 'yes' or 'no' option. Observation: No statistical significant difference was found between the responses of male and female students except regarding the previous exposure to deal body, which was more in males and statistically significant (p<0.05). Difficulty in consuming food and shivering of hands were more common in males in comparison to females. Conclusion: A better teacher – student interaction, pre-education sessions will help in improving the attitudes of students towards cadaveric dissection, which will in turn offer a stable mental status for medicos to handle higher levels of stress in their clinical career, thereby reducing the drop-out rates.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-165485


Background: Bone is a rigid form of connective tissue in which the extracellular matrix is impregnated with inorganic salts, mainly calcium phosphate and carbonate, that provide hardness. Because of its hardness, bone is difficult to cut in the microtome; therefore, special techniques must be used for its study. Methods: Grinding of transverse sections of compact bone was done by using flint paper (size 0) which is simple, extremely cheap, rapid and easily available. Results: Under low power magnification, we observed a complete haversian system with volkmann’s canal and interstitial lamellae. Conclusions: This method of preparation of ground bone slides is not only helpful to undergraduate and post graduate students but also to osteoarchaeologists, palaeopathologists and forensic anthropologists.